
Terms for subject Microsoft containing and | all forms | exact matches only
Active Directory Users and ComputersUživatelé a počítače služby Active Directory (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface An open industry specification that defines power management on a wide range of mobile, desktop, and server computers and peripherals. ACPI is the foundation for the OnNow industry initiative that allows system manufacturers to deliver computers that start at the touch of a keyboard. ACPI design is essential to take full advantage of power management and Plug and Playstandard ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)
Alcohol and/or TobaccoAlkohol a/nebo tabák (A content descriptor developed by the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (CERO))
Apps for Office and SharePoint Developer CenterStředisko pro vývojáře aplikací pro Office a SharePoint (A website that provides tools and resources to help developers create apps for Office and SharePoint)
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML A set of technologies consisting of a client-side script framework, server controls, and moreAJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)
Audio and Video Tuning Wizard...Průvodce optimalizací zvuku a videa (An item on the Tools menu (in a Conversation window) or Actions menu (in the main Communicator window) that runs a wizard that helps the user verify that the camera, speakers, and microphone are working properly on the user's computer)
Audit and Control Management ServerServer pro správu auditů a kontrol (A Microsoft Office product that provides non-intrusive auditing of changes made to Excel spreadsheets and Access databases, and supports alerts, notifications and automatic workflows based on user activities such as macro or formula changes)
Billing and Account ManagementFakturace a správa účtu (A service that allows a customer to view and manage account and billing information for Microsoft services online)
black and white effectčernobílý efekt (One of a group of photo modifications someone can make to a color photo that mimic different effects that would be achieved by taking the same photo using black and white film stock. One effect uses strict conversion to monochrome by throwing away all of the color information. Others mimic the result when a black and white photo is taken through a colored filter-orange, red, or yellow-to enhance or suppress certain color information. Two effects perform strict conversions to monochrome and then apply a color tint-sepia or cyan-in one step)
Black and white effectsČernobílé efekty (The panel item that opens the image editing tool that enables the user to apply a black and white effect)
cause and effect diagramdiagram příčin a následků (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
Change the task status to Completed and close the formZměnit stav úkolu na Dokončeno a zavřít formulář (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
Click and Type pointer shapeukazatel s indikátorem funkce po kliknutí (A visual cue to indicate which formatting will be applied when you double-click: a left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned tab stop; a left indent; or left or right text wrapping)
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Aparttest CAPTCHA, alfanumerický ověřovací kód (A challenge meant to be easily solved by humans, while remaining too hard to be economically solved by computers)
complex type (An element that can contain other elements or attributes and appears askomplexní typ
3-D walls and floorstěny a podstava prostorového grafu (The areas surrounding many 3-D chart types that give dimension and boundaries to the chart. Two walls and one floor are displayed within the plot area)
3-D walls and floorstěny a podstava (The areas surrounding many 3-D chart types that give dimension and boundaries to the chart. Two walls and one floor are displayed within the plot area)
Delete Group and ContactsOdstranit skupinu a kontakty (An item on the right-click menu for a group that removes the selected group and its contacts from the user's contact list)
Deployment Image Servicing and ManagementObsluha a správa bitových kopií (A framework that provides a single point for IT professionals and OEMs to service and maintain Windows images offline through a scriptable command line utility and an easily extensible infrastructure)
Discovery and Risk AssessmentZjišťování a vyhodnocování rizik (A Microsoft Office product that identifies business-critical Excel spreadsheets and Access databases by discovering files across network shares and SharePoint libraries, and that provides flexible risk assessment and categorization based on relevance, materiality and business impact)
drag-and-droppodporující přetahování (Pertaining to an operation or feature that involves moving objects on the screen with a mouse or similar input device)
events and attractionsudálosti a zajímavosti (A sub-heading in Local Scout. Events are activities in the area that are taking place over the next few days, and attractions are places or ongoing activities taking place in that area)
extraction, transformation, and loadingextrakce, transformace a načítání (The act of extracting data from various sources, transforming data to consistent types, and loading the transformed data for use by applications)
Fade, In and OutVykreslit a zeslábnout (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
File and Registry Virtualizationvirtualizace souborů a registru (A feature that allows standard users to run applications that normally write to per-computer files and registry keys. If these write operations fail, they are automatically redirected to equivalent per-user locations)
Finance and Accounting System Implementationimplementace finančního a účetního systému (A template that outlines the steps needed to implement a finance and accounting system. It assumes an existing system or process is in place and a new system will be replacing it. It also assumes that the new application software system has already been chosen)
