
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user tart: 10

16.03.2023 18:45:36 law Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body" личная неприкосновенность означает (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236)
16.03.2023 18:45:36 law Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body" что никто не может быть задержан (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236)
16.03.2023 18:45:36 law Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body" лишён свободы иначе как на таких основаниях и в соответствии с такой процедурой (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236)
16.03.2023 18:45:36 law Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body" которые предусмотрены УПК (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236)
16.01.2017 13:52:57 law territorial and administrative division административно-территориальное образование (example: County, internal territorial and administrative division in the United Kingdom, United States, and other English-speaking countries.)
1.11.2016 21:34:20 gen. false cognates ложные друзья переводчика
1.11.2016 20:43:37 gen. cognates ложные друзья переводчика
6.09.2011 10:14:01 law public prosecutor's supervision прокурорский надзор
8.02.2011 22:40:40 law enumerated powers закреплённые в конституции полномочия
8.02.2011 13:06:44 law pretrial should not be hyphenated conference or hearing досудебное рассмотрение (Black's Law Dictionary)