
Terms containing account | all forms | exact matches only
gen.acceptance accountrachunek akceptów
gen.acceptance accountkonto akceptów
comp., MSaccess accountkonto dostępu (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MSaccount aliasalias konta (" A 20-character "short name" for a posting account in the chart of accounts. If the account format has an unusually large number of segments, entering aliases rather than accounts will speed up data entry.")
comp., MSaccount balancesaldo konta (The difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period)
econ.account bookksięga przychodów i rozchodów
comp., MSaccount certificationcertyfikowanie konta (The process that associates user accounts with key pairs)
comp., MSaccount certification serviceusługa certyfikowania konta (A Windows RMS Web service that creates and distributes RM account certificates)
account.account closing datedzień bilansowy
comp., MSaccount codekod konta (The unique identifier for a record that holds the balance relating to any single asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue, or expense of the business)
comp., MSaccount code segmentsegment kodu konta (A section of an account code that represents a type of entity for which you are accounting)
transp., avia.account consignoruznany nadawca
comp., MSaccount domaindomena konta (A Windows NT domain that holds user account data)
comp., MSaccount entryzapis na koncie (A record of the increase or decrease in economic value classified by a ledger account)
comp., MSaccount expirationwygaśnięcie konta (A time limit that is applied to the life of an account, so that it can be used only for a predetermined period of time)
comp., MSaccount federation serverfederacyjny serwer kont (The federation server that is located in the corporate network of the account partner organization. The account federation server issues security tokens to users based on user authentication. The server authenticates a user, pulls the relevant attributes and group membership information out of the account store, and generates and signs a security token to return to the user-either to be used in its own organization or to be sent to a partner organization)
comp., MSaccount federation server proxyfederacyjny serwer proxy kont (The federation server proxy that is located in the perimeter network of the account partner organization. The account federation server proxy collects authentication credentials from a client that logs on over the Internet (or from the perimeter network) and passes those credentials to the account federation server)
gen.account for smthrozliczać się z czegoś
gen.account for smthwyliczać się z czegoś
gen.account forrozliczać
comp., MSaccount for organizationskonto dla organizacji (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
fin.account for paymentrachunek płatniczy
gen.account historyhistoria rachunku
fin., account.account holderposiadacz rachunku
comp., MSaccount informationinformacje o koncie (The required information provided in order to authorize access to the enterprise application)
comp., MSaccount linkingłączenie kont (The process of linking Windows user accounts to Windows Live IDs or other online accounts, allowing seamless interaction between the two authentication models. As a result, users can be automatically logged into their online services when logging into Windows. They can also share with other users based on their Windows Live IDs (or other), granting them specific permissions to files and folders (read only, read-write, etc))
comp., MSaccount lockoutblokada konta (A Windows security feature that locks a user account if a number of failed logon attempts occur within a specified amount of time, based on security policy lockout settings. Locked accounts cannot log on)
comp., MSaccount managerkierownik ds. klientów (A Microsoft employee who is the primary contact for the business relationship between the OEM and Microsoft)
comp., MSaccount managermenedżer kont (The person who sets up and maintains the systems and records related to authorized users of multi-user computer networks or operating systems)
bank., account.account monitoringmonitorowanie rachunków
bank., account.account monitoringmonitorowanie kont
econ.account net costrzeczywiste koszty własne
comp., MSAccount NumberNumer klienta (A field label on the Details tab of an account that lists the number assigned to the account. The account number is included as a part of the company profile)
bank.account number portabilitysystem przenoszenia numeru konta bankowego
comp., MSaccount partnerpartner kont (A federation partner that is trusted by the Federation Service to provide security tokens to its users (that is, users in the account partner organization) so that they can access Web-based applications in the resource partner)
comp., MSaccount pictureawatar (A graphical representation that's associated with a user account for Windows and Windows Live)
comp., MSaccount policyzasady kont (On local area networks and multiuser operating systems, a set of rules governing whether a new user is allowed access to the system and whether an existing user's rights are expanded to include additional system resources. An account policy also generally states the rules with which the user must comply while using the system in order to maintain access privileges)
fin.account providerpodmiot prowadzący rachunek
fin.account receivableniespłacony dług
comp., MSaccount reconciliationuzgadnianie konta (The practice of reconciling accounts)
comp., MSaccount recordrekord klienta (The location for storing account information, including information that is entered on the Account form, linked records, and history items)
fin., account.account records relating to feesdokumenty księgowe dotyczące opłat
comp., MSaccount rulereguła konta (A rule in an accounting system that controls the valid financial dimension value combinations when the requirements of the financial dimension structure condition are met)
