
Terms for subject General containing better | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishSerbian Latin
all the bettertoliko bolje
better late than neverbolje ikada nego nikada
elders and betterspoštovanja vredne osobe
elders and bettersčasne vredne osobe
half a loaf is better than no breadbolje vrabac u ruci nego golub na grani
he is heaps betternjemu je mnogo bolje
he is heaps betteron je mnogo bolji
not that it mightn't be bettera možda bi bilo čak i bolje
so much the bettertoliko bolje
the grey mare is the better horsežena vodi reč
the grey mare is the better horsežena sposobnija od muža
the sooner the betteršto pre to bolje
think better ofimati povoljnije mišljenje o (nekome)
think better ofpredomisliti se