
Terms containing accident | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Accident and Health Insuranceasigurare de sănătate și contra accidentelor
gov., social.sc., empl.accident at workaccident profesional
gen.accident at workaccident de muncă
gen.accident conditionscondiții de accident
econ.accident in the homeaccident casnic
gov., social.sc., empl.accident occurring in the course of occupational activitiesaccident de muncă
gov., social.sc., empl.accident occurring in the course of occupational activitiesaccident profesional
stat., lab.law.accident on boardaccident de transport
econ.accident preventionprevenirea accidentelor
construct.accident preventionsecuritatea muncii
construct.accident rateproporția de accidente
environ.accident source The cause or origin of an unexpected occurrence, failure or loss with the potential for harming human life, property or the environmentsursă de accidente
transp., mil., grnd.forc.accident to personaccidentare de persoane
nucl.phys.beyond design basis accidentaccident dincolo de baza de proiect
construct.book of reports on accidents and safety measuresfișa de tehnica securității muncii
econ.chemical accidentaccident chimic
gen.collective accidentaccident colectiv de muncă
polit.Committee overseeing the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power stationComitetul de supraveghere a condițiilor de import al produselor agricole originare din țările terțe în urma accidentului produs la centrala nucleară de la Cernobâl
nucl.phys.Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear AccidentConvenția cu privire la notificarea rapidă a unui accident nuclear
insur.credit accident insuranceasigurare personală de accidente
construct.deed of accidentproces verbal de constatare a accidentului
construct.deed of accidentact de constatare a accidentului
nucl.pow.design basis accidentaccident de bază de proiect
environ.environmental accident An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss, with the potential for harming the ecosystem or natural resourcesaccident ecologic
stat., lab.law.European Statistics on Accidents at WorkStatistici europene privind accidentele de muncă
gov., social.sc., empl.industrial accidentaccident de muncă
gov., social.sc., empl.industrial accidentaccident profesional
econ.industrial accidentaccident industrial
transp., polit.level-crossing accidentaccident la trecerea la nivel
environ.liability for marine accidents Subjection to a legal obligation, such as financial recompense or ecological reparations, for any harm or damage inflicted on persons, property or the environment in the course of commercial or recreational activity in, on or near a searesponsabilitate pentru accidente maritime
health., environ.major accidentaccident major
environ.major accident An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss beyond normal or specified levels with the potential for harming human life, property or the environmentaccident important
gen.maximum credible accidentaccident maxim credibil
forestr.near-accidentaccident minor
environ.nuclear accident An event occurring in a nuclear power plant or anywhere that radioactive materials are used, stored, or transported and involving the release of potentially dangerous levels of radioactive materials into the environmentaccident nuclear
econ.nuclear accidentaccident nuclear
gov., social.sc., empl.occupational accidentaccident de muncă
econ.occupational accidentaccident profesional
econ.occupational accident insuranceasigurare pentru accident de muncă
construct.optimal accident ratesiguranță optimă
econ.personal accident insuranceasigurare personală de accidente
forestr.risk of accidentrisc de accident
el.severe accidentaccident sever
environ.shipping accident An unexpected incident, failure or loss involving a vessel or its contents in the course of commercial transport that poses potential harm to persons, property or the environmentaccident naval
environ.technological accident An unexpected incident, failure or loss occurring through the application of practical or mechanical sciences to industry or commerce that poses potential harm to persons, property or the environmentaccident tehnologic
environ.traffic accident An unexpected incident with potential for harm occurring through the movement or collision of vessels, vehicles or persons along a land, water, air or space routeaccident rutier
econ.transport accidentaccident de transport
environ.work accident Accident occurring in the course of the employment and caused by inherent or related factors arising from the operation of materials of one's occupationaccident de muncă