
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Delivery | all forms | exact matches only
cash on deliverypłatne przy odbiorze (A payment policy that requires payment in full for product upon delivery)
cash on delivery outstandingoczekujące na płatność przy odbiorze (Undelivered and unpaid cash-on-delivery transaction)
delivery addressadres dostawy (The location to which goods are to be sent)
delivery channelkanał dostarczania (A pipeline between a distributor and a delivery service)
delivery channel typetyp kanału dostarczania (The protocol for a delivery channel, such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) or File)
delivery extensionrozszerzenie dostarczania (A plug-in that delivers reports to a specific target (for example, e-mail delivery))
delivery notedokument dostawy (A business document that documents the delivery of products between two parties)
delivery protocolprotokół dostarczenia (The set of communication rules used to route notification messages to external delivery systems)
delivery queuekolejka dostarczania (A queue that is used to hold messages that being delivered to a Mailbox server or remote location. A delivery queue is created for each unique message destination)
delivery scheduleharmonogram dostaw (A schedule for the planned delivery of products)
delivery status notificationpowiadomienie o stanie dostarczenia (A notification made up of a DSN code and a DSN message, that reports the result of an attempt to deliver an e-mail message)
digest deliverydostarczanie podsumowania (A method of sending notifications that combines multiple notifications within a batch and sends the resulting message to a subscriber)
external delivery systemzewnętrzny system dostarczania (A system, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, that delivers formatted notifications to destination devices)
mail delivery serviceusługa dostarczania poczty (A type of information service used to configure Outlook (and other messaging programs) to send and receive e-mail. For example, with an Internet mail delivery service you send and receive messages over the Internet in Outlook)
mailbox delivery queuekolejka dostarczania do skrzynki pocztowej (A group of temporary queues that hold messages that are being delivered to a Mailbox server by using encrypted Exchange RPC. Mailbox delivery queues exist on Hub Transport servers only. A different mailbox delivery queue exists for each Mailbox server destination. The destination Mailbox server must exist in the same Active Directory directory service site as the Hub Transport server. Mailbox delivery queues are dynamically created as needed and are automatically removed)
multicast deliverydostarczanie multiemisyjne (A method for delivering notifications that formats a notification once and sends the resulting message to multiple subscribers)
non-delivery reportraport o niedostarczeniu (A notification that an e-mail message was not delivered to the recipient)
Scheduling and Delivery ProcessorProcesor planowania i dostarczania (A component of the report server engine that handles scheduling and delivery. Works with SQL Agent)
SMS delivery confirmationPotwierdzenie dostarczenia SMS (A toggle switch to request delivery notification via SMS)