comp., MSaccount setzestaw kont (A named group of ledger accounts)
comp., MSAccount Setup AssistantAsystent ustawień konta (The assistant that helps users configure some of the most widely used e-mail accounts, such as POP, IMAP, Windows Live Hotmail, and Microsoft Exchange accounts)
comp., MSaccount statementwyciąg z konta (A detailed report of the transactions and balance of an account)
comp., MSaccount structurestruktura konta (A configuration of the main account financial dimension and other financial dimensions)
comp., MSaccount updateraktualizator konta (A feature of Windows 8 mobile broadband networking that is used to bind an account that a user has with a mobile broadband service provider both to a unique identifier that we use in Windows to identify that user, and to the user's SIM card)
fin.account with banktransakcja typu pay-through
fin.account with bankstruktura typu pay-through
fin.account with bankzarządzanie płatnościami
fin.account with bankinstrument typu pay-through
fin.accounting adjustmentkorekta księgowa
polit.Accounting and Treasury UnitDział Rachunkowości i Zasobów Finansowych
comp., MSaccounting applicationaplikacja księgowa (A program that helps a user perform tasks related to accounting)
account.accounting arbitragearbitraż księgowy
comp., MSaccounting categorykategoria księgowa (A classifier used to group journal account entries according to their economic characteristics)
insur., account.accounting consolidation-based methodmetoda obliczeniowa opierająca się na sprawozdaniach skonsolidowanych
comp., MSaccounting currency unitksięgowa jednostka walutowa (A currency unit used to quantify the financial consequences of accounting events)
comp., MSaccounting customerkontrahent rozrachunkowy (A customer in the accounting application that is linked to a Business Contact Manager account)
fin., account.Accounting Directivedyrektywa o rachunkowości
comp., MSaccounting distributionzasady podziału księgowań (A distribution of the financial consequence of an economic transaction to ledger accounts)
gen.accounting documentsdokumenty księgowe
market.accounting entityjednostka kalkulacyjna
econ.accounting entryksięgi rachunkowe
account.accounting estimateszacunek księgowy
account.accounting estimatewartość szacunkowa
comp., MSaccounting eventzdarzenie księgowe (The occurrence of an accounting action in an accounting system)
comp., MSaccounting event liquidity classificationklasyfikacja zdarzenia pod względem płynności (The liquidity classification of an accounting event)
account.accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistancerachunkowość dotacji rządowych oraz ujawnianie informacji na temat pomocy rządowej
account.accounting for inventoriesujęcie księgowe zapasów
account.accounting for investments in associatesrachunkowość inwestycji w jednostkach stowarzyszonych
obs., fin.accounting frameworkzasady rachunkowości
account.accounting incomewynik finansowy brutto
account.accounting informationinformacje księgowe
comp., MSaccounting journalarkusz księgowy (A journal that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events in an accounting system)
comp., MSAccounting LoaderModuł ładujący aplikacji księgowej (Software required to connect to the accounting system)
stat., account.accounting matricesmacierze rachunków
account.accounting methodspraktyki księgowe
account.accounting modelmodel rachunkowości
fin.accounting offsetrozliczenie równoważących się transakcji
fin.accounting on a receivable-payable basiszasada rachunkowości memoriałowej
stat., account.accounting periodokres sprawozdawczy
account.accounting periodokres obrotowy
account.accounting policieszasady rachunkowości
account.accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errorszasady rachunkowości, zmiany wartości szacunkowych i korygowanie błędów
account.accounting policyzasady rachunkowości
fin.accounting portfolioportfel księgowy
account.accounting practicepraktyki księgowe
polit., loc.name., market.accounting pricecena kalkulacyjna
account.accounting principlezasada rachunkowości
account.accounting procedurespraktyki księgowe
account.accounting profitwynik finansowy brutto
comp., MSaccounting providerdostawca ewidencjonowania aktywności (A provider that records client activity for analysis or accounting purposes)
account.accounting recordzapis księgowy
polit., fin., account.Accounting Regulatory CommitteeKomitet Regulacyjny Rachunkowości
gen.accounting ruleszasady zapisów księgowych
fin., account.accounting segregationrozdzielność księgowa
polit.Accounting ServiceWydział Rachunkowości
account.accounting standardstandard rachunkowości
account.accounting systemsystem rachunkowości
fin., econ., account.accounting systemzapisy księgowe
econ.accounting systemsystem rozliczeniowy
account.accounting treatmentpodejście księgowe
market.accounting unitjednostka kalkulacyjna
busin., labor.org., account.accounting yearrok obrotowy
comp., MSaccounts databasebaza danych kont (A database which stores user accounts and their network access properties)
account.accounts payablezobowiązania z tytułu dostaw i usług
econ.accounts payablepłatności do zapłaty
market., fin.accounts receivablewierzytelności
comp., MSaccounts receivablerozrachunki z odbiorcami (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts customers owe for services or sales made on credit)
account.accounts receivablenależności
econ.accounts receivabledłużnicy
fin.accrual accountingzasada rachunkowości memoriałowej
account.accrual accountingrachunkowość memoriałowa
account.accrual accountskonta rozliczane międzyokresowo
fin.accrual basis accountingzasada rachunkowości memoriałowej
fin.accrual basis of accountingzasada rachunkowości memoriałowej
account.accrual basis of accountingzasada memoriału
account.accrual-based accountingrachunkowość memoriałowa
