
Terms for subject Technology containing Carpenter | all forms | exact matches only
carpenter ant木蚁
carpenter art木工技艺
Carpenter brake双箱制动器
Carpenter centrifuge卡氏离心脱水器
Carpenter Gothic哥特式木建筑
Carpenter Gothic尖拱式木建筑
carpenter machinery木工机械
carpenter's and joiner's tools粗纹木工具
carpenter's and joiner's tools粗细木工具
carpenter's apprentice木工学徒
carpenter's art木工工艺
carpenter's auger
carpenter's axe木工斧
carpenter's band saw木工带锯
carpenter's bench木工工作
carpenter's bench knife木匠木凳刀
carpenter's boast屋顶桁架的柱环与椽子的接榫
carpenter's brace木工钻
carpenter's bracket scaffold木工挑出式脚手架
carpenter's bracket scaffold木工托臂脚手架
carpenter's bracket scaffold木材金属平台膺架
carpenter's bracket scaffold木材金属托架平台脚手架
carpenter's certificate木匠证书
carpenter's certificate木匠执照
carpenter's chipping-off chisel木工平堑
carpenter's clamp木工夹
carpenter's drawing compass木工绘图圆规
carpenter's finish装修
carpenter's finish细木装修
carpenter's flat chisel木工凿
carpenter's flat plane木工平刨
carpenter's gage木工划线盘
carpenter's gage木工平面规
carpenter's gauge木工划线盘
carpenter's gauge木工平面规
carpenter's glue木工胶
carpenter's glue牛皮胶
carpenter's hammer羊角锤
carpenter's hammer木工锤
carpenter's hammer鱼尾锤
carpenter's hand saw machine木工带锯机
carpenter's hand sawing machine木工带锯机
carpenter's ink box木工墨斗
carpenter's ink box and line墨斗线
carpenter's ink number墨斗
carpenter's jack plane木工粗刨
carpenter's level木工水平尺
carpenter's level木工水平仪
carpenter's level木匠水平尺
carpenter's level rule木工水平尺
carpenter's line墨线
carpenter's line木工墨线
carpenter's mate木匠助手
carpenter's mattock鹤嘴锄
carpenter's mattock鹤嘴斧
carpenter's nail木工
carpenter's overalls木匠外套
carpenter's pincers胡桃钳
carpenter's pincers木工胡桃钳
carpenter's plane木工刨
carpenter's planer木工刨床
carpenter's punch木工钉冲
carpenter's roofing木屋盖
carpenter's room木工间
carpenter's rule木工尺
carpenter's saw木工锯
carpenter's sawing machine木工锯床
carpenter's sawing machine木工锯机
carpenter's scene幕间小节目
carpenter's scraper木工刮刀
carpenter's screw clamp台钳
carpenter's shop木工厂
carpenter's shop木工车间
carpenter's smooth plane木工细刨
carpenter's square矩尺
carpenter's square木工
carpenter's square钢曲尺
carpenter's square hammer木工方锤
carpenter's steel square木工钢角尺
carpenter's store木匠储[贮]藏室
carpenter's tool木工工具
carpenter's tool kit木工工具箱
carpenter's trade木工职业
carpenter's trying plane木工粗刨
carpenter's undertaking木作企业
carpenter's water level rule木工水平尺
carpenter's work木工
carpenter's work木作
carpenter's work木工程
carpenter's workshop木工厂
carpenter's yard木工厂
carpenter shop木工车间
carpenter stopper缆索掣
carpenter trade木工手艺
carpenter trade木工行业
carpenter undertaking木工操作
carpenter undertaking木工企业
coarse carpenter file粗木工锉
foreman carpenter and joiner木工工长
German type carpenter's pincers德式木工钳
middle carpenter file中木工锉
spatial carpenter inverter圆柱控制器
square shoulder carpenter's pincers方肩胡桃钳