
Terms for subject Microsoft containing sign | all forms | exact matches only
at signarroba (The separator between account names and domain names in Internet e-mail addresses)
call signsinal de chamada (The identifying code letters or numbers of a radio or television transmitting station, assigned by a regulatory body)
call signindicativo de chamada (The identifying code letters or numbers of a radio or television transmitting station, assigned by a regulatory body)
cent signcentavo de dólar (The ¢ character)
CENT SIGNcentavo de dólar (The ¢ character)
Change Sign-In Account...Alterar Conta de Entrada (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
Change Sign-In Account...Mudar Conta de Início de Sessão... (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
co-signcoassinar (To digitally sign data along with one or more additional signatories. A cosignature does not imply that other signatures are valid)
co-signassinar conjuntamente (To digitally sign data along with one or more additional signatories. A cosignature does not imply that other signatures are valid)
DEGREE SIGNsinal de grau (The ° character)
desktop ISP sign-up offeroferta de inscrição em provedor para computadores desktop (A set of HTML pages that offer the end user the opportunity to sign up for Internet access. To view the offer, the end user clicks a link from the OEM link on the Start menu)
desktop ISP sign-up offeroferta de inscrição num ISP (A set of HTML pages that offer the end user the opportunity to sign up for Internet access. To view the offer, the end user clicks a link from the OEM link on the Start menu)
digitally signassinar digitalmente (To add a digital signature to a macro or file)
division signsinal de divisão (The ÷ character)
DIVISION SIGNsinal de divisão (The ÷ character)
dollar signcifrão (The $ character)
DOLLAR SIGNcifrão (The $ character)
e-mail as sign in IDemail como ID de entrada (A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organization)
e-mail as sign in ID A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organizationEASI ID (e-mail as sign in ID)
equal signsinal de igual (The = character)
EURO SIGNsímbolo do Euro (The € character)
greater than or equal to signsinal de maior ou igual a (The ≥ character)
greater than signsinal de maior que (The > character)
GREATER-THAN SIGNsinal de maior que (The > character)
ISP sign-up serverservidor de inscrição do provedor (An HTTP server that automates the task of adding new customers to an ISP's customer database. The Internet sign-up server collects information from each customer, adds the information to the ISP's customer database, and then passes a configuration packet back to the customer's desktop computer. The configuration packet contains information that is used to configure the customer's Internet browser for subsequent connection to the ISP's services)
ISP sign-up serverservidor de inscrição no ISP (An HTTP server that automates the task of adding new customers to an ISP's customer database. The Internet sign-up server collects information from each customer, adds the information to the ISP's customer database, and then passes a configuration packet back to the customer's desktop computer. The configuration packet contains information that is used to configure the customer's Internet browser for subsequent connection to the ISP's services)
less than or equal to signsinal de menor ou igual a (The ≤ character)
less than signsinal de menor que (The < character)
less than sign (Thesinal de menor que
LESS-THAN SIGNsinal de menor que (The < character)
LESS-THAN SIGN (Thesinal de menor que
Microsoft Online Services Sign InLogon do Microsoft Online Services (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Add-OnComplemento para Conexão do Microsoft Online Services (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that updates the Microsoft Online Services ID Sign-In Assistant to work with other Office programs)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Add-OnSuplemento de Início de Sessão do Microsoft Online Services (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that updates the Microsoft Online Services ID Sign-In Assistant to work with other Office programs)
Microsoft Online Services Sign In ApplicationAplicativo de Logon do Microsoft Online Services (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In AssistantAssistente de Conexão do Microsoft Online Services (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In AssistantAssistente de Início de Sessão do Microsoft Online Services (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
minus signsinal de subtração (The – character, based on the width of an uppercase N and used primarily as a connecting element, especially with numbers)
multiplication signsinal de multiplicação (The × character)
MULTIPLICATION SIGNsinal de multiplicação (The × character)
number signtecla de cerquilha (The character)
number signsinal de cardinal (The character)
NUMBER SIGNtecla de cerquilha (The character)
OEM ISP sign-up offeroferta de inscrição em provedor OEM (A set of HTML pages created by either the OEM or a third-party company that lets end users sign up for Internet access from a particular Internet service provider (ISP). You can incorporate these pages into Windows Welcome, or include a shortcut to the first page of the OEM link on the Start menu)
OEM ISP sign-up offeroferta OEM de inscrição num ISP (A set of HTML pages created by either the OEM or a third-party company that lets end users sign up for Internet access from a particular Internet service provider (ISP). You can incorporate these pages into Windows Welcome, or include a shortcut to the first page of the OEM link on the Start menu)