account.accrual-based accounting principlezasada rachunkowości memoriałowej
fin.accruals accountingzasada rachunkowości memoriałowej
econ.accruals-based accountingrachunkowość memoriałowa
stat., account.accumulation accountsrachunki akumulacji
comp., MSaction accountkonto działania (The Windows account that is used by the MonitoringHost.exe processes to gather data from providers and to run actions, such as scripts and command-line batch files, on monitored devices)
comp., MSActive Directory accountkonto usługi Active Directory (The identity of a user, which can be used to grant access to resources or authority to perform certain tasks)
comp., MSaddress (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theadres e-mail
account.administrative and accounting proceduresprocedury administracyjne i księgowe
comp., MSadministrator accountkonto administratora (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
law, environ.administrator of an accountadministrator rachunku
gen.advance accountrachunek zaliczkowy
construct.advanced accountsprawozdanie szacunkowe
construct.advanced accountrozliczenie zaliczkowe
comp., MSAGPM Service AccountKonto usługi zaawansowanego zarządzania zasadami grupy (The account under which the AGPM Service runs)
transp., avia., environ.aircraft operator holding accountrachunek posiadania operatora statków powietrznych
account.allocation of other primary income accountrachunek podziału pierwotnego pozostałych dochodów
account.allocation of primary income accountrachunek podziału pierwotnego dochodów
account.allowance accountkonto odpisów z tytułu utraty wartości
fin.amounts held in trust accountskwoty na rachunkach powierniczych
fin., account.analytical accountsrachunkowość zarządcza
gen.annex to the revenue and expenditure accountzałącznik do rachunku dochodów i wydatków
fin., account.annual accountsroczne sprawozdanie finansowe
fin.applicable accounting standardmający zastosowanie standard rachunkowości
fin., econ.audit of accountsbadanie sprawozdania finansowego
fin.audited accountszbadane sprawozdanie finansowe
fin., econ.auditing of accountsbadanie sprawozdania finansowego
transp., avia., environ.aviation surrender set-aside accountrachunek umarzania jednostek Kioto dla sektora lotniczego
fin.B accountkonto B
fin.B accountodrębny rachunek
comp., MSbalance accountkonto bilansowe (An account that records transactions about assets and liabilities and that is used in the preparation of the balance sheet)
gen.balance of payments on current accountsaldo obrotów bieżących
gen.balance on current accountsaldo obrotów bieżących
comp., MSbalance sheet accountkonto bilansowe (An account that describes the changes in value reported on a balance sheet)
fin.bank accountkonto bankowe
bank.bank-account penetrationwskaźnik ubankowienia
bank., ITbasic bank account numberpodstawowy numer rachunku bankowego
comp., MSbeneficiary correspondent accountkonto beneficjenta-korespondenta (A 20-digit number used to identify a Central Bank of Russian Federation account needed to facilitate international transactions)
comp., MSbilling accountkonto billingowe (An account where customers manage their payments, dues, invoicing, and contact information for paid Microsoft services. These accounts are managed on the Billing and Account Management website)
comp., MSbridging accountkonto pomostowe (A ledger account into which transactions are entered as they await manual approval by the person who is specified in the journal line)
fin.budget accountkonto budżetowe
fin.budgetary accountkonto budżetowe
gen.budgetary accountskonta budżetowe
comp., MSbuilt-in administrator accountwbudowane konto administratora (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
comp., MSbusiness accountklient biznesowy (The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service)
fin.business accountsrachunkowość przedsiębiorstw
gen.buy smth on accountkupować coś na rachunek
gen.call smb to account for smthpociągać kogoś do odpowiedzialności za coś
environ.cancellation accountrachunek anulowania
econ., fin.capital accountrachunek kapitałowy
fin.cash accountrachunek pieniężny
econ.cash accounting principlemetoda kasowa
account.cash basis accountingrachunkowość kasowa
fin.cash flow hedge accountingrachunkowość zabezpieczeń przepływów pieniężnych
account.cash-based accountingrachunkowość kasowa
comp., MSChange Sign-In Account...Zmień konto logowania (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
fin.changes in accounting estimates and errorszmiany w wartościach szacunkowych i korekty błędów
gen.checking accountrachunek oszczędnościowo-rozliczeniowy
gen.checking accountkonto czekowe
comp., MSchild accountkonto dziecka (An account optimized for children that parents can control and customize)
gen.clear accounts with smbrozliczać kogoś z pieniędzy
account., environ.clearing accountrachunek rozliczeniowy
comp., MSclient account partner discovery Web pagestrona odnajdowania partnerów kont klientów w sieci Web (The Web page that is used to interact with a user to determine which account partner the user belongs to when Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) cannot automatically determine which of the account partners should authenticate the user)
econ.closing of accountszamknięcie ksiąg rachunkowych
fin.closure of accountszamknięcie rozliczeń
law, tax.Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account informationstandard w zakresie automatycznej wymiany informacji finansowych
account.compliance with International Accounting Standardszgodność z międzynarodowymi standardami rachunkowości
comp., MScomputer accountkonto komputera (An account that is on a local system or domain)
comp., MSComputer Use Time AccountKonto czasu używania komputera (An e-mail address and password that authorizes you to add computer use time to your computer)
