
Terms containing call | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAdd a Person to the CallĮtraukti asmenį į pokalbį (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
comp., MSadd callįtraukti į pokalbį (A button that appears during an active phone call, allowing a user to add another person to his/her conference call)
comp., MSAdd Person to CallĮtraukti asmenį į pokalbį... (An item on the right-click menu for a conversation participant. Clicking it opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box)
comp., MSaudio callgarsinių duomenų skambutis (A call for transmitting audio data, including but not limited to speech)
commun., ITbusy hour call attemptskambučių kiekis piko laiku
comp., MSbypass callapeinantis skambutis (A call that bypasses the Mediation Server)
chem.Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Skambinti į APSINUODIJIMŲ KONTROLĖS IR INFORMACIJOS BIURĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
chem.Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.Pasijutus blogai, skambinti į APSINUODIJIMŲ KONTROLĖS IR INFORMACIJOS BIURĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
comp., MScall answeringautoatsakiklio programa (A voice mail application that answers a call so that a message can be left)
math.call-backpakartotinas apsilankymas
commun., mater.sc.call barringskambučių blokavimas
gen.call-by-callatskiri skambučiai
immigr.call effectpatrauklumo veiksnys
law, hobby, ITcall failurenepriimtas iškvietimas
gen.call for applicationskvietimas teikti paraiškas
fin.call for collateralužtikrinimo priemonės pareikalavimas
gen.call for competitionkvietimas dalyvauti konkurse
ITcall for expression of interestkvietimas pareikšti susidomėjimą
fin.call for marginįkaito vertės išlaikymo prievolė
fin.call for proposalskvietimas teikti paraiškas
gen.call for tenderkonkursas
gen.call for tenderskonkurso paskelbimas
lab.law.call for tenderskvietimas dalyvauti konkurse
gen.call for tenderskvietimas pateikti pasiūlymus
comp., MSCall forwardingSkambučių peradresavimas (A group of options in the Options dialog box, on the Phone tabs, that controls the automatic forwarding of incoming phone calls)
comp., MScall forwardingskambučio peradresavimas (A feature that allows for automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
comp., MSCall Forwarding OffSkambučių peradresavimas išjungtas (The menu item that turns off the automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
comp., MSCall Forwarding OnSkambučių peradresavimas įjungtas (The menu item that displays a menu of options that the user can select to turn on the automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
comp., MScall-handling rulesskambučių tvarkymo taisyklės (A set of features used for call answering and forwarding)
fin.call-in ratepareikalavimo tarifas
comp., MSCall Level Interface The interface supported by ODBC for use by an applicationiškvietos lygio sąsaja (SQL/CLI)
comp., MScall logsskambučių žurnalai (A list of incoming calls and outgoing calls, showing information such as the name of the caller or call recipient, the date and the time of the call)
comp., MSCall Managerskambučių tvarkytuvas (A software component that establishes, maintains and terminates a connection between two computers)
comp., MSCall MeSkambinti mano numeriu (A feature of Communicator Web Access in which a user can join a conference by requesting that Office Communications Server call a specified phone number instead of the user placing a call to a conferencing service)
IT, dat.proc., lab.law.call numbertelefono numeris
fin.call optionpasirinkimo pirkti sandoris
commun.call originationkvietimo pradžia
comp., MSCall Park orbitSkambučių sulaikymo programos priskirtas numeris (A number assigned to a parked call by the Call Park application)
fin.call priceatpirkimo kaina
comp., MScall recipientskambučio gavėjas (The person whom, or place that, a caller is calling)
gen.call set-upiškvietimo nustatymas
commun.call signšaukinys
comp., MScall signšaukinys (The identifying code letters or numbers of a radio or television transmitting station, assigned by a regulatory body)
commun.call signalšaukinys
commun., mech.eng.call signalradijo šaukinys
comp., MSCall Someone...Skambinti kam nors... (An item on the Actions menu that calls the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
gen.call terminationkvietimo pabaiga
polit.call to orderįspėjimas
comp., MScall treeiškvietimų medis (All modules that might be called by any procedure in the module in which code is currently running)
gen.to call up for military servicešaukti į karo tarnybą
fin.call-up ratepareikalavimo tarifas
comp., MSCall Via Conferencing ServiceKonferencinis skambutis (An item on the right-click menu for a conference participant. In a conference, this command requests that the conferencing service call the selected participant)
econ.calling for competitionkonkurencinis viešasis pirkimas
commun.calling line identificationskambinančios linijos nustatymas
market., fin.calling of a general meetingposėdžio sušaukimas
stat., commun., scient.calling subscriberskambinantysis abonentas
fin.clean-up call optionpasirinkimo panaikinti sandoris
comp., MSclick to callskambinti spustelėjus (The feature with which a mobile phone user can place a voice call by clicking a contact's single phone number or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URI)
fin.closing calluždarymo kaina
comp., MSCommunicator callSkambutis naudojant "Communicator" (A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call that is routed to all of a contact's devices that are running Office Communicator 2007. A contact can receive a Communicator call on his or her computer or on a telephony device that is configured for Office Communicator 2007)
comp., MScomputer callskambutis į kompiuterį (A function that allows a user to call a computer)
comp., MSconference callkonferencinis skambutis (A telephone conversation between three or more people)
gen.conference calltelefoninė konferencija
comp., MSControl call forwarding from CommunicatorValdyti skambučių peradresavimą iš "Communicator" (An item the user can select in the Options dialog box, Phones tab. When the user selects this option, Communicator controls automatic forwarding of incoming calls using the call-forwarding settings the user selects)
comp., MSdelayed group callatidėtas skambutis grupei (A group call that first rings the group owner, and then after a specified number of seconds rings the call group in addition to the group owner)
commun.emergency callavarinis iškvietimas
comp., MSemergency callpagalbos skambutis (A call made to an emergency number)
comp., MSend a callbaigti pokalbį (To end a phone call)
comp., MSend callBaigti pokalbį, baigti skambutį (An infotip for the button on the phone and video controls that ends the conversation)
comp., MSEnd the callBaigti pokalbį (An infotip for the Hang Up button. The Hang Up button is a button on Phone Controls and Audio Controls)
comp., MSEnter remote call control URIĮvesti nuotolinio skambučių valdymo URI (An option in the Manually Configure Phone Integration dialog box where the user enters his phone number in the required format. To access this dialog box, click the Configure button in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab)
social.sc., health., commun.Europe-wide emergency call numberEuropos bendrasis pagalbos telefono numeris 112
gen.Europe-wide emergency call numbernumeris 112
gen.expert available on-calltelefonu pasiekiamas ekspertas
bank.first-call guarantorpirminio reikalavimo garantas
med.general callbendra iškvieta
comp., MSgroup callskambutis grupei (A call to a call group that rings the group owner and call group simultaneously. When a member of the group answers the call, the other members get a notification with the status of the call)
chem.If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Jeigu pasireiškia respiraciniai simptomai: skambinti į APSINUODIJIMŲ KONTROLĖS IR INFORMACIJOS BIURĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
chem.IF exposed: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Esant sąlyčiui: Skambinti į APSINUODIJIMŲ KONTROLĖS IR INFORMACIJOS BIURĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
chem.IF exposed or if you feel unwell: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Esant sąlyčiui arba pasijutus blogai: Skambinti į APSINUODIJIMŲ KONTROLĖS IR INFORMACIJOS BIURĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
chem.IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.PRARIJUS: Pasijutus blogai, skambinti į ApsinuodijimŲ kontrolĖs ir informacijos biurĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
chem.IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.PRARIJUS: Nedelsiant skambinti į ApsinuodijimŲ kontrolĖs ir informacijos biurĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
chem.Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Nedelsiant skambinti į APSINUODIJIMŲ KONTROLĖS IR INFORMACIJOS BIURĄ arba kreiptis į gydytoją.
