
Terms for subject Military containing Army | all forms | exact matches only
Active Army Military Management ProgramAAMMP
Active Army Military Manpower ProgramAAMMP
Army Acquisition Executive Program Control Central SystemAAEPCS
Army Aeronautical Services OfficeAASO
Army Air Defense Program PlanAADPP
Army Aircraft Mobile Technical Assistance ProgramAAMTAP
Army Apprenticeship ProgramAAP
Army Automation ProgramAAP
Army Automation Program Budget GuidanceAAPBG
Army Aviation Program ReviewAAPR
Army Aviation System Program ReviewAASPR
Army Avionics ProgramAAP
Army Career and Alumni ProgramACAP
Army Chief of Support ServicesACSS
Army Data Services and Administration Systems CommandADSC
Army Development and Acquisition of Threat SimulatorsADATS
Army Digital Battlefield ProgramADBP
Army Doctrinal And Training Library ProgramADTLP
Army Doctrine and Training Literature ProgramADTLP
Army Domestic Technology Transfer ProgramADTTP
Army Facilities Energy ProgramAFEP
Army Hazard Classification ProgramAHCP
Army Industrial Preparedness ProgramAIPP
Army Legal ServicesALS
Army Materiel Command, Deputy Commander for Research Development and AcquisitionAMCDRA
Army Military Clothing Sales StoreAMCSS
Army Model Improvement Program Management OfficeAMMO
Army Occupational Survey ProgramASOP
Army Program Executive Office for Strike CommandSTRI
Army Program GuidanceAPG
Army Readiness ProgramARP
Army Readiness Training Evaluation ProgramARTEP
Army Regulation Reduction ProgramARRP
Army Research Office, Far EastAROFE
Army Safety Information Services and TechnologyASIST
Army Services Procurement RegulationsASPR
Army Space Exploitation Demo ProgramASEDP
Army Space Exploitation Demonstration ProgramASEDP
Army Space Exploitation Demonstration ProgramsASDEP
Army Space Program OfficeASPO
Army Specialized Training ProgramASTP
Army Strategic Mobility ProgramASMP
Army Streamlined Acquisition ProgramASAP
Army Substance Abuse ProgramASAP
Army Weight Control ProgramAWCP
Army-wide Training and Doctrine Literature ProgramATDLP
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and AcquisitionASARDA
automated radar terminal system ARTREP, Army training and evaluation programARTS
Department of the Army Communications Reserve ProgramDACRP
Department of the Army CONsolidated Topographic ProgramDACONTP
Department of the Army Long Range Research, Development, and Acquisition PlanDALRRDAP
Department of the Army Management Review and Improvement ProgramDAMRIP
Department of the Army Materiel ProgramDAMP
Department of the Army Program ReviewDAPR
Department of the Army Telecommunications Center Automation ProgramDATCAP
Director of Army ProgramsDAP
Mobilization Reserve Components Program of the ArmyMRCPA
Modern Volunteer Army ProgramMVAP
National ADP Program for Army Materiel Command Logistics ManagementNAPALM
Regulations for the Army Fire ServicesRAFS
Reserve Components Program of the ArmyRCPA
Secretary of the Army for Research, Development and AcquisitionSARDA
Technical Program Integration Office for the Army Battlefield Command SystemTPIOABCS
Technical Program Integration Office for the Army Battlefield Command SystemTPIO
The Army Studies ProgramTASP
Theater Army Repair Program Maintenance Management SystemTARPMMS
Total Army Linguist ProgramTALP
United States Army Health Services CommandUSAHSC
United States Army Research, Development & Acquisition Information Systems AgencyRDAISA