
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Audio | all forms | exact matches only
Audio and Video Tuning Wizard...Expert reglare audio și video (An item on the Tools menu (in a Conversation window) or Actions menu (in the main Communicator window) that runs a wizard that helps the user verify that the camera, speakers, and microphone are working properly on the user's computer)
audio bookcarte audio (A book that has been read and recorded on cassette tape, CD or digital format)
audio callapel audio (A call for transmitting audio data, including but not limited to speech)
audio codeccodec audio (The digital encoding used to represent audio data)
audio conferenceconferință audio (The audio portion of a meeting. The audio can be provided through a telephone conferencing service or by using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology)
audio conference linelinie de conferință audio (The bridge line that participants call to hear the audio portion of a Live Meeting session)
audio conferencing profileprofil de conferință audio (Audio settings for a user that are associated with a telephone conferencing provider or with an audio-video conferencing server)
Audio ControlsControale audio (An item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for audio calls. Audio Controls include a Call menu for the currently selected person, microphone and speaker controls, Mute, Hang Up, and Transfer buttons)
audio framecadru audio (One of the smaller parts (with their own headers and audio information) that make up an audio file)
audio mixingmixare audio (The process of combining multiple streams of audio data into a single stream)
audio outputieșire audio (Any sound produced by a computer; specifically, spoken output produced by a computer in response to some specific type of input. Such output may be generated using a combination of words from a digitized vocabulary or through the synthesis of words from tables of phonemes)
audio promptsemnal audio (An audio cue to the user to begin recording audio data)
audio responserăspuns audio (Any sound produced by a computer; specifically, spoken output produced by a computer in response to some specific type of input. Such output may be generated using a combination of words from a digitized vocabulary or through the synthesis of words from tables of phonemes)
audio stylestil audio (A combination of audio playback options that are identified by a style name. This allows you to configure playback with a single click)
Audio/Video Conferencing ServerA/V Conferencing Server (A server running Lync Server or Office Communications Server that mixes and manages audio and video inputs from multiple sources for multiparty audio and video conferences)
Audio Video InterleavedAudio Video Interleaved, Audio-video intercalat (A Microsoft Windows multimedia file format for sound and videos that uses the Microsoft Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) specification)
audio waveformformă semnal audio (A visual representation of an audio signal over time)
digital audio tapebandă audio digitală (A magnetic-tape storage medium for recording digitally encoded audio information. In addition to the tape cassette, DAT indentifies a type of digital tape recorder and player)
embedded audio clipclip audio încorporat (An audio clip that has been inserted into another file or Web page)
enhanced audio CDCD audio îmbunătățit (An audio CD that contains both audio and other multimedia content)
illustrated audioaudio ilustrat (A stream that combines audio with synchronized still images to make up an online slide show that runs at low bandwidths)
MPEG Audio Layer-3Nivel 3 MPEG Audio (A digital audio coding scheme used to distribute recorded music over the Internet. MP3 shrinks the size of an audio file by a factor of 10 to 12 without degrading the quality (CD-recording level) of the sound)
Quality Windows Audio-Video ExperienceExperiență de calitate audio video Windows (A collection of QoS-related software modules that run on devices in the home network. It supports multiple A/V streams (real-time flows requiring QoS) and data streams (best-effort flows, such as e-mail) simultaneously over the home network, while providing a high-quality A/V user experience)
Start an Audio Conversation...Pornire conversație audio... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)