
 English thesaurus - terms added by user elena.sklyarova1985: 19

13.05.2021 14:54:22 gen. Delaware Limited Liability Company Act DLLCA
13.05.2021 14:54:22 abbr. DLLCA Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (thefreedictionary.com)
20.05.2020 6:44:54 gen. Classification of Activity in the National Economy CANE
20.05.2020 6:44:54 abbr. CANE Classification of Activity in the National Economy
10.06.2019 5:09:45 abbr. SZOCHO Social Contributions Tax (accace.com)
10.06.2019 5:08:16 abbr. EHO Heath Care Contribution (accace.com)
12.02.2019 12:38:34 avia. conj conjunction ticket
11.02.2019 11:40:38 mil. D/F or M domestic export /foreign export or foreign military sales (ссылка )
7.02.2019 12:22:32 abbr. avia. conjunction ticket conj (goo.gl/414oZn)
15.03.2018 13:22:57 abbr. med. HCS health care setting
11.03.2018 19:36:18 abbr. med. TEES Transcanal endoscopic ear surgery
19.07.2017 10:45:59 abbr. univer. UERJ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro State University)
19.07.2017 10:45:59 abbr. univer. UERJ Rio de Janeiro State University (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
25.05.2017 15:13:50 abbr. fin. CERPS Centralized Expenditure & Reimbursement Processing System (Centralized Expenditure & Reimbursement Processing System)
25.12.2016 12:45:06 electr.eng. Special cable tray fastening system CTFS
25.12.2016 12:45:06 abbr. electr.eng. CTFS Special cable tray fastening system
23.12.2016 13:37:55 construct. Field Installation Work Package FIWP
23.12.2016 13:37:55 abbr. construct. FIWP Field Installation Work Package
1.12.1999 12:00:00 abbr. conjunction ticket number conj nbr