Fly In, Left and RightPřílet zleva a zprava (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Food and Drug Administration A U.S. governmental agency that is responsible for protecting public health by regulating things such as food, drugs, medical devices, and biological productsÚřad pro kontrolu potravin a léků (FDA)
Friends and FamilyPřátelé a rodina (A privacy relationship setting that allows the most amount of information to be viewed)
Hardware and Devices troubleshooterPoradce při potížích s hardwarem a zařízeními (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems about hardware and devices)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act A US federal law that provides rights and protections for participants and beneficiaries in group health planszákon o odpovědnosti za přenos údajů o zdravotním pojištění (HIPAA)
Help and how-toNápověda a návody (A section of windowsphone.com containing procedural topics, videos, and links to support information about Windows Phone and related technologies)
Help and Support CenterCentrum pro nápovědu a podporu (A unified place where a user can access all Help and Support content and services from Microsoft, the OEM, and the corporation)
Help and Support Center taxonomytaxonomie Centra pro nápovědu a podporu (In the Windows XP Help and Support Center, the classification system that organizes Help topics into specific categories)
Ink and Handwriting ServicesSlužba podpory rukopisu (A Tablet PC feature that provides ink support and handwriting recognition)
Install and Configure ModeInstalační a konfigurační režim (A mode that enables administrators to configure User Account Control to run in auto-elevation mode (i.e. "auto-approval") for specific times)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers " A society of engineering and electronics professionals based in the United States but boasting membership from numerous other countries/regions. The IEEE (pronounced ""eye triple ee"") focuses on electrical, electronics, computer engineering, and science-related matters."organizace IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
Location and Other SensorsLokátory a jiné snímače (An area within the Windows Control Panel that provides support for sensors such as enabling, disabling or uninstalling sensors and sensor-enabled applications, changing sensor settings, etc)
logical ANDlogické A (A logical operation combining the values of two bits (0, 1) or two Boolean values (false, true) that returns a value of 1 (true) if both input values are 1 (true) and returns a 0 (false) otherwise)
logical link control and adaptation protocol A protocol used in personal wireless network applications that provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation, and group abstractionsprotokol L2CAP (Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol)
Marketing Event Planning and Executionplánování a realizace marketingových akcí (A template that outlines the main categories that you should consider when beginning to plan a marketing event. Use this template to assist you in walking through key event elements while you are in the planning stages)
Microsoft Data Categorization and Recommendation ServiceSlužba Třídění a doporučení dat (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you)
Microsoft Excel Home and Student 2010Microsoft® Excel® 2010 pro studenty a domácnosti (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft spreadsheet software, with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data, designed for home and students)
Microsoft Office 365 for professionals and small businessesMicrosoft Office 365 pro profesionály a menší firmy (An online suite of services from Microsoft that combines the familiar Office desktop suite with cloud-based versions of communications and collaboration services: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and others to be added in the future. The professionals and small businesses version includes a smaller feature set than the enterprises version, suited to smaller companies and affordability)
Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010Microsoft Office 2010 pro podnikatele (The year 2010 edition of the suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common tasks for home and small business use, including word processing, e-mail, presentations, and data management and analysis)
Microsoft Office Home and Business 2013Microsoft Office 2013 pro podnikatele (The 2013 edition of the Office suite that supports common tasks for home and small business use, and that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook)
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013Microsoft Office 2013 pro domácnosti (The 2013 edition of the base consumer offering of the Office suite, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote)
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010Microsoft® Office 2010 pro studenty a domácnosti (The year 2010 edition of the suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, e-mail, presentations, and data management and analysis, designed for home and students)
Microsoft® Office Home and Student 2007Microsoft® Office 2007 pro studenty a domácnosti (A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, e-mail, presentations, and data management and analysis)
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013 RTMicrosoft Office 2013 RT pro domácnosti (The RT version of the Office Home & Student 2013 edition, our base consumer offering, that is included with Windows RT. It includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote)
Microsoft OneNote Home and Student 2010Microsoft® OneNote® 2010 pro studenty a domácnosti (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft product that enables users to capture, organize, and reuse notes electronically on laptop computers, desktop computers, or tablet personal computers, designed for home and students)
