
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Spot | all forms | exact matches only
spot colorсамостоятелен цвят (A premixed color matched to a standard color guide, such as PANTONE)
Spot Corruption HandlingОбработка на повредени области (An error-handling function of NTFS that is targeted only to corrupted areas to avoid lengthy checkdisk operations)
Spot FixerКоректор при онлайн сканиране (A process that repairs any errors that the online scan detects)
spot meteringточково определяне на експозицията (In photography, a method of calculating exposure whereby only a tiny point of the scene is taken into account)
Spot VerifierПроверка за временни грешки (A process that verifies and eliminates lengthy chkdsk due to any transient errors that NTFS detects)