
Terms containing Currency | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaccounting currencywaluta rozliczeniowa (The customary monetary unit of measure that is used to record the monetary value of economic resources in ledger accounts)
comp., MSaccounting currency unitksięgowa jednostka walutowa (A currency unit used to quantify the financial consequences of accounting events)
comp., MSalternate currencywaluta alternatywna (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
comp., MSbase currencywaluta podstawowa (The currency a business uses to record all transactions in their ledgers, or the primary currency in which they transact with their bank. The base currency is also commonly referred to as the billing currency, functional currency, or booking currency of a business. The Order Processing pipeline always processes orders using the base currency of the Web site. The base currency can be different than the buyer currency and the supplier currency. The base currency is stored in the billing_currency field in the orderform header)
comp., MSbase currency unitbazowa jednostka waluty (The computed currency unit in an exchange rate calculation)
fin.basket of currencieskoszyk walutowy
econ.basket of currencieskoszyk walut
comp., MSbuyer currencywaluta alternatywna (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
fin.closely correlated currencieswaluty silnie ze sobą skorelowane
econ., fin.common currencywspólna waluta
fin.common currency areawspólny obszar walutowy
fin.common currency zonewspólny obszar walutowy
fin.component currencywaluta składowa
fin.composite currencykoszyk walutowy
fin.composite currencykoszyk walut
fin.composite of currencieskoszyk walutowy
fin.composite of currencieskoszyk walut
interntl.trade.conversion of currencyprzeliczanie waluty
lawconversion rates at which the currencies shall be irrevocably fixedkursy wymiany, zgodnie z którymi waluty są nieodwołalnie powiązane
fin.cross currency interest rate swapswap walutowo-procentowy
fin.cross-currency settlement riskryzyko rozrachunku transakcji dewizowych
fin.cross-currency swapswap walutowy
econ.currency adjustmentkorekta kursu walutowego
comp., MSCurrency (An 8-byte, fixed-point data type that is useful for calculations involving money or for fixed-point calculations in which accuracy is extremely important. The Currency data type is used to store numbers with up to 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right. The type-declaration character in Microsoft© Visual Basic© is an at sign (Waluta
account.currency and depositsgotówka i depozyty
econ.currency areaobszar walutowy
fin.currency basketkoszyk walut
fin.currency basketkoszyk walutowy
fin.currency boardzarząd walutą
fin.currency board arrangementssystem zarządu walutą
gen.currency clauseklauzula waloryzacyjna
fin.currency cocktailkoszyk walut
fin.currency cocktailkoszyk walutowy
comp., MScurrency codekod waluty (An alphanumeric identifier that represents a currency unit)
fin.currency composition of the ECU basketskład walut koszyka ECU
comp., MScurrency conversionkonwersja waluty (The process of restating foreign currency accounts of subsidiaries into equivalent currency (usually the reporting currency of the parent company), in order to prepare consolidated financial statements in the native currency of the parent company)
econ.currency convertibilitywymienialność waluty
fin.currency crisiskryzys walutowy
fin.currency derivative contractpochodny instrument walutowy
fin., econ.currency exchangeskursy wymiany walut
fin.currency futurekontrakt walutowy typu future
comp., MScurrency LCIDidentyfikator LCID waluty (A value that identifies the locale for currency handling. The default value is zero, which uses the default locale ID of the server)
comp., MScurrency locale identifieridentyfikator ustawień regionalnych waluty (A value that identifies the locale for currency handling. The default value is zero, which uses the default locale ID of the server)
fin.currency mismatchniedopasowanie walutowe
fin.currency of paymentwaluta płatności
fin.currency optionopcja walutowa
fin.Currency Rate Swapswap walutowy
econ., interntl.trade., fin.currency realignmentkorekta kursu wymiany
account.currency riskryzyko walutowe
fin.currency swapswap walutowy
comp., MScurrency symbolsymbol waluty (A symbol selected to designate a specific currency)
fin.currency translated optionopcja walutowa
comp., MScurrency translationprzeliczenie waluty (The process of restating foreign currency accounts of subsidiaries into equivalent currency (usually the reporting currency of the parent company), in order to prepare consolidated financial statements in the native currency of the parent company)
account.currency translationprzeliczenie walut obcych
comp., MScurrency unitjednostka waluty (A discrete division of currency value)
account.currency unitsjednostka waluty
econ., fin.currency warwojna walutowa
gen.debasement of a currencydeprecjacja pieniądza
bank.domestic and foreign currency itemspozycje w walucie krajowej i obcej
fin.domestic currencywaluta krajowa
fin.domestic currency sovereign ratingrating obligacji państwowych w walucie krajowej
fin.dual currency bondobligacja dwuwalutowa
fin.equivalent in national currencyrównowartość w walucie krajowej
econ.European currencywaluta europejska