comp., MSConnected AccountsPołączone konta (A feature that lets users receive and send mail from other e-mail accounts in Outlook Web App. They can add and delete those accounts, check their account synchronization status, and manage e-mail from those accounts in their Inbox using Inbox rules)
account.consistent accounting methodsjednolite metody rachunkowości
econ.consolidated accountrachunek skonsolidowany
bank.consolidated account informationskonsolidowana informacja o rachunkach
bank.consolidated account information modetryb CAI
account.consolidated accountsskonsolidowane sprawozdania finansowe
fin., econ., account.consolidated annual accountsskonsolidowane sprawozdanie roczne
account.consolidated financial statements and accounting for investments in subsidiariesskonsolidowane sprawozdania finansowe i inwestycje w jednostkach zależnych
comp., MSconsolidation accountkonto konsolidacyjne (The main account in the parent legal entity that is used for ledger consolidation)
comp., MScontent access accountkonto dostępu do zawartości (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MScontra accountkonto przeciwstawne (An account used to reduce an asset or a liability to its current value)
fin.contra-accountkonta przeciwstawne
account.convergence of accounting practiceskonwergencja praktyk księgowych
comp., MScorrespondent accountnumer konta korespondenta (An account established by a banking institution to make transactions on behalf of another financial institution, usually for international transactions)
comp., MScost accountingrachunek kosztów (The branch of accounting concerned with identifying and evaluating the cost of producing a product)
fin., account.cost accountingrachunkowość zarządcza
comp., MScrawling accountkonto przeszukiwania (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
econ.credit on running accountkredyt w rachunku bieżącym
gen.current accountkonto czekowe
gen.current accountrachunek bieżący
agric.current accountrachunek rozliczeniowy
gen.current account balancesaldo obrotów bieżących
econ., account., fin.current account deficitdeficyt obrotów bieżących
gen.current account of the balance of paymentssaldo obrotów bieżących
account., econ.current account surplusesnadwyżki na rachunku obrotów bieżących
comp., MScustomer account statementwyciąg z konta klienta (A form that can be sent to customers that includes the customer's balance and amount due for the statement period)
bank.customer mobility in relation to bank accountsmobilność klientów w zakresie rachunków bankowych
fin.deal for the account of other membersdokonywać transakcji na rachunek innych członków
fin.dealing on own accountzawieranie transakcji na własny rachunek
gen.debit smb's accountobciążać czyjeś konto
fin.debit to the profit and loss accountobciążenie rachunku zysków i strat
econ.debiting an accountobciążenie rachunku
econ.debiting an accountdebetowanie rachunku
account.deposit accountingrachunkowość depozytowa
comp., MSdesignated accountkonto wyznaczone (The Microsoft Exchange Server user account that is the sender of control messages)
comp., MSdesktop dashboard accountkonto z pulpitem nawigacyjnym dla aplikacji klasycznych (An account that is required to certify desktop apps for Windows)
comp., MSdestination company accountfirma docelowa (The legal entity that is the recipient of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
comp., MSdouble entry accountingksięgowanie podwójne (An accounting process in which equal credit and debit amounts are entered for each transaction)
econ.economic accounts for agriculturerachunkowość rolna
comp., MSe-mail accountkonto e-mail (The server name, user name, password, and e-mail address used to connect to an e-mail service. You create the e-mail account using information provided by your mail administrator or Internet service provider (ISP))
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theadres e-mail
comp., MSemail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theadres e-mail
econ., fin., account.entrepreneurial income accountrachunek dochodu przedsiębiorcy
environ.environmental accountingrachunek ekonomiczny uwzględniający koszty ekologiczne
law, econ.EPSO accountkonto EPSO
account.equity accounted investmentinwestycje rozliczane metodą praw własności
account.equity accounting method - recognition of lossesmetoda praw własności - ujmowanie strat
account.escrow accountrachunek zastrzeżony
account.escrow accountrachunek powierniczy
ecol.ESD Compliance Accountrachunek zgodności w ramach ESD
environ.ETS AAU deposit accountrachunek depozytowy ETS AAU
environ.ETS central clearing accountcentralny rachunek rozliczeniowy ETS
energ.ind.EU Aviation Total Quantity Accountunijny rachunek wszystkich uprawnień do emisji lotniczych
energ.ind.EU New Entrant Reserve Accountunijny rachunek rezerwy dla nowych instalacji
energ.ind.EU Total Quantity Accountunijny rachunek wszystkich uprawnień do emisji
law, fin.European Account Preservation Ordereuropejski nakaz zabezpieczenia na rachunku bankowym
econ.European accounting systemeuropejski system rozliczeniowy
environ.European environmental economic accountseuropejskie rachunki ekonomiczne środowiska
account.European System of AccountsEuropejski System Rachunków
account.European System of Accountseuropejski system rachunków narodowych i regionalnych
account.European System of AccountsESA
econ., stat., fin.European System of Integrated Economic Accountseuropejski system zintegrowanych rachunkowości gospodarczych
econ., stat., fin.European System of Integrated National Accountseuropejski system zintegrowanych rachunkowości gospodarczych
account.European System of National and Regional Accountseuropejski system rachunków narodowych i regionalnych
account.European System of National and Regional AccountsEuropejski System Rachunków
account.European System of National and Regional AccountsESA
fin.European Unit of AccountEuropejska jednostka rozliczeniowa
gen.European units of accounteuropejskie jednostki rozliczeniowe
