
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user geo777: 15

4.10.2009 15:34:58 gen. ennui уныние
22.09.2009 14:43:36 relig. relict мощи Святого
4.09.2009 19:44:16 gen. wheel-maker каретный мастер
21.08.2009 19:19:31 horticult. Sylphium смолоносица
5.08.2009 16:50:06 biol. slug брюхоногий моллюск (Гастроподы)
5.08.2009 15:51:28 abbr. Ribavarin Рибаварин (Рибаварин (виразол)-препарат, угнетающий РНК-вирусы и прежде всего РС-вирус (но может оказывать тот же эффект на вирусы парагриппа, кори и даже аденовирус))
5.08.2009 13:31:50 abbr. CCHF конго-крымская геморрагическая лихорадка (Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever)
4.08.2009 21:29:38 med. hoelen гриб (Poria cocos; Hoelen is a mushroom that grows underground on the roots of pines and other trees around the world. In many parts of the world, hoelen is used as a food rather than as a medicine. This was true in the nineteenth century, when hoelen was known as tuckahoe in the eastern and southern United States. A single mushroom could grow to weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds (seven to nine kilograms). Since large mushrooms could be ground into bread flour, the herb became better known as tuckahoe bread.)
23.07.2009 17:11:12 med. small pox чёрная оспа
23.07.2009 17:11:12 med. small pox натуральная оспа
14.07.2009 13:03:15 ornit. Ricebreast Саркоцистоз
14.07.2009 12:46:32 ornit. Oldsquaw длиннохвостная утка
13.07.2009 14:21:06 genet. SNPS Анализ точечного нуклеотидного полиморфизма
12.07.2009 16:31:04 gen. I'm on the wagon я в завязке (on the wagon: in or into a state of abstaining from alcoholic beverages; opposite: "off the wagon" – in or into a state of no longer abstaining from alcoholic beverages: ‘And yet, he's a former alcoholic who's been on the wagon for 12 years.')
12.07.2009 16:31:04 gen. I'm on the wagon я завязал с алкоголем (on the wagon: in or into a state of abstaining from alcoholic beverages; opposite: "off the wagon" – in or into a state of no longer abstaining from alcoholic beverages: ‘And yet, he's a former alcoholic who's been on the wagon for 12 years.')