Microsoft Online Services Help and How-toNápověda a postupy pro služby Microsoft Online Services (The Web site that acts as a portal for all Help for Microsoft Online Services, including Help topics, links to blogs, hot topics, and so on)
Microsoft PowerPoint Home and Student 2010Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 pro studenty a domácnosti (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft presentation graphics product for creating presentations and adding graphic effects like multimedia objects and special effects with text, designed for home and students)
Microsoft Safety and Security CenterCentrum Microsoft pro zabezpečení a ochranu (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
Microsoft Word Home and Student 2010Microsoft® Word 2010 pro studenty a domácnosti (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft word processing software program for creating Web, e-mail, and print documents, designed for home and students)
My friends and their friendsPřátelé a jejich přátelé (The UI label for a permissions setting that indicates an item is being shared with (made available to) all of someone's friends, and all of those friends' friends)
Network and Sharing CenterCentrum síťových připojení a sdílení (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
Non-Plug and Playnekompatibilní s technologií Plug-and-Play (Pertaining to a device, such as a game controller or printer, that does not automatically work when you plug it in to your computer. After connecting it to your computer, you have to install the necessary drivers and configure the hardware settings)
object linking and embeddingtechnologie OLE (A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications. When an object, such as an image file created with a paint program, is linked to a compound document, such as a spreadsheet or a document created with a word processing program, the document contains only a reference to the object; any changes made to the contents of a linked object will be seen in the compound document. When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object will not be seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated)
object linking and embedding for POSOLE pro POS (A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows™ family of operating systems)
Objects and TimelineObjekty a časová osa (The area of the workspace that displays all of the objects on the artboard and the animation timeline)
Office of Film and Literature Classificationúřad Office of Film and Literature Classification (A government body which independently applies and enforces interactive game ratings in Australia)
Pack and Go WizardPrůvodce na cesty (A wizard that packages a publication and its linked files into a single file that you can take to another computer to be edited, or to a commercial printer or a copy shop to be printed)
Pan European Gaming Information, and British Board of Film Classificationúřad Pan European Gaming Information, and British Board of Film Classification (A game ratings system for the UK)
Performance and Resource Optimization packsada Performance and Resource Optimization (A type of System Center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Virtual Machine Manager)
Performance Logs and AlertsVýstrahy a protokolování výkonu (A Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) API that enables application programmers to log system performance and diagnosis data, and to generate alert notifications based on performance counter thresholds)
Plug and Playtechnologie Plug and Play (A type of device, such as a game controller or printer, that automatically works when you connect it to your computer. The computer configures the settings and installs the necessary drivers by itself)
Plug and Play BIOSSystém BIOS pro standard Plug and Play (A BIOS with responsibility for configuring Plug and Play cards and system-board devices during system power up. Provides runtime configuration services for system board devices after startup)
plug-and-play extensions A technology that makes a loosely-connected device look like a tightly-coupled device and provides identical experience for network connected devices as directly connected devicestechnologie PnP-X (Plug-and-Play eXtensions)
post and transferzaúčtovat a převést (The process of making temporary transactions a part of the permanent ledger and updating accounts by transaction amounts, if the line is error-free)
Post Bill and AR adjustmentsúpravy od poslední fakturace a úpravy pohledávek (The total credits applied to a Windows Azure customer's account since a customer's last bill)
Practical Extraction and Report Language An interpreted language, based on C and several UNIX utilities. Perl has powerful string-handling features for extracting information from text files. Perl can assemble a string and send it to the shell as a command; therefore, it is often used for system administration tasks. A program in Perl is known as a script. Perl was devised by Larry Wall at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratoryjazyk Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)
press and holdstisknutí a podržení (A gesture represented by placing a finger on the screen and holding it there for a part of a second or more)
press and holdstisknout a podržet (One of the right-click equivalent actions performed with a finger or a tablet pen. The action entails pressing a finger or the tip of a pen on the screen, holding it down until a mouse icon or menu appears, and then lifting the finger or pen)
Principles for the data access and the testability of digital documentsPrincipy přístupu k datům a testovatelnosti digitálních dokumentů (A German law that requires tax authorities to be capable of digitally checking data from electronic bookkeeping systems)