account.experience accountrachunek doświadczeń
law, bank.Expert group on customer mobility in relation to bank accountsgrupa ekspertów ds. mobilności klientów w zakresie rachunków bankowych
econ., account.external accountbilans płatniczy
econ., fin., account.external account of goods and servicesrachunek wymiany towarów i usług z zagranicą
econ., fin., account.external account of primary incomes and current transfersrachunek zewnętrzny dochodów pierwotnych i transferów bieżących
account.external accountsrachunki zewnętrzne
comp., MSfax accountkonto faksów (A collection of settings for sending and receiving faxes using a particular fax modem or fax server. Before you can send or receive faxes in Windows, you must set up a fax account)
agric.fertiliser accountrejestr nawożenia
fin.fiduciary accountrachunek powierniczy
econ.final annual accountsostateczne roczne sprawozdanie finansowe
fin., econ.final consolidated accountskońcowe sprawozdanie skonsolidowane
stat., account.financial accountrachunek finansowy
econ.financial accountingrachunkowość finansowa
fin., account.financial accounting standardogólnie przyjęte zasady rachunkowości
econ.Foreign Account Tax Compliance Actustawa o ujawnianiu informacji o rachunkach zagranicznych dla celów podatkowych
fin.foreign currency accountkonto walutowe
comp., MSfully qualified account numbernumer całkowicie uzupełnionego konta księgowego (A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are entered and validated)
account.fundamental errors and changes in accounting policiespodstawowe błędy i zmiany zasad polityki rachunkowości
environ.gateway deposit accountwejściowy rachunek depozytowy
gen.general accountskonta księgi głównej
fin., account.generation of income accountrachunek tworzenia dochodów
gen.give a false account of smthodwracać kota ogonem
gen.give an account of smthzdawać z czegoś sprawę
fin., environ.global accountświatowy rachunek
fin., econ., account.goods and services accountrachunek wyrobów i usług
account., environ.green accounting"zielona rachunkowość"
environ.gross-net accountingobliczanie brutto-netto
comp., MSgroup accountkonto grupy (A collection of user accounts in a workgroup, identified by group name and personal ID (PID). Permissions assigned to a group apply to all users in the group)
comp., MSGuest accountkonto Gość (A built-in account used to log on to a computer running Windows when a user does not have an account on the computer or domain or in any of the domains trusted by the computers domain)
comp., MShardware dashboard accountkonto z pulpitem nawigacyjnym dla sprzętu (An account that is required to submit hardware certification packages, device metadata, service metadata, and drivers for Windows)
account.hedge accountingrachunkowość zabezpieczeń
econ.historical accounthistoryczny aspekt
environ.holding accountrachunek posiadania
fin.home accountrachunek typu home
account.imprest accountrachunek zaliczkowy
obs., fin.imprest accountkonto zaliczkowe
fin.imprest accountsrachunki pomocnicze typu "imprest"
fin.income accountrachunek dochodów
fin.income and expenditure accountrachunek dochodów i wydatków
ed.Individual Learning Accountkonto edukacyjne
account.integrated economic accountszintegrowane rachunki ekonomiczne
account., environ.integrated environmental and economic accounting"zielona rachunkowość"
comp., MSintercompany accountkonto międzyfirmowe (An account used to post intercompany transactions)
fin.inter-company accounts receivablesnależności wewnątrzgrupowe
account., tech., lawinternational accounting standardmiędzynarodowe standardy rachunkowości
account.International Accounting Standardmiędzynarodowy standard rachunkowości
gen.International Accounting Standards BoardRada Międzynarodowych Standardów Rachunkowości
account.International Accounting Standards CommitteeKomitet Międzynarodowych Standardów Rachunkowości
gen.International Accounting Standards Committee FoundationFundacja KMSR
comp., MSInternational Bank Account Numbermiędzynarodowy numer konta bankowego (An account number scheme that is recognized by banks internationally to facilitate credit transfers across national/regional borders)
comp., MSInternet accountkonto internetowe (A generic term for a registered username at an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An Internet account is accessed via username and password. Services such as dial-in PPP Internet access and e-mail are provided by ISPs to Internet account owners)
comp., MSinternet e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theinternetowy adres e-mail
fin.joint accountrachunek wspólny
environ.KP Party accountrachunek strony PzK
comp., MSledger accountkonto księgowe (An account in the general ledger that records financial transactions, balances, or totals that pertain to assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and owner equity)
comp., MSlimited accountkonto z ograniczeniami (A type of account that allows customers to use a limited set of Windows Live services without signing up for a new e-mail address or providing an existing alternate one. The ID that is created can't be used to send or receive e-mail. A customer with this account type can only reset their password if they subsequently add an alternate e-mail address to their account)
comp., MSliquidity accountkonto płynności (A ledger account that records cash transactions for a particular bank or for cash held at the company. For some companies, a liquidity account records transactions in liquid investments that can be sold from day to day)
gen.look at smth taking another thing into accountpatrzeć na coś przez pryzmat czegoś
agric.loss and profits accountbilans przychodów i rozchodów
comp., MSmain accountkonto główne (A classifier of economic resource value based on the claims parties make on the economic resources owned by a legal entity and that is used to classify debit and credit entries in an accounting system)