fin.European Currency Uniteuropejska jednostka walutowa
fin.European Currency UnitECU
fin.expressed in national currencywyrażony w walucie krajowej
fin.fiduciary currencybanknoty
account.foreign currencieswaluta zagraniczna
account.foreign currencywaluta obca
econ.foreign currencydewizy
fin.foreign currency accountkonto walutowe
fin.foreign currency debt ratingrating obligacji państwowych w walucie obcej
account.foreign currency derivativeswalutowe instrumenty pochodne
econ.foreign currency marketrynek walutowy
comp., MSforeign currency revaluationprzeszacowanie w walucie obcej (A procedure for recording revalued assets and liabilities that account for differences in exchange rates between an original transaction currency unit and accounting currency unit conversion and a period end transaction currency and accounting currency conversion)
fin.foreign currency sovereign ratingrating obligacji państwowych w walucie obcej
account.foreign currency transactiontransakcja w walucie obcej
comp., MSforeign currency translationprzeliczanie waluty obcej (A procedure for recording revalued functional currency account balances when restating account balances in a reporting currency)
comp., MSforeign currency translationprzeliczenie waluty obcej (The process of restating foreign currency accounts of subsidiaries into equivalent currency (usually the reporting currency of the parent company), in order to prepare consolidated financial statements in the native currency of the parent company)
comp., MSforeign currency unitjednostka waluty obcej (A currency unit of a country/region that is not the functional currency unit of the primary legal entity)
account.foreign exchange - capitalisation of losses resulting from severe currency devaluationswymiana walut - kapitalizacja strat wynikających ze znacznej dewaluacji waluty
account.functional currencywaluta funkcjonalna
comp., MSfunctional currency unitjednostka waluty funkcjonalnej (A currency unit of a country/region in which a primary legal entity locates its business activities and in which it generates most of its revenue and expenses)
fin.in national currencyw walucie krajowej
gen.International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting CurrencyKonwencja międzynarodowa o zwalczaniu fałszowania pieniędzy
econ.international currencywaluta międzynarodowa
econ.issuing of currencyemisja pieniądza
fin.legal currencyprawny środek płatniczy
construct.local currencywaluta miejscowa
fin.local currency sovereign ratingrating obligacji państwowych w walucie krajowej
econ.national currencywaluta krajowa
econ., fin.optimum currency areaoptymalny obszar walutowy
fin.paper currencybanknoty
econ.pegged currencysztywny kurs walutowy
comp., MSpivot currencywaluta przeliczeniowa (The currency against which exchange rates are entered in the rate measure group)
account.presentation currencywaluta prezentacji
lawprice expressed in foreign currencycena wyrażona w walucie obcej
comp., MSquotation currency unitjednostka waluty oferty (The currency unit in an exchange rate calculation)
comp., MSreporting currencywaluta raportowania (The monetary unit of measure used to record the converted monetary value of economic transactions in ledger accounts for financial and management reporting purposes)
account.reporting currencywaluta sprawozdawcza
account.reporting currency - measurement and presentation of financial statements under IAS 21 and IAS 29waluta sprawozdawcza - wycena i prezentacja sprawozdań finansowych zgodnie z MSR 21 i MSR 29
account.reporting currency – translation from measurement currency to presentation currencywaluta sprawozdawcza - przeliczanie z waluty wyceny na walutę prezentacji
comp., MSreporting currency unitjednostka waluty raportowania (A currency unit that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events and to prepare and report ancillary financial statements)
econ.reserve currencywaluta rezerwowa
fin.settlement currencywaluta rozliczeniowa
fin.settlement currencywaluta płatności
fin.single currencyjedna waluta
fin.single-currency interest-rate swapjednowalutowy swap stopy procentowej
comp., MSsystem currency unitdomyślna jednostka waluty (A currency unit that is used as the default currency unit if no currency unit is specified when entering monetary amounts)
fin., econ.the Commission shall avoid making transfers if it possesses cash or liquid assets in the currencies which it needsKomisja unika w miarę możliwości dokonywania takich przelewów, jeśli ma dostępne lub dające się zgromadzić aktywa w walutach, których potrzebuje
econ., fin.the ecu will become a currency in its own rightECU staje się samodzielną walutą
comp., MStransaction currency unitjednostka waluty transakcji (A currency unit that a party accepts for payment)
account.translation of foreign currencyprzeliczanie na walutę obcą
account.translation to the presentation currencyprzeliczanie na walutę prezentacji
comp., MStriangulation currencywaluta triangulacji (A currency that can be used to convert between two other currencies for which there is no direct exchange rate table available. The triangulation currency must have available exchange rates with both of the currencies to be converted. The first currency can be converted into the common (triangulation) currency, and then the common currency can be converted into the second currency)