Print and Document ServicesTiskové a dokumentové služby (A server role that enables you to centralize print server and network printer management tasks. With this role, you can also receive scanned documents from network scanners and route the documents to a shared network resource, Windows SharePoint Services site, or e-mail addresses)
Printers and FaxesTiskárny a faxy (The folder in Control Panel that contains the Add Printer Wizard and icons for all the printers installed on your computer)
Printing and Imaging DevicesZařízení pro tisk a zpracování obrázků (A feature in Windows that allows users to access and manage printers, multi-function printers, digital cameras and scanners)
probability and impact matrixtabulka pravděpodobnosti a dopadu rizika (A common way to determine whether a risk is considered low, moderate, or high by combining the two dimensions of a risk, its probability of occurrence, and its impact on objectives if it occurs)
Product and Service ItemsProdukty a služby (A dialog box that allows a user to add a new product to an Opportunity or the Product and Service Items list)
Product and Service Items listseznam Produkty a služby (A tabulation of goods and services that one purchases or sells, or offers for purchase or sale)
profit and loss accountúčet zisků a ztrát (A revenue or expense account whose balance will be transferred to a retained earnings account at the end of a fiscal year. Balances in profit and loss accounts determine the net income or net loss for the year)
profit and loss statementvýkaz zisků a ztrát (A report that summarizes a company's costs, expenses, and revenues for a specific accounting period)
profit and loss transactiontransakce zisku a ztráty (A posted ledger transaction that is associated with a profit and loss account, revenue account, or cost account)
Program, Evaluation and Review Technique analysis A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios: best-case, expected-case, and worst-caseanalýza PERT (Program, Evaluation and Review Technique)
Program Evaluation and Review Technique chart A project optimization tool that enables scheduling and tracking of tasks, goal setting, and timelinesdiagram PERT (Program, Evaluation and Review Technique)
puff and sip devicevstupní zařízení ovládané ústy (An assistive computer technology for people with mobility impairments. A puff and sip device is a head-mounted alternative to using the mouse. The device allows a user to move the mouse pointer without using his or her hands by puffing air into a tube)
rate and reviewhodnocení a recenze (An option to rate the content and add a review of an app)
RemoteApp and Desktop ConnectionPřipojení k aplikacím RemoteApp a vzdálené ploše (A customized view of RemoteApp programs and virtual desktops that the administrator makes available to users that are using Windows 7 or RAD Web Access)
RemoteApp and Desktop Connection ManagementSpráva připojení k aplikacím RemoteApp a vzdálené ploše (A Windows Server role service for Remote Desktop Services (i.e. a RD subrole) that houses the assignment, connection handling, and execution designation policy, thus defining the contents and availability of a remote workspace)
RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Web servicewebová služba Připojení k aplikacím RemoteApp a vzdálené ploše (A Web service that is installed as a part of RAD Web Access to help client computers keep in sync with workspaces)
RemoteApp and Desktop Web Access ConfigurationKonfigurace webového přístupu k aplikacím RemoteApp a vzdálené ploše (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
safe and easybezpečný a snadný (Secure and posing no difficulty)
sales and operations planningprodejní a provozní plánování (The development of tactical plans that provide management with the ability to strategically direct its businesses to achieve competitive advantage on a continuous basis by integrating customer-focused marketing plans for new and existing product with the management of the supply chain)
Scheduling and Delivery ProcessorPlánovací a doručovací procesor (A component of the report server engine that handles scheduling and delivery. Works with SQL Agent)
search and pin calendarsvyhledat a připnout kalendáře (A feature that enables a user to search for another user's or group's calendar and pin it to their calendar list)
self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology An industry-standard, reliability-prediction indicator for both IDE/ATA and SCSI hard disk drives. SMART provides early warning for some hard disk drive failures so that critical data can be protectedtechnologie SMART (self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology)
Settings and Constraints EditorEditor nastavení a omezení (The inspector window used with all diagrams through which settings, constraints and resource definitions can be viewed and edited)
Sharpen and SoftenZaostřit či rozostřit (A feature that allows the user to digitally alter a picture to increase or decrease the sharpness of focus)
shipping and handlingexpedice a manipulace (The process of packing and distributing merchandise for a charge)
Simple Authentication and Security Layer An open framework, described in Request for Comments (RFC) 2222, for adding authentication support to connection-based protocolsrozhraní SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
SOX Compliance and Technology OptionsMožnosti plnění požadavků a technologií vyplývajících ze zákona SOX (A template that addresses the general activities involved in efforts to achieve more efficient SOX compliance. This project assumes that the organization is already SOX compliant)
Standards and formatsStandardy a formáty (A Regional and Language Options setting that determines the formats used to display dates, times, currency, numbers, and the sorting order of text)
