
Terms for subject Environment containing Wastewater | all forms | exact matches only
biological wastewater treatmenttratamento biológico das águas dos esgotos
biological wastewater treatmenttratamento biológico das águas residuais
biological wastewater treatment Types of wastewater treatment in which biochemical or bacterial action is intensified to oxidize and stabilize the unstable organic matter present. Examples of this type of treatment use intermittent sand filters, trickling filters, and activated sludge processes and sludge digestiontratamento biológico das águas residuais
collective wastewater treatmenttratamento coletivo das águas dos esgotos
collective wastewater treatmenttratamento unitário de águas residuais
individual wastewater treatmenttratamento individual das águas dos esgotos
individual wastewater treatmenttratamento individual de águas residuais
individual wastewater treatment The process of using a natural system or mechanical device to collect, treat and discharge or reclaim wastewater from an individual dwelling without the use of community-wide sewers or a centralised treatment facilitytratamento individual de águas residuais
industrial wastewatersefluentes industriais
industrial wastewaterságuas residuais industriais
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsobter autorização das autoridades responsáveis pelo controlo da poluição antes da descarga nas instalações de tratamento de águas residuais
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsS54
olive oil mill wastewateráguas ruças
olive oil mill wastewater Aqueous residue deriving from the process of oil extraction from olives; it is composed of the olive-combined water and of the water used in the extraction and washing processes. It also contains a certain percentage of mineral compounds and of organic substances that are only partially biodegradableáguas ruças
on-site wastewater treatmenttratamento das águas dos esgotos na fonte
on-site wastewater treatmenttratamento de águas residuais no local
on-site wastewater treatment A process in which used or spent water is treated at the point of origin or where it was produced, by using a septic tank or some other system to remove or reduce the impact of constituent wastes on human health and the environmenttratamento de águas residuais
septic wastewaterefluente sético
septic wastewaterefluente de fossa sética
stabilized wastewaterefluente líquido estabilizado
stabilized wastewaterefluente estabilizado
urban wastewaterágua residual urbana
urban wastewateráguas residuais urbanas
urban wastewater The liquid wastes deriving from domestic, commercial and industrial activities of an urban settlementáguas residuais urbanas
wastewater concentrationconcentração de um água residual
wastewater from tradeáguas residuais (atividades comerciais
wastewater from trade Liquid or waterborne wastes polluted or fouled by commercial operationságuas residuais (actividades comerciais)
wastewater handlingtratamento de águas residuais
wastewater land applicationtratamento por irrigação
wastewater treatment worksinstalação de tratamento de águas residuais
wastewater treatment worksestação de tratamento de águas residuais