
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Метран: 265  >>

22.05.2024 14:49:34 abbr. PCB PIP pin-in-paste
15.12.2023 14:15:56 abbr. ADR advanced deviation request
23.08.2023 14:14:15 abbr. AR appropriation request
15.07.2023 18:24:25 abbr. PCB SOB Small Outline Bridge
23.05.2023 15:32:06 abbr. tech. SIP sterilize in place
23.05.2023 15:32:06 abbr. fin. SIP strategic investment program
9.02.2023 20:42:28 abbr. PCB SO Small Outline
12.02.2020 21:37:00 abbr. CSC customer support center
16.11.2019 22:16:39 abbr. DFMEA design failure mode and effects analysis (i.e., Failure Mode and Effects Analyses (FMEA) done at the design stage)
3.08.2018 22:09:52 abbr. CSC customer support centre
abbr. IT ARB architecture review board
abbr. level. CDU Channel Display Unit
abbr. tech. CPS complete point solution
abbr. procur. CRM customer relationship management
abbr. IT ETS Emerson telecommunication service
abbr. product. GMS global manufacturing system
abbr. procur. GPD global product database
abbr. level. IACS International Association of Classification Societies
abbr. IT ISP internet service provider
abbr. IT MIN material information network
abbr. law PAM Plant Asset Management
abbr. market. PATT project activity tracking tool
abbr. level. SCC Supply and Communications Computer
abbr. level. SCU Supply and Communications Unit
abbr. level. TCB Tank Connections Box
abbr. level. TGU Tank Gauge Unit
abbr. market. A&CS application and Customer Services
abbr. tech. ADC analogue-digital convertor
abbr. flow. ADSP Adaptive Digital Signal Processing
abbr. IT AFAIR as far as i remember (research)
level. AIM 3402 Application Interface Module 3402
abbr. level. AMS Asset Management Solutions
abbr. IT AND any day now
abbr. procur. AQP advanced quality planning
abbr. commun. ARTHM arithmetic function blocks
abbr. level. ASU Average Sensing Unit
abbr. AUP average unit price
abbr. commun. B bias
abbr. tech. BS batch size
abbr. R&D. CAR corrective action system
abbr. level. CCR Cargo Control Room
abbr. market. CCT customer central team
abbr. level. CDS Configuration Data Sheet
abbr. tech. CEP Condensate Extraction Pump
abbr. market. CER Customer Experience Registration
abbr. fin. CFR center of financial responsibility
abbr. fin. CGS cost of goods sold
abbr. tech. CIP clean in place
fin. cip construction in process
abbr. fin. CP&P corporate policies and procedures
abbr. tech. CR compound range
abbr. R&D. CRD customer requirements document
abbr. product. CRP capacity requirement planning
abbr. commun. CS control selector
abbr. tech. CT cycle time
abbr. PCB CTE thermal coefficient of expansion
abbr. D-Plan distribution plan
abbr. fin. DDB double-declining-balance method
abbr. PCB DFQ design for quality
abbr. PCB DFT design for test
abbr. DFx design for excellence, design for everything
abbr. product. DOH days-on-hand
abbr. DOP 1 department operating procedure
abbr. DOP 2 division operating procedure
abbr. fin. DPO days payable outstanding
abbr. IT DSC distributed control system
abbr. PCB DSR double sided reflow
abbr. procur. DTS dock-to-stock
abbr. fin. E&D engineering and development
abbr. HR EBGC employment based green card
abbr. R&D. EDP engineering development procedures
abbr. EEEC Emerson export engineering center
abbr. R&D. EFT electrical fast transient immunity test
abbr. PCB EIA electronics industries association
abbr. EMA Europe, Middle East and Africa
abbr. PCB EO engineering order, engineering change order
abbr. HR EOM enterprise operations management
abbr. level. EOP end of probe
abbr. EPC procurement engineering, procurement, construction
abbr. EPM Emerson Process Management
abbr. PCB ESS environmental stress system
abbr. ETT european tracking tool
abbr. tech. FBM FieldBus modem
abbr. level. FCU field communication unit
abbr. tech. FISCO Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept
abbr. HR FLSA fair labor standards act
abbr. FMEDA Failure Modes, Effects, and Diagnostic Analysis
abbr. commun. FMS fieldbus message specification
abbr. PCB FPT fine-pitch technology
abbr. product. FPY first pass yield
abbr. flow. FTA Flow Technology Advisor
abbr. GAGE R&R gage repeatability and reproducibility
abbr. HR GEM Global Engineering Center
abbr. market. GPP global project pursuit
abbr. tech. GTMS German Temperature Manufacturing Center
abbr. level. GWR guided wave radar
abbr. HART R Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
abbr. PCB HASL hot air surface leveling
level. HIU 3201 Hydrostatic Interface Unit (3201)
abbr. HR HR human resources department

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