
Terms for subject Economics containing Building | all forms | exact matches only
a stack building堆积大厦
alteration to a building改造建筑物
alteration to building改造建筑物
alternation to a building改建
amenities buildings舒适建筑
an office building account营业用房屋账户
Both the companies are bid ding on the new building contract这两家公司都在投标承包建筑新大楼
building account建筑账户
building and fixed equipment建筑及固定设备
building and loan association建房与贷款协会
building and premises建筑物和厂房
building-and-loan association建筑信用协会
building-and-loan association房屋贷款协会
building-and-loan association美国 贷款建筑公司
building code建筑法律
building contract forms房屋建筑用合同条款
building cost建筑物造价
building cost建筑费用
building cost of projects工程造价
building credit建设信贷
building design competition建筑方案竞争
building economy建筑经济
building economy index建筑经济指标
building economy norm建筑经济定额
building enterprises建筑业
building lease租地造物权
building lease租地造房权
building-lease-transfer contract建设一租赁一移交合同
building loan建筑贷款
building loan建设贷款
building material consumption norm建筑材料定额
building model建造模型
building of infrastructures基础设施建设
building, operation, maintenance, transfer projects建造、运营、维护和转让项目
building permits建筑许可证
Building Permits Survey建筑许可证调查
building projects土建工程
building rate建造速度
building rate房屋建造费率
building section施工单位
building service expenses房屋服务费用
building site rent建筑地基的地租
building society住宅购建互助合作社
building society房建社团
building society建房互助会
building specification建筑施工规格书
building specification建筑施工详述
building surveyors建筑施工专业分会
building under construction建筑中的房屋
capital formation in residential building construction居民住宅建筑投资
Capital goods consist of machinery, buildings and raw materials used to make other goods资本货物包括制造其他商品所用的机器、建筑物和原料
China Building Equipment and Parts Export Corporation中国建筑设备配件出口总公司
China National Corporation of Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation in Machine Building中国机械对外经济技术合作总公司
China National New Building Materials Corporation中国新型建筑材料公司
claim for the building of vessel诉权
claim for the building of vessel有关造船的债权
commercial residential building商品住宅
construction other than buildings庚屋建筑物外的其他基建
Contractors will be entrusted by the corporation with the building of the project该公司将委托承包商建造此项目工程
contribute cash or building以货币或建筑出资
contribute cash or buildings以货币或建筑物出资
cost of a building房屋造价
heavy machine-building industry重型机器制造工业
In building up the joint venture, our party will be responsible for the purchases of all the equipment在建立合资企业过程中,我方将负责一切设备采购事宜
In order to set up the building, the company will raise funds为了建造这幢大楼,公司将筹集资金
index number of building industry production建筑业生产指数
jerry-built building偷工减料的建筑
joint contract tribunal for standard form of building contract房屋建筑标准合同制订联合会
loft building阁楼建筑
loft building顶楼建筑
machine-building industry机械工业
manufacture of building materials建材生产
Minister of Machine-Building Industry机械工业部长
model building建造模型
model building建筑模型
model building建立模式
national federation of building trades employers全国建筑业雇主联合会
National Federation of Building Trade's Operatives全国建筑工人联合会
organizations charged with building the key construction projects重点建设单位
Please do not forget your explicit promise to provide us with building equipment请别忘了,你曾明确答应过向我们供应建筑设备的
price adjustment formulae For building contracts guide to application & procedure土建工程合同物价调整规划-使用和制订导则调价规则
price index number of building industry建筑价格指数
ratio of space allotted to buildings建筑楼比
self-designed factory buildings自建厂房
She is suing the building company for 1.000.000 compensation她正对建筑公司起诉,要求赔偿100万美元
ship-building industry造船工业
Sometimes buildings are built under lumpsum and cost-plus contracts有时候,一些建筑物是照一次总付合同及成本加佣金合同建造的
standard form of building contract formulae rules建筑工程标准合同条款
standing committee on indices for building contract建筑工程物价常设委员会
store building and equipment店屋及设备
system building制度设置
tax on land and buildings房地产税
tax on land and buildings土地及房产税
Thanks to a loan from the bank we can construct a new office building由于从银行取得一笔贷款,我们才能建造一幢新的办公大楼
The annual depreciation of buildings is about 2% on the estimated cost of construction建筑物的年折旧率大约是估定建筑费的2 %
The building company agrees to keep the owner informed of any developments relating to the construction建筑公司同意让业主经常了解有关施工的进展情况
The building company will concentrate upon on the completion of the project as early as possible该建筑公司将集中全力尽早完成这项工程
The building is kept in good condition during its tenancy这幢大楼在租赁期内保持着良好的状况
The building is ready for occupation这栋楼房可以居住了
The building maintenance cost information service Ltd房屋维修造价情报公司
The certain parcel of land, including its present and future buildings, has been mortgaged in order to secure the bond为担保此债券,这块土地连同现有的和今后的地面建筑物已被抵押出去
The chief engineer is charged with the superintendence of the business of building总工程师负责指挥营造业务
The construction of the office building was impeded owing to the contingency办公大楼的建造因意外事件而受阻
The interior and exterior of the buildings and of the surrounding premises should be kept clean大楼和周围房屋的里里外外都应保持清洁
The notice will be prominently displayed upon the buildings at the premises此通告将在房地产所在地的建筑物上以显著地位展示
The owner has effected and maintained fire insurance upon the buildings of the company业主对该公司的建筑物已投了保险
The permit for building the warehouse was granted by the authorities建筑仓库的许可证是当局发给的
the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Building Cost Information Service皇家测量师学会房屋造价情报所
The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement按照本协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费
These new buildings will be sited near a park这些新建大楼将位于公园附近
This highrise building is under construction这幢多层高楼正在建筑中
We found the building defective by means of reexamination通过复查,我们发现这座建筑物有缺陷
We leased several offices from a commercial building我们在一幢商业大厦租了几间办公室
We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包给"顶峰"有限公司
work of building socialism社会主义建设事业