percent signsinal de porcentagem (The % character)
PIN sign-inacessar com PIN (The capability to sign in to a PC by using a four-digit code)
PIN sign-ininício de sessão com PIN (The capability to sign in to a PC by using a four-digit code)
plus or minus signsinal de mais ou menos (The ± character)
plus signsinal de adição (The + character, used to indicate addition or a positive number)
PLUS SIGNsinal de adição (The + character, used to indicate addition or a positive number)
PLUS-MINUS SIGNsinal de mais ou menos (The ± character)
REGISTERED SIGNsímbolo de marca registrada (The symbol or character used to indicate that a word, phrase, symbol, or design is a registered trademark)
SECTION SIGNsinal de parágrafo (The § character)
sign ininiciar sessão (To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
sign inentrar (To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
sign-ininformações de entrada (The credentials (user name and password) that a person uses to gain access to a service, network server, etc)
Sign InIniciar Sessão (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
Sign InEntrar (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
sign-ininformações de início de sessão (The credentials (user name and password) that a person uses to gain access to a service, network server, etc)
sign-in allowed usersentrada de usuários permitidos (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in privileges allowed. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
sign-in allowed usersutilizadores com início de sessão permitido (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in privileges allowed. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
Sign in asEntrar como (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
Sign in asIniciar sessão como (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
sign-in blocked usersentrada de usuários bloqueados (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in priveleges blocked. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
sign-in blocked usersutilizadores com início de sessão bloqueado (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in priveleges blocked. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
sign-in infoinformações de entrada (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
sign-in infoinformações de início de sessão (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
sign-in informationinformações de entrada (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
sign-in informationinformações de início de sessão (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
sign-in namenome de entrada (The ID that the user enters to sign in to Lync or Communicator)
sign-in namenome de início de sessão (The ID that the user enters to sign in to Lync or Communicator)
sign outterminar sessão (To end a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign out of a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
sign outsair do serviço (To end a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign out of a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
Sign OutSair (A UI element that ends a user session or exits a service)
Sign OutTerminar Sessão (A UI element that ends a user session or exits a service)
sign upinscrever-se (To enroll in a service, often resulting in setting up a new account)
sign upinscreverse (To enroll in a service, often resulting in setting up a new account)
sign upinscrever (To enroll in a service, often resulting in setting up a new account)
sign-up addressendereço de inscrição (An e-mail address that a user can create to use when they buy products online or register for updates from a Web site and don't want to use their main e-mail address)
single sign-onlogon único (An authentication process that permits a user to log on to a system once with a single set of credentials to access multiple applications or services)
single sign-oninício de sessão único (An authentication process that permits a user to log on to a system once with a single set of credentials to access multiple applications or services)
single sign-on daemondaemon de logon único (A daemon on a Windows-based computer that receives an encrypted password and decrypts it before requesting a password change on the UNIX host)
single sign-on daemondaemon de início de sessão único (A daemon on a Windows-based computer that receives an encrypted password and decrypts it before requesting a password change on the UNIX host)
Single Sign-On serverservidor de logon único (The server on which the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) service is installed)
Single Sign-On servicesserviços de logon único (Services that enable single sign-on for adapters by accessing credentials in the SSO Credential database. These services are used to manage and administer the Credential database. As a configuration store, these services are used to access configuration data for adapters)
TRADE MARK SIGNsímbolo de marca comercial (The symbol or character used to indicate that a word, phrase, symbol, or design is a trademark, but not a registered trademark)
un-signremover assinatura (To remove the digital signature added to the document)
Windows Live Sign-in AssistantAssistente de Conexão do Windows Live (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
Windows Live Sign-in AssistantAssistente de Início de Sessão do Windows Live (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)