
Terms containing campaign | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSadvertising campaign goalingukierunkowanie kampanii (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
h.rghts.act.Article 19, Global Campaign for Free ExpressionArtykuł 19, Międzynarodowe Centrum przeciw Cenzurze
h.rghts.act.Article 19, Global Campaign for Free ExpressionArtykuł 19, Światowa Kampania na rzecz Swobody Wyrażania Poglądów
comp., MScampaign activitydziałanie w ramach kampanii (An activity performed, or to be performed, by a user for planning or running a campaign. A campaign activity includes additional, campaign-specific information, such as budgets and vendor names)
h.rghts.act.campaign against torturekampania przeciwko torturom
comp., MScampaign codeKod kampanii (An identifier, usually made up of numbers or letters, such as 1234 or Early Spring, for a marketing campaign. The campaign code is another way to identify a marketing campaign distinct from the name of the marketing campaign)
h.rghts.act., commun.Campaign for freedom of informationCampaign For Freedom of Information CFI - Kampania na rzecz Wolnego Dostępu do Informacji
comp., MScampaign goalingukierunkowanie kampanii (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
comp., MScampaign itemelement kampanii (A communication vehicle that contributes to the specified result of a campaign. You can create three types of campaign items in Commerce Server: ads, direct mail, or discounts. You can use third-party products to create additional types of campaign items)
comp., MScampaign responseodpowiedź na kampanię (A reply by a recipient of a campaign activity. Campaign responses can result from many channels, including e-mail, telephone, and fax)
comp., MSCampaign TypeTyp kampanii (The field in a Campaign form in which you can select the type of campaign that is being run. Possible types are Advertisement, Direct Marketing, Event, and Other)
econ.election campaignkampania wyborcza
gen.election campaignakcja wyborcza
econ.election campaign publicitypropaganda wyborcza
gen.electoral campaign financingfinansowanie kampanii wyborczych
gen.electoral campaign fundingfinansowanie kampanii wyborczych
h.rghts.act., social.sc.European Youth Campaign against Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism and IntoleranceEuropejska Kampania Młodzieży przeciwko Rasizmowi, Ksenofobii,Antysemityzmowi i Nietolerancji
agric.harvesting campaignakcja żniwna
agric.harvesting campaignokres zbiorów
agric.harvesting campaignokres nasilenia prac polowych
gen.information campaignskampanie informacyjne
polit.Information Campaigns UnitDział ds. Kampanii Informacyjnych
gen.International Campaign to Ban LandminesMiędzynarodowa kampania na rzecz zakazu stosowania min przeciwpiechotnych
comp., MSMarketing CampaignKampania marketingowa (A feature that helps a business owner market/sell/bring visibility/increase awareness about their business through advertising)
comp., MSMarketing Campaign PlanningPlanowanie kampanii marketingowej (A template that outlines the various considerations you might need in order to plan a marketing campaign in your organization. Planning a marketing campaign begins with understanding you position in the marketplace and ends with collecting data and analyzing campaign effectiveness)
agric.month's campaignkampania miesięczna (for)
commun.political campaign serviceusługa dotycząca kampanii politycznej
environ.public awareness campaign An organized, systematic effort through various communications media to alert the general population of a given area to anything of significant interest or concernkampania na rzecz świadomości społecznej (zorganizowany wysiłek z udziałem wielu mediów komunikacyjnych, na rzecz pobudzenia świadomości społecznej w określonym zakresie)
econ.public awareness campaignuwrażliwienie opinii publicznej
account.publish What You Pay campaignkampania "poinformuj ile płacisz"
agric.purveyance campaignakcja skupu i dostaw
comp., MSquick campaignszybka kampania (A communication method that creates a single activity for distribution to a group of marketing lists, accounts, contacts, or leads. Contrast with a campaign, which supports an end-to-end marketing program that has multiple activities)
comp., MSRecord a closed campaign responseZarejestruj odpowiedź na zamkniętą kampanię (Check box that indicates if the user wants to create a campaign response based on the information that is included in the opportunity)
gen.slicing campaignkampania cukrownicza
agric.sowing campaignakcja siewna