
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ticket | all forms | exact matches only
authentication tickettíquete de autenticação (A ticket that Commerce Server creates for registered users)
MSCSAuth tickettíquete de autenticação (A ticket that Commerce Server creates for registered users)
service tickettíquete de serviço (A ticket issued by the Kerberos V5 ticket-granting service (TGS) that allows a user to authenticate to a specific service in the domain)
service ticketpermissão de serviço (A ticket issued by the Kerberos V5 ticket-granting service (TGS) that allows a user to authenticate to a specific service in the domain)
ticket-granting serviceserviço de concessão de permissões (A Kerberos V5 service provided by the Kerberos V5 Key Distribution Center (KDC) service that issues service tickets that allow users to authenticate to services in a domain)