
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user amorgen: 440  >>

11.04.2024 10:43:45 int.rel. Specially Designated Global Terrorist/ особо разыскиваемый международный террорист
10.04.2024 9:04:21 mil., navy blue light services экстренные и вспомогательные службы
10.04.2024 8:02:57 mil., navy solid support ship судно для доставки боеприпасов, взрывчатых веществ и продовольствия (wikipedia.org)
10.04.2024 7:57:30 mil., navy blue water status статус военно-морской державы
9.04.2024 10:37:02 shipb. fire locker шкаф для пожарных костюмов и средств индивидуальной защиты (youtube.com)
9.04.2024 10:30:18 shipb. movie locker стеллаж с видеофильмами на дисках (youtube.com)
9.04.2024 10:27:43 shipb. ladderwell трап, ведущий с капитанского мостика во внутренние помещения судна (youtube.com)
5.04.2024 10:16:31 gen. displacement camp лагерь для перемещенных лиц
3.04.2024 7:37:01 univer. nonresident scholar внештатный научный сотрудник
29.03.2024 12:01:11 idiom. fit like a glove быть сшитым как на заказ
29.03.2024 11:59:59 idiom. fit like a glove сидеть как влитой
29.03.2024 11:57:19 idiom. put a dent пробить брешь
29.03.2024 11:54:07 idiom. turn off the tap прикрутить кран
27.03.2024 10:55:03 int.rel. Special Designated Nationals List список специально обозначенных граждан и заблокированных лиц (wikipedia.org)
27.03.2024 9:12:37 O&G per-well performance удельный объём добычи нефти на скважине
27.03.2024 9:10:18 prof.jarg. thirsty bird станок-качалка
27.03.2024 9:10:18 prof.jarg. thirsty bird журавль-качалка
27.03.2024 9:06:56 int.rel. pernicious example дурной пример
27.03.2024 9:04:14 int.rel. not a step further east нерасширение на восток (обещание стран блока НАТО не принимать в члены блока страны Восточной Европы, в том числе граничащие с РФ)
27.03.2024 8:51:12 sociol. low-fertility trap ловушка низкой фертильности (spbu.ru)
6.03.2024 15:42:07 idiom. chink in the armor брешь в обороне
5.03.2024 10:06:38 idiom. who will blink first кто первый мигнет
27.02.2024 8:12:20 idiom. Agreement with Russia is worth nothing more than the price of the paper on which it is written договор с Россией стоит не дороже бумаги, на которой он подписан
26.02.2024 7:56:00 idiom. the stars aligned звезды сошлись
28.12.2023 8:48:45 hunt. over-under shotgun двуствольное ружьё с вертикальным расположением стволов один под другим
15.12.2023 8:30:40 idiom. dance on the head of a pin извиваться, как уж на сковородке
6.12.2023 11:32:50 mil., avia. fencer тактический фронтовой бомбардировщик СУ-24 по классификации НАТО
28.07.2023 15:02:30 idiom. caught between a rock and a hard place между молотом и наковальней
27.07.2023 23:03:32 idiom. pick a needle out of a haystack найти иголку в стоге сена
27.07.2023 15:19:31 inf. boozing to heart's content пьянка до положения риз
26.07.2023 9:42:40 hydropl. runway-independent aircraft воздушное судно, не требующее взлетно-посадочной полосы
26.07.2023 9:40:59 hydropl. NGAA самолет-амфибия следующего поколения (Next Generation Amphibious Aircraft)
24.07.2023 7:39:10 idiom. hour of need суровая година
18.07.2023 13:04:36 idiom. dangling a sweetener подслащение пилюли
13.07.2023 13:49:44 mil. VBIEDs самоходные импровизированные взрывчатые устройства (vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices yahoo.com)
13.07.2023 10:27:30 shipb. FOW плавучая ветроэнергетическая установка (Floating Offshore Wind)
17.06.2023 16:21:41 idiom. The story always plays out in the same way история всегда повторяется одинаково
25.05.2023 9:35:07 steel. cold-rolled grain-oriented electrical steel холоднокатаная анизотропная сталь
24.05.2023 12:56:26 intell. main intelligence agency главное разведывательное управление ГРУ (yahoo.com)
24.05.2023 11:47:19 O&G. tech. inhibitor controlled injection system СРПИ
4.05.2023 8:59:24 idiom. ouch like hell орать как резаный
3.04.2023 10:50:24 idiom. barely concealed плохо скрываемый
17.03.2023 8:28:47 idiom. iteration of same song and dance танцы с бубном
17.03.2023 8:28:47 idiom. iteration of same song and dance все та же старая песня
10.03.2023 9:44:07 mil., artil. zero line линия боевого соприкосновения
10.03.2023 9:44:07 mil., artil. zero line первая линия обороны
16.02.2023 14:35:33 crim.law. Main Directorate for Combating Extremism Главное управление по борьбе с экстремизмом
10.02.2023 10:35:53 idiom. clip wings подрