
Terms containing which | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishSerbian Latin
lawcontainer or receptacle in which goods are packedambalaža
lawcrime from which other crimes ariseosnovno krivično delo
lawcrime from which other crimes ariseosnovni zločin
lawdamage for which there is no remedyšteta za koju ne postoji pravni lek (lat. damnum sine injuria)
lawdelay which can be excusedopravdano zakašnjenje
lawdelay which can be excusedopravdano kašnjenje
lawerror of fact which has occasioned a miscarriage of justicegreška u utvrđivanju činjeničkog stanja zbog koje je došlo do neostvarenja pravde
lawimplementation of the law of the country in which a contract was madeprimena zakona zemlje u kojoj je sklopljen ugovor (lat. lex loci contractus)
lawimplementation of the law of the country in which a tort was committedprimena zakona zemlje u kojoj je počinjen delikt (lat. lex loci delicti)
lawknow which is whichrazlikovati jedno od drugog
lawlaws under which the charge is madezakoni na osnovu kojih je sastavljena optužnica
lawlaws under which the conviction is obtainedzakoni na osnovu kojih je doneta presuda
lawlaws under which the conviction is obtainedzakoni po kojima je izrečena kazna
account.liabilities which can be converted into capitalobaveze koje se mogu pretvoriti u kapital
lawmeasure which impinges on libertymera koja ograničava slobodu
lawoffence with which a person is chargedkrivično delo koje se nekome stavlja na teret
lawpractice or custom by which a man has more than one wifepoligamija
lawpractice or custom by which a man has more than one wifemnogoženstvo
lawproceedings in which both parties are heardkontradiktorni postupak
lawproceedings in which both parties are heardoptužni postupak
lawproceedings in which both parties are heardpostupak u kome obe strane iznose svoje argumente
lawproceedings in which both parties are heardakuzatorni postupak
lawpunishment which has been pronouncedizrečena kazna
fig.see which way the cat jumpsgledati otkuda vetar duva
lawstatement of matters which are not in disputeizjava o nespornim pitanjima
lawthing which is donatedpoklonjena stvar
lawthing which is donateddonirana stvar
lawthing which is donateddonacija
construct.time within which payment is to be maderok isplate
comp., MSusername (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thekorisničko ime
econ.without which notneizbežan uslov ili kvalifikacija