
Terms containing anchor | all forms | exact matches only
construct.anchor bartijă de ancoraj
construct.anchor blockbloc de ancoraj
construct.anchor boltbulon pentru fundații
construct.anchor boltbulon de ancoraj
construct.anchor cable systemsistem cu cabluri ancorat
construct.anchor foundationfundație de ancoraje
construct.anchor gripgheară de ancoraj
construct.anchor loopochiul ancorei
construct.anchor pierreazem al podului de frînare
construct.anchor piersuport de ancorare a podului
construct.anchor pilepliot de ancoraj
construct.anchor plateplacă de ancorare
comp., MSanchor pluginplugin ancoră (A gatherer plug-in that is responsible for indexing the anchor text. Anchor text is an important feature in the ranking of the search results in v3)
comp., MSanchor pointpunct de ancorare (The starting point for a selected range of objects. An anchor point is usually established at the object logically nearest the hot spot of a mouse pointer when a user presses a mouse button or touches the tip of a pen to the screen)
construct.anchor polestîlp de ancoraj
construct.anchor poststîlp de ancorare
construct.anchor shacklebuclă de ancorare
construct.anchor shoesabot de ancorai
construct.anchor shoesabot
build.struct.anchor stonebloc din piatră de ancoraj
construct.anchor supportsuport de ancorare
build.struct.anchor tietirant de ancorare
construct.anchor towerstîlp de ancoraj
comp., MSAnchor Volume Descriptor PointerPointer descriptor de volum ancoră (A part of the UDF file system necessary to identify the required blocks in order to interpret the file system)
construct.anchor washerșaibă de ancoraj
comp., MSanchor windowfereastră ancoră (A small window that can appear in the lower-right corner of the screen when Windows Media Player is in skin mode. You can use the window to return to full mode and access other commands)
construct.corner anchor polestîlp de ancoraj de colț
construct.insert anchor washerșaibă încorporată de ancoraj
construct.sleeve anchor with threaded internal coneancoraj pahar
construct.suspension bridge anchor spandeschiderea liberă a podului
construct.tunnel anchor boltingsusținere prin armare a tunelului