
Terms containing grant | all forms | exact matches only
theatre., abbr.Arts Assistance Grant ProgramAAGP
theatre., abbr.Arts Assistance Grants ProgramAAGP
ocean., abbr.Association of Sea Grant Program InstitutesASGPI
abbr.Child of Certain Veterans and Public Safety Officers Supplement Grant ProgramCVO (4uzhoj)
ecol., abbr.Delaware Estuary Grants ProgramDEGP
NGO, abbr.Designated Grant ProgramDGP
tech., abbr.Electronic Components Research And Development GrantECRDG
abbr.Illinois Veteran Grant programIVG
media., abbr.National Program Production and Acquisition GrantNPPAG
USASmall Grants ProgramSGP
abbr., UNSmall Grants ProgrammeSGP (Программа малых грантов Глобального экологического фонда Alexander Oshis)
NGO, abbr.Translational- Clinical Grant ProgramTCGP
NGO, abbr.Volunteer Investment Program GrantVIPG
univer., abbr.Washington Sea Grant ProgramWSGP
ecol., abbr.Water Quality Improvement Grant ProgramWQIGP
USAWetland Program Development GrantWPDG