store-and-forward replicationreplikace typu uložit a předat (A replication model, used by Active Directory, in which changes are not sent directly from one domain controller to all other domain controllers. Instead, a system of replication partners is created automatically by the system, taking advantage of the existing connections. Replication through neighboring systems is also called transitive replication)
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysisanalýza silných a slabých stránek, příležitostí a hrozeb (An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors performed as part of developing the organizational strategy)
strong password (A password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. A strong password is at least eight characters long, does not contain all or part of the user's account name, and contains at least three of the four following categories of characters: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols found on the keyboard (such as !,silné heslo
Syncing folders and program settingsSynchronizace složek a nastavení programů (The list item for reporting that the syncing folders and program settings feature is problematic. The list is displayed in the problem reporting utility built in to beta versions of Windows Live Sync)
Tap and DoPřiblížit a provést (A gesture that enables proximity-based authentication between two devices)
tap and holdklepnout a přidržet (To tap a device screen and hold one's finger or stylus in place)
Tap and HoldPřiblížit a přidržet (A feature that provides a progressive disclosure method that remains active only as long as the user holds (presses down) their finger on the touch surface)
Tap and SendPřiblížit a poslat (" The feature that allows you to "tap" a PC or phone against another device (or put it close to another device), and share content between the two.")
terminate-and-stay-residentrezidentní program (A program that remains loaded in memory even when it is not running, so that it can be quickly invoked for a specific task performed while another program is operating)
time and material projectprojekt určený časem a materiálem (An external project that is invoiced as work progresses based on the consumption of hours, expenses, items, fees, and on-account transactions)
time and materialsčas a materiál (A type of contract in which the final price paid is based on the amount of time it took to complete the project and the cost of the materials used)
time and materials projectprojekt určený časem a materiálem (A project where the vendor invoices the customer based on work completed on the job. There is a direct relationship between the invoice lines and the usage already performed on the job)
touch and holdklepnout a přidržet (To tap a device screen and hold one's finger or stylus in place)
Tradeshow Planning, Execution and Wrap-UpPlánování, realizace a souhrnná zpráva z veletrhu (A template used to help in planning for tradeshows)
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration A specification for publishing and locating information about Web services. It defines a standards-based way to store and retrieve information about services, service providers, binding information, and technical interface definitions, all classified using a set of standard or custom classification schemesspecifikace UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)
up and runningv provozu (In operation; operating, working)
Usage and Health Data CollectionShromažďování dat o používání a stavu (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
username (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding theuživatelské jméno
Vendor Evaluation and ConsolidationVyhodnocení a konsolidace dodavatelů (A template that addresses the general activities that make up the vendor evaluation and consolidation process)
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internetprotokol WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the InternetWebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kitsada Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (A suite of tools designed to help original equipment manufacturers, system builders, corporate IT professionals, and enthusiasts customize, automate, assess, and deploy the Windows operating system onto new hardware)
Windows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboardhardwarový a desktopový řídicí panel webu Windows Dev Center (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
Windows Diagnosis and Recoverynástroj Diagnostika a obnovení (A feature in Windows that allows users to run system diagnostics and troubleshooting)
Windows Fax and Scannástroj Fax a skener (A feature in Windows Vista that allows the user to manage faxing and scanning functions)
Windows Sensor and Location platformplatforma Snímače a lokátory Windows (A Windows platform that provides a standard way for device manufacturers to expose sensor devices to software developers and consumers, while providing developers with a standardized application programming interface (API) for working with sensors and sensor data. Examples of sensors include ambient light sensors, location sensors, motion detection sensors, etc)
Windows Tablet and Touch Technologytechnologie Windows Tablet and Touch (Human interface technology that enables alternate ways to browse documents and programs using a digital pen or your fingertip in addition to the possibility of using a keyboard or other interface devices)
World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the InternetWebDAV (World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
WWW Service Administration and Monitoring componentsoučást Správa a sledování služby WWW (A component of the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) in IIS that is responsible for configuration, by means of the metabase, and for worker process management)
Zoom, Up and InPřílet zdola a přiblížení (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)