
Terms for subject Microsoft containing page | all forms | exact matches only
action pageصفحة الإجراء (A single ASP file that provides a particular aspect of the functionality associated with a module in Commerce Server Business Desk. For example, defining the properties of a particular product. Action pages are typically displayed as a result of clicking a module name in the navigation pane, or as a result of clicking a task button presented by a (probably) different action page in the same module)
active pageصفحة نشطة (The page that is currently available for editing in a document)
Active Server Pagesصفحات الخادم النشطة (A Web-oriented technology developed by Microsoft that is designed to enable server-side scripting)
Active Server Pages bufferingتخزين مؤقت في صفحات الملقم النشطة (A functionality of Active Server Pages (ASP) that temporarily stores all output that is generated by a script until script execution is complete and then sends the output to a client)
ASP.NET pageصفحة ASP.NET (A component of an ASP.NET application)
authentication pageصفحة المصادقة (A Web page presented to unauthenticated users logging on to a site requiring authentication with a Web browser)
authoritative pageصفحة موثقة (A Web page that a site collection administrator has designated as more relevant than other Web pages. This is typically the URL of the home page for the intranet of an organization. The higher the authority level assigned to a page, the higher the page appears in search results. Also referred to as authoritative page)
background pageصفحة خلفية (A page that you can assign to another page to create multiple layers in a drawing)
Business Contact Manager Home Pageالصفحة الرئيسية لـ Business Contact Manager (A document that serves as a starting point for exploring Business Contact Manager for Outlook. The home page is displayed by default and can be customized)
code pageصفحة التعليمات البرمجية (A table that relates the character codes (code point values) used by a program to keys on the keyboard or to characters on the display. This provides support for character sets and keyboard layouts for different countries or regions)
code pageصفحة الترميز اللغوي (A table that relates the character codes (code point values) used by a program to keys on the keyboard or to characters on the display. This provides support for character sets and keyboard layouts for different countries or regions)
code-behind pageصفحة لتعليمات برمجية في الخلف (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
confirmation pageصفحة التأكيد (A page that is displayed in a Web browser, confirming that data entered into a form has been successfully submitted)
content pageصفحة المحتوى (A page that contains the content to be merged with a master page in order to render as complete web page)
copy-on-write page protectionحماية الصفحة عبر نسخ الكتابة (A concept that allows multiple applications to map their virtual address spaces to share the same physical pages, until an application needs to modify the page and have its own instance copy)
cross-page postingنشر إلى صفحة (In ASP.NET Web pages, the process of submitting a page to a specified target page in contrast to submitting the page to itself)
data access pageصفحة الوصول إلى البيانات (A Web page, published from Access, that has a connection to a database. In a data access page, you can view, add to, edit, and manipulate the data stored in the database)
default home pageالصفحة الرئيسية الافتراضية (The file that is sent by a Web server when it receives a request for a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that does not specify a file name. This document can be generated automatically by the server, or it can be a custom file that is placed in that directory by the administrator)
drawing pageصفحة الرسم (The page in a drawing window that contains a drawing. A page can be either a foreground or a background page. Each page has a size, which usually corresponds to a standard paper size, and it has a scale)
dynamic landing pageالصفحة الديناميكية المنتقل إليها (An individual page in a topic series, or any page that is primarily search-driven)
dynamic pageصفحة ديناميكية (A Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) document that contains animated GIFs, Java applets, ActiveX Controls, or dynamic HTML (DHTML))
empty console start pageصفحة بدء لوحدة تحكم فارغة (The start page that appears when no snap-ins have been added to a snap-in console (.msc file))
fast page mode DRAMDRAM الخاص بوضع الصفحة السريع (An older form of DRAM, used in personal computers before EDO RAM was introduced, with typical clock timings of 6-3-3-3)
fast page-mode RAMوضع الصفحة السريعة لـ RAM (A specially designed dynamic RAM that supports access to sequential memory locations with a reduced cycle time)
folder home pageالصفحة الرئيسة للمجلد (An Internet Web page or intranet page that is associated with an Outlook folder. If a page has been associated with the folder and the option is set, the Web page appears in the Outlook window whenever you select the folder)
foreground pageالصفحة الأمامية (The top page of a drawing)
home pageالصفحة الرئيسية (A document that serves as a starting point in a hypertext system. On the World Wide Web, an entry page for a set of Web pages and other files in a Web site. The home page is displayed by default when a visitor navigates to the site using a Web browser)
Initial pageالصفحة الأولية (The page that is initially displayed in a frame when a site visitor browses to a frames page containing the frame)
lobby pageصفحة الانتظار (A page of information about the broadcast that is displayed in the viewer's browser before the broadcast begins. It can contain a title, subject, host's name, information about the broadcast, and a countdown to the time of the broadcast)
master pageصفحة رئيسية (A page that defines the layout and common elements for a set of web pages. It is merged at run time with content pages that define page-specific content)
master pageالصفحة الرئيسية (A page that contains the design and layout elements that you want to repeat on multiple pages in a publication. Using master pages for these common elements gives your publication a more consistent appearance)
Master Page Galleryمعرض الصفحات الرئيسية (A collection of pages with the .master extension that define shared page elements and content place holders)
mirrored-page layoutتخطيط صفحة معكوسة (A layout in which left and right facing pages are mirror images of each other)
nested frames pageصفحة الإطارات المتداخلة (A frames page containing another frames page inside one of its frames)
Off-Page Referenceشكل مرجع خارج الصفحة (A 2-D shape that you can use in large flowchart diagrams to link to another page in the drawing)
page bannerشعار الصفحة (A section of a web page containing a graphic element and text, such as the page title. Page banners are usually displayed at the top of a web page)
page breakفاصل الصفحات (The point at which one page ends and another begins)
page break previewمعاينة فواصل الصفحات (A worksheet view that displays the areas to be printed and the locations of page breaks. The area to be printed is displayed in white, automatic page breaks appear as dashed lines, and manual page breaks appear as solid lines)
page depthعمق الصفحة (The extent to which links are followed within sites when crawling for content. Measured in number of links)
page-description languageلغة وصف الصفحات (A computer language that describes the arrangement of text and graphics on a printed page)
PAGE DOWN keyمفتاح PAGE DOWN (" A keyboard key (often labeled "PgDn") that is often used to move the cursor down to the top of the next page or a specific number of lines. Its function may vary in different programs.")
page faultخطأ الصفحة (" The interrupt that occurs when software attempts to read from or write to a virtual memory location that is marked "not present.")
Page Faults Deltaدلتا أخطاء الصفحات (In Task Manager, the change in the number of page faults since the last update)
page frameإطار الصفحة (A block of contiguous physical memory that stores the contents of a virtual page. The size of the virtual page and page frame are usually identical. However, the size of a page frame depends on the microprocessor)
page layoutتخطيط الصفحة (The arrangement of text and graphics on the page of a document)
page output cacheالمخزن المؤقت لإخراج الصفحات (A special storage location of templatized pages for performance enhancement)
page paneجزء الصفحة (A type of pane that displays the page that is selected in the thumbnail pane in a larger size, and enables portions of the page to be selected and copied)
Page Performance Consoleوحدة التحكم في الأداء لكل صفحة (A troubleshooting tool used for per-page performance testing)
page restoreاستعادة الصفحات (An operation that restores one or more data pages. Page restore is intended for repairing isolated damaged pages)
page sheetمخطط تفصيلي للصفحة (A ShapeSheet that represents a page)
page sizeحجم الورقة (The size of the finished page of a printed publication, after trimming)
page sorterفارز الصفحات (One or more page-shaped controls, located in the lower left corner of the Publisher window, that represent each page of the publication and can be used to go to, rearrange, or work with publication pages)
Page templateقالب الصفحات (A predesigned, generic web page you can use to create new custom pages. Some of the page templates in FrontPage provide typical page content, while others provide common page layouts)
page themeنسق الصفحة (A folder defining a theme, with control skins, style sheets, graphics files and other resources created as a subfolder of the \App_themes folder in your Web site)
page timeوقت الصفحة (The time that a OneNote page was created)
page titleعنوان الصفحة (A descriptive text string that identifies a page)
page unitوحدة صفحة (The size or distance on the printed page)
profile pageصفحة ملف التعريف (A page that displays the data for an item of an external content type)
properties pageصفحة الخصائص (A dialog box that displays information about an object in the interface)
property pageصفحة الخصائص (A grouping of properties presented as a tabbed page of a property sheet)
search pageصفحة بحث (A page from which you can find and go to other Internet sites or to documents on an intranet. Many search pages provide various ways to search, such as by topic, by keyword, or by matches to user queries)
slow pageصفحة بطيئة (A page that takes a long time (30 seconds or more) to download in a Web browser)
snap-in console start pageصفحة البدء لوحدة تحكم الأداة الإضافية (The start page that appears in the results pane when the snap-in console root node is selected in the tree)
snap-in start pageصفحة البدء للأداة الإضافية (The start page that appears in the results pane when a given snap-in is selected in the tree)
static pageصفحة ساكنة (A Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page that is prepared in advance of a request for it and that is sent to the client upon request. This page takes no special action when it is requested)
tab pageصفحة علامة التبويب (A part of a tab control that consists of the tab UI element and the display area, which acts as a container for data or other controls, such as text boxes, combo boxes, and command buttons)
Today pageصفحة "اليوم" (A customizable page that launches with Windows Live Messenger and features a summary of news and weather, allows a customer to preview their Windows Live Mail inbox and search the Internet)
web pageصفحة ويب (A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages)
web pageصفحة ويب (A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages)
Web page report viewطريقة عرض تقرير صفحة ويب (A report type that contains a Web page)
Web Parts pageصفحة أجزاء ويب (An ASP.NET Web page that includes Web Parts controls that let users personalize the page, such as selecting the information to display)
welcome pageصفحة الترحيب (A document that serves as a starting point in a hypertext system. On the World Wide Web, an entry page for a set of Web pages and other files in a Web site. The home page is displayed by default when a visitor navigates to the site using a Web browser)