comp., MSmain account categorykategoria konta głównego (A classifier of a main account)
comp., MSmain account code segmentgłówny segment kodu konta (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense))
comp., MSmain account derivation rulereguła określania wymiaru konta głównego (A rule to determine a main account dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
cust., account.main accountsgłówne księgi rachunkowe
comp., MSmanaged service accountzarządzane konto usługi (A new type of domain account designed to provide applications such as SQL Server or Exchange with automatic password management and simplified service principal name (SPN) management)
environ.management accounting The collection and processing of financial information to assist with the handling, direction, or control of an organizationrachunkowść księgowa (zbieranie i przetwarzanie informacji finansowych w ramach organizacji)
econ.management accountingrachunkowość zarządcza
corp.gov.management accountssprawozdawczość zarządcza
fin.margin accountrachunek depozytu zabezpieczającego
fin.mark to market accountingwycena według wartości rynkowej
account.method of accountingmetoda rachunkowości
comp., MSMicrosoft accountkonto Microsoft (A single set of sign-in credentials (email address and password) that provides user access to PCs running Windows and Live-connected services)
comp., MSMicrosoft Account for OrganizationsKonto Microsoft dla organizacji (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
comp., MSMicrosoft account loginsdane logowania konta Microsoft (In Windows 8 all windows portal experiences support and persist Live ID logins streamlining the partner experience when working with multiple services and sites)
comp., MSMy AccountMoje konto (A web experience on Office.com that enables users to manage their Office licenses and subscriptions)
environ.national accounting Organised method of recording all business transactions in the national economybudżet państwa (zorganizowana metoda dokumentowania transakcji wykonywanych w ramach gospodarki narodowej)
account., environ.National Accounting Matrix including Environmental AccountsMacierz Rachunków Narodowych i Rachunków Środowiska
econ.national accountsrachunki narodowe
stat.national accounts datadane z zakresu rachunków narodowych
environ.national allowance holding accountkrajowy rachunek posiadania uprawnień
environ.national environmental accounting The collection and processing of financial information regarding the costs for ecological challenges or opportunities for nations or countriesrachunek ekonomiczny uwzględniający koszty ekologiczne (zbiór i przetwarzanie informacji finansowych dotyczących ekologicznych kosztów prowadzenia gospodarki)
comp., MSnatural account code segmentnaturalny segment kodu konta (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense))
comp., MSneglected accountzaniedbany klient (A Business Contact with whom there has been no interaction with for over 30 days)
environ.net-net accountingobliczanie netto-netto
account.neutral holding gains and losses accountrachunek neutralnych zysków i strat z tytułu posiadania aktywów/zobowiązań
comp., MSnews accountkonto grup dyskusyjnych (An online account, usually provided by an Internet service provider (ISP), that lets users access newsgroups)
comp., MSnominal accountkonto wynikowe (An account that is closed out each fiscal period and whose balance is transferred to retained earnings account)
account., ecol.nominated bank accountwyznaczony rachunek bankowy
account., ecol.nominated holding accountwyznaczony rachunek posiadania
proced.law.obligation to restore or account for gifts, advancements or legaciesobowiązek zwrotu lub zaliczenia darowizn i zapisów przy określaniu udziałów należnych różnym beneficjentom
comp., MSoffset accountkonto przeciwstawne (In double-entry accounting, the account used to balance a transaction so that debits equal credits)
comp., MSon accountakonto (The extension of credit for purchases)
agric.on accountzaliczeniowy
gen.on account of smthze względu na coś
comp., MSon-account paymentpłatność akonto (A fixed installment payment that is agreed to in a payment plan)
comp., MSon-account statementwyciąg akonto (A report of invoiced on-account transaction amounts for a project)
gen.on no accountw żadnym wypadku
gen.on no accountpod żadnym pozorem
gen.on one's own accountna własną rękę
comp., MSonline accountkonto online (A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP))
ecol.operator holding accountrachunek posiadania operatora
comp., MSopposite accountkonto przeciwstawne (An account used to balance the gross amount in part or in whole of one or more referenced accounts in an accounting equation)
fin.ordinary open safe custody accountrachunek powierniczy
comp., MSorganizational accountKonto organizacyjne (A user account assigned by an organization (work, school, non-profit) to one of their constituents (an employee, student, customer) that provides sign in access to one or more of the organization's Microsoft cloud service subscriptions, such as Office 365 or Windows Azure. These accounts are stored in an organization's cloud directory (also known as Windows Azure Active Directory), and are typically deleted when the user leaves the organization. Organizational accounts differ from Microsoft accounts in that they are created and managed by admins in the organization, not by the user)
econ., fin., account.other accounts receivable/payablepozostałe kwoty do otrzymania/zapłacenia
account.other changes in assets accountrachunek pozostałych zmian aktywów
account.other changes in volume of assets accountrachunek pozostałych zmian wolumenu aktywów
account.own-account constructionbudownictwo we własnym zakresie i na własne potrzeby
fin.own account tradinghandel na własny rachunek
fin.own account tradingtransakcje z użyciem środków własnych