comp., MSin a callkalba telefonu (Pertaining to a user engaged in a phone conversation)
comp., MSincoming callskambina (A current attempt by a second party to establish communication with a user)
fin.maintenance callįkaito vertės išlaikymo prievolė
comp., MSmalicious call reportingpranešimas apie kenkėjišką skambutį (A feature that enables phone users to report disturbing calls to the system administrator. When the user selects to report a malicious call, data from the last call received is captured and sent to the system administrator)
fin.margin callįkaito vertės išlaikymo prievolė
comp., MSmissed callpraleistas skambutis (A telephone call the user has failed to answer)
comp., MSmissed call notificationpranešimas apie praleistus skambučius (An e-mail message that is sent to a Unified Messaging subscriber that indicates that someone called but did not leave a message)
ITmulti-address calltransliavimas
gen.multiple calltelefoninė konferencija
gen.negotiated procedure without prior call for competitionderybų procedūra iš anksto nepaskelbus pranešimo apie pirkimus
gen.negotiated procedure without prior call for competitionderybos be išankstinio skelbimo apie pirkimą
commun.next port of callkitas įplaukimo uostas
gen.non-call periodlengvatinis laikotarpis
gen.open call for tendersatviras konkursas
commun.outgoing callsiunčiamas skambutis
comp., MSoutgoing callskambinta (A call that originates from your mobile device)
commun., transp.pan-European in-vehicle emergency callpagalbos iškvietos sistema "eCall"
comp., MSPC CallPC skambutis (A feature that enables customers to make voice calls from one computer to another)
comp., MSphone calltelefono skambutis (A function that enables a user to make a call to a phone, as opposed to calling another computer or using a webcam)
comp., MSphone callTelefono skambutis (An activity to track a telephone call)
transp., nautic.port of callįplaukimo uostas
commun., ITpriority callprioritetinis pranešimas
gen.procedure with a prior call for competitionprocedūra su išankstiniu kvietimu dalyvauti konkurse
gen.procedure without prior call for competitionprocedūra be išankstinio kvietimo dalyvauti konkurse
fin.rate of call-uppareikalavimo tarifas
comp., MSremote call controlnuotolinis skambučių valdymas (The ability to send and receive calls on a desktop phone by using a computer-supported telecommunications application, such as Lync or Communicator)
comp., MSremote procedure callnuotolinis procedūros iškvietimas (A communication mechanism that allows computers to communicate with one another over a network. An RPC consists of a procedure identifier, parameters passed to the procedure, and a value returned to the caller (client computer) after the procedure has executed on the remote system (server computer))
gen.restricted call for tendersribotas konkursas
comp., MSRetrieve Call From HoldPersijungti į atidėtą pokalbį (A button on in the Transfer Call dialog box that reconnects the user to the call that is currently on hold)
polit.roll-call votebalsuoti vardiniu būdu
econ.roll-call votevardinis balsavimas
stat., commun., scient.selective callingatrankinis kvietimas
social.sc., health., commun.single European emergency call numberEuropos bendrasis pagalbos telefono numeris 112
gen.single European emergency call numbernumeris 112
comp., MSTeam Callskambučio peradresavimas komandai (The feature that forwards a call from a team leader to an entire team according to a hunt group algorithm)
comp., MSteam-call groupatsiliepiančiųjų grupė (A group of people who can answer calls on behalf of someone else)
commun.unsuccessful call attemptnesėkmingas skambutis
comp., MSvideo callvaizdo skambutis (In Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Mail desktop, a video exchange through instant messages between two or more people)
comp., MSvoice callbalso skambutis (A telephone call where the human voice, rather than data or video, is transmitted (that is, an ordinary telephone call))
commun.voice call terminationbalso skambučių užbaigimas
polit.vote by roll callvardinis balsavimas
polit.vote by roll callbalsuoti vardiniu būdu
comp., MSWindows Call"Windows" skambučiai (An app for making video calls)
comp., MSWindows Live Call"Windows Live Call" (The Windows Live service that allows users to make computer-to-computer or computer-to-phone calls. Users must be signed in to Windows Live Messenger to use it)