
Terms containing Acoustic | all forms | exact matches only
construct.acoustic bridgepunte sonoră
construct.acoustic bridgepunte acustică
tech., el.acoustic calibratorpistonfon
tech., el.acoustic calibratorcalibrator acustic
construct.acoustic cavitationcavitație acustică
phys.acoustic centercentru acustic
environ.acoustic comfortconfort acustic
construct.acoustic earcaptator electroacustic
construct.acoustic enclosureprotecție acustică
construct.acoustic fieldcîmp acustic
environ.acoustic filter A device employed to reject sound in a particular range of frequencies while passing sound in another range of frequenciesfiltru acustic
construct.acoustic generatorgenerator de sunete
construct.acoustic generatoremițător acustic
environ.acoustic insulation The process of preventing the transmission of sound by surrounding with a nonconducting materializolare fonică
environ.acoustic level Physical quantity of sound measured, usually expressed in decibelsnivel acustic
construct.acoustic massmasă acustică
construct.acoustic materialsmaterial acustic
construct.acoustic paintvopsea fonoabsorbantă
construct.acoustic paintvopsea fonoizolatoare
construct.acoustic panelplacă fonoabsorbantă
construct.acoustic permeabilitypermeabilitate acustică
construct.acoustic plan of townharta acustică a orașului
construct.acoustic plastertencuială fonoizolantă
construct.acoustic pliabilitymaleabilitate acustică
environ.acoustic property The characteristics found within a structure that determine the quality of sound in its relevance to hearingproprietate acustică
construct.acoustic resilienceelasticitate acustică
construct.acoustic screenecran acustic
construct.acoustic screeningecran împotriva zgomotului
construct.acoustic shockșoc sonor
construct.acoustic treatmenttratare acustică
construct.acoustic waveunde sonore
construct.acoustic yieldingmaleabilitate acustică
environ.acoustical quality The characteristics of a confined space that determines its ability to enable music and speech to be heard clearly within itcalitate acustică
construct.decorative acoustic materialsmaterial acustic decorativ
construct.free acoustic fieldcîmp liber (acustic)
construct.interlay acoustic materialsmaterial acustic intercalat
construct.interlay acoustic materialsmaterial acustic pentru planșee
construct.interlaying acoustic materialsmaterial acustic intercalat
construct.interlaying acoustic materialsmaterial acustic pentru planșee
construct.method of seismo-acoustic profilingmetoda profilării seismoacustice
el.surface acoustic wave devicedispozitiv cu unde acustice
construct.thermo-acoustic ceilingplafon termoacustic