econ.own-account transporttransport własny
comp., MSparent accountkonto nadrzędne (An account that is above other accounts in the hierarchy to which any action taken on the main account entity can propagate to)
comp., MSpartially qualified account numbernumer częściowo uzupełnionego konta księgowego (A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are not entered)
environ.Party accountrachunek strony PzK
fin.paying agencies' accountsksięgowość agencji płatniczych
fin.payment accountrachunek płatniczy
commer., fin., account.payment on accountpłatność zaliczkowa
bank., ITPayments Module accountrachunek w module płatniczym
bank., ITPayments Module accountrachunek w PM
comp., MSPermanent Account Numberindyjski numer identyfikacji podatkowej (A 10-character alphanumeric identifier issued by the Indian Income Tax Department to all taxable entities for taxation and identification purposes)
environ.person holding accountosobisty rachunek posiadania
comp., MSPOP-enabled accountkonto z włączoną obsługą protokołu POP (An account that can receive mail using the POP3 protocol)
comp., MSposting accountkonto księgowe (A financial account that tracks assets, liabilities, revenue, or expenses)
account.primary basis of accountinggłówne zasady rachunkowości
econ.primary distribution of income accountsrachunki podziału pierwotnego dochodów
fin.principle of unit of accountzasada jednostki rozliczeniowej
account.production accountrachunek produkcji
comp., MSprofit and loss accountkonto wynikowe (A revenue or expense account whose balance will be transferred to a retained earnings account at the end of a fiscal year. Balances in profit and loss accounts determine the net income or net loss for the year)
account.profit and loss accountrachunek zysków i strat
account.profit and loss accountsprawozdanie z finansowych wyników działalności
account.provisional accountswstępne sprawozdania finansowe
econ.provisional accountswstępne sprawozdania rachunkowe
comp., MSprovisioned credit card processing accountkonto płatności kartami kredytowymi (An account that has been set up and activated for processing credit card payments and which was set up by using Dynamics Live)
comp., MSproxy accountkonto proxy (An account that is used to provide additional permissions for certain actions to users which do not have these permissions but have to execute these actions)
econ.public accountingrachunkowość publiczna
fin.Public Company Accounting Oversight BoardRada ds. Nadzoru nad Rachunkowością Spółek Publicznych Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki
econ.publication of accountsogłaszanie sprawozdań finansowych
gen.publication of accountsopublikowanie sprawozdania finansowego
account.quarterly accountsrachunki kwartalne
comp., MSQuick Share AccountKonto do szybkiego przekazywania (A feature to define the quick upload of images using a user-defined storing location (such as SkyDrive or Facebook) to be listed in the context menu)
comp., MSRAS accountkonto RAS (A network account that enables a mobile device to remotely access a network)
comp., MSreal accountkonto bilansowe (An account balance that is carried forward into a subsequent fiscal period)
fin.receipts and payments accountrachunek dochodów i wydatków
market.receivable doubtful accountsnależność wątpliwa
econ.regional accountingrachunkowość regionalna
account.regional accountsrachunki regionalne
account.reliability of accountswiarygodność rozliczeń
agric.rendering an account of the work fulfilledzdanie roboty
ecol.replacement accountrachunek zamiany
comp., MSreport server execution accountkonto wykonywania serwera raportów (The account under which the Report Server Web service and Report Server Windows service run)
fin.reserve accountrachunek rezerwy
comp., MSresource accountkonto zasobu (A single security principal-usually a user account-that is created in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and used to map to a single federated user)
comp., MSresponsibility account code segmentsegment odpowiedzialności kodu konta (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to a category within the overall structure of the organization, such as location, division, department, area, task, project, or product)
comp., MSrestricted accountkonto z ograniczoną funkcjonalnością (An account that has restricted functionality. In Windows Live, these accounts are designed for children under the age of 13 and provide a limited set of features. For example, restricted accounts don't have permission to synchronize libraries across computers)
environ.retirement accountrachunek wycofania
account.revaluation accountrachunek przeszacowań
fin.revaluation booked in the profit and loss accountrewaluacja zaksięgowana na rachunku zysków i strat
comp., MSRun As accountkonto Uruchom jako (A Windows account that can be associated with a Run As profile, and that can use the Windows Authentication, NTLM, Basic, or Digest methods of authentication)
econ.running account creditkredyt w rachunku bieżącym
fin.safe custody accountrachunek powierniczy
comp., MSsalvage accountkonto wartości odzyskanej (An account used to track the salvage value of assets)
environ.satellite account A separate financial record or statement that discloses financial activity in a particular area and supplements existing financial recordsdodatkowe konto (osobne konto lub oświadczenie dotyczące strony finansowej działania w określonej dzidzinie, które uzupełnia istniejące dane finansowe)
account.satellite accountrachunek satelitarny
gen.savings accountrachunek oszczędnościowo-rozliczeniowy
gen.savings accountkonto oszczędnościowe
gen.savings accountrachunek oszczędnościowy
econ.secondary distribution of income accountrachunek podziału wtórnego dochodów
fin., account.sectional accountsubkonto
account.sector accountsrachunki sektorów
fin.securities accountrachunek papierów wartościowych
fin.separate accountodrębny rachunek
