
Terms for subject Military containing assets | all forms | exact matches only
Air Force Collection AssetsAFCA
Asset Capitalization ProgramACP
Commercial Assets MobilizationCAM
Facilities Assets Catalog and Tracking SystemFACTS
intelligence collection assets employment planPlan whose object is the organization of a consistent reconnaissance and surveillance system: it divides up the battlefield surveillance in time and space among all the research assets at the disposal of a given echelon. It is developed according to the elements of the intelligence collection plan. (FRA)
Key Asset Protection ProgramKAPP
logistic assetsAll support elements enabling an operational entity to actually have the material and human assets allotted to it, with a specified state of readiness, endurance and autonomy. (FRA)
manoeuvring by air/missile defence assetsChanges of position by land - based, air and naval air/missile defence assets in order to ensure their safety and to maintain the most favourable balance of forces in carrying out the missions
Maritime Collection AssetsMCA
Materiel Assets Redistribution Center, EuropeMARCE
Multiple Assets Effectiveness ReportMAER
Multiple Assets Tasking MessageMATM
School of Assets ManagementSAM
space-based assetsNATO: All elements of the defence system orbiting outside earth's atmosphere
Theater Collection AssetsTCA
Theater Production AssetsTPA