
Terms containing s | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishScottish Gaelic
anat.Adam's applemeall-sgòrnain (Yerkwantai)
anat.adam's applemeall an sgòrnain (Yerkwantai)
gen.badger's denbroc-lann (Yerkwantai)
gen.cat's tailcuigeal nam ban-sìthe (Yerkwantai)
mus.conductor's batonbatan stiùiriche (Yerkwantai)
gen.earth's coreeitean na talmhainn (Yerkwantai)
gen.fuller's earthcrè an fhùcadair (Yerkwantai)
relig.God's gloryglòir Dhè (Yerkwantai)
gen.hen's billgob circe (Yerkwantai)
gen.in a year's timean ceann bliadhna‎ (Yerkwantai)
gen.in heaven's namean ainm an àigh (Yerkwantai)
rel., christ.Lord's PrayerÙrnaigh an Tighearna (Yerkwantai)
rel., christ.Lord's Prayerpaidir (Yerkwantai)
gen.New Year's DayCallainn (Yerkwantai)
gen.New Year's DayLà na Bliadhna Ùire (Yerkwantai)
gen.New Year's Eveoidhche Challainn (Yerkwantai)
gen.on the tip of one's tongueair bàrr teangaidh (Yerkwantai)
rel., christ.St. Brigid's DayFèill Brìghde (Yerkwantai)
rel., christ.St. Patrick's DayFèill Pàdraig (Yerkwantai)
gen.stone's throwurchair chloiche (Yerkwantai)
gen.that's not completely truechan eil sin buileach fìor (Yerkwantai)
gen.wolf in sheep's clothingsionnach ann an craiceann na caorach (Yerkwantai)