fin.separate accountkonto B
market.separate accountingodrębne księgowanie
energ.ind.separation of accountsrozdział rachunkowości
comp., MSservice accountkonto usługi (An account that is intended to be used to run a service. A service account has privileges beyond those provided when a service is run as part of the system, such as the ability to connect over the network to another computer)
gen.settle accounts with smbwyrównywać z kimś rachunki
fin.settlement accountrachunek rozliczeniowy
account.settlement date accountingujmowanie na dzień rozliczenia
gen.settlement of accountsrozliczenie
fin., account.share premium accountażio emisyjne
fin., account.share premium accountpremia emisyjna
gen.she was brought to accountwezwano ją do raportu
gen.she was called to accountwezwano ją do raportu
account.social accounting matricesmacierze rachunków społecznych
comp., MSsource company accountfirma źródłowa (The legal entity that is the origin of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
gen.stand to accountstanąć do raportu
comp., MSstandard accountkonto standardowe (A type of user account that allows users to install software and change system settings that do not affect other users or the security of the computer. This account type is recommended for daily use)
law, tax.Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Informationstandard w zakresie automatycznej wymiany informacji finansowych
econ.standardised accounting systemznormalizowany system rozliczeniowy
telegr.statement of call accountwskazanie stanu rachunku
comp., MSstatistical accountkonto statystyczne (A classifier of economic resource quantity used to classify debit or credit entries in an accounting system)
fin., agric., industr.stock accountsewidencja zapasów
comp., MSstorage accountkonto magazynu (An account that provides access to Windows Azure storage services to obtain persistent, redundant storage in the cloud. The storage services include these fundamental services: 1. Blob service 2. Queue service 3. Table service)
comp., MSStorno accountingstornowanie (The practice of using negative numbers to reverse original journal account entries)
comp., MSsub-accountkonto podległe (An account, and its information, that is included within another account)
fin., account.sub-accountsubkonto
comp., MSsubledger journal account entryzapis na koncie w arkuszu księgi podrzędnej (An account entry in a subledger journal account)
account.subsidiary accountsksięgi pomocnicze
econ., tax., account.suspense accountkonto przejściowe
econ., tax., account.suspense accountrachunek przejściowy
fin., econ., account.system of accountszapisy księgowe
econ., stat.System of National Accountssystem rachunków narodowych
account.T-accountkonto teowe
gen.take into accountliczyć się
construct.take into accountuwzględniać
gen.take into accountbrać coś pod uwagę
construct.take into accountobliczać
construct.take into accountewidencjonować
comp., MStimer accountkonto zaplanowanych zadań (A dedicated, administrator-level user account that performs scheduled administrative tasks)
account.trade date accountingujęcie na dzień zawarcia transakcji
econ.trading accountkonto operacyjne
environ.trading platform holding accountrachunek posiadania platformy obrotu
environ.transfer of allowances by account holderprzekazywanie uprawnień przez posiadacza rachunku
gen.turn smth to good accountdyskontować coś
comp., MSunattended service accountnienadzorowane konto usługi (The security account that is used when a data source is configured to connect as a single shared identity for all users)
energ.ind.unbundling of accountsrozdział rachunkowości
account.uniform accounting policiesjednolite zasady rachunkowości
environ.Union allowance deletion accountunijny rachunek usunięcia uprawnień
fin.unit of accountjednostka rozliczeniowa
account.unit of accountjednostka pomiarowa
comp., MSUPN (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: usernazwa UPN
account.use of adjusted disposable income accountrachunek wykorzystania skorygowanych dochodów do dyspozycji
account.use of disposable income accountrachunek wykorzystania dochodów do dyspozycji
account.use of income accountrachunek wykorzystania dochodów
comp., MSuser accountkonto użytkownika (In Active Directory, an object that consists of all the information that defines a domain user, which includes user name, password, and groups in which the user account has membership. User accounts can be stored in either Active Directory or on your local computer)
environ.user accountrachunek użytkownika
comp., MSUser Account ControlKontrola konta użytkownika (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
comp., MSuser principal name (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: usergłówna nazwa użytkownika
environ.verifier accountrachunek weryfikatora
comp., MSvirtual accountkonto wirtualne (A Local Service account that does not require password management. A virtual account is separate from the Local Service, Local System, and Network Service accounts. It uses the computer's account and credentials when it needs network access in a domain environment)
comp., MSWindows accountingewidencjonowanie aktywności systemu Windows (The accounting process carried out by Windows as accounting provider)
comp., MSWindows Live accountKonto Windows Live (Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent)
comp., MSWindows Store developer accountkonto dewelopera w Sklepie Windows (An account that is required to submit an app in the Windows Store)
comp., MSWindows user accountkonto użytkownika systemu Windows (All the information that defines a user to the operating system, including the user name and any required password, membership in groups, and the rights and permissions that are associated with the user)
comp., MSworkflow execution accountkonto wykonania przepływu pracy (A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows)