
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing town | all forms | exact matches only
chief town of a districtуездный город
conventual church and house in townподворье (for visiting clergymen or monks)
member of the town councilгласный (Anglophile)
provincial townгубернском городе (Ivan Pisarev)
small townпригородье (= пригород)
small townгубернском городе (Ivan Pisarev)
small townпригородье
subject townпригородье (= пригород)
subject townпригородье
town districtоколоточный
town districtоколодок
town districtоколоточный надзиратель
town districtоколодок (= околоток)
town districtоколоток
town-districtоколоток (Anglophile)
town houseподворье (belonging to a person residing in some other place)
town residenceподворье (belonging to a person residing in some other place)
unimportant townзаштатный город (a town which doesn’t serve as an administrative center)