
Terms containing letter | all forms | exact matches only
lawagreement in the form of an exchange of lettersacord sub formă de schimb de scrisori
commer., polit.Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the State of Israel concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of Protocols 1 and 2 to the EC-Israel Association Agreementacorduri de asociere la Comunitatea Europeană
commun.call lettersindicativ radio
gen.capital letterverzală
gen.capital lettercapitală
gen.capital letterliteră majusculă
fin.comfort letterscrisoare de confort
law, commer.comfort letterscrisoare de conformitate
comp., MSdead-letter queueșir de mesaje expirate (For Message Queuing, a queue that stores nontransactional messages that are undeliverable or expired. These queues store failed messages on the computer on which the message expired. Messages in these queues are written to disk and are therefore recoverable)
comp., MSdrive letterliteră de unitate (The naming convention for disk drives or partitions on most computers, consisting of an alphabetical letter followed by a colon)
lawexchange of lettersschimb de scrisori
econ.form of letter of credit paymentformă de decontare prin acreditiv
construct.letter and number designationnotație alfa-numerică
construct.letter codecod alfabetic
construct.letter designationnotație literară
fin., tech.letter of appointmentscrisoare de numire
law, econ.letter of formal noticescrisoare de punere în întârziere
mech.eng., construct.letter of intentscrisoare de intenție
polit., lawletter of requestcomisie rogatorie
law, h.rghts.act.letter of rightsnotă privind drepturile
account.letters of creditacreditive
polit., lawletters rogatorycomisie rogatorie
polit.opinion in the form of a letteraviz sub formă de scrisoare
gen.security aspects letteranexă de securitate
fin.share allotment letterformular de subscriere
comp., MStransactional dead-letter queueșir tranzacțional de mesaje expirate (For Message Queuing, a queue that stores transactional messages that cannot reach their destination queue. Transactional dead-letter queues store failed messages on the computer on which the message expired. Messages in these queues are written to disk and are therefore recoverable)
comp., MSuppercase lettermajusculă (In some languages, a distinct, and usually larger, form of a letter. May be used in word-initial position in certain cases, or for emphasis)
gen.upper-case letterverzală
gen.upper-case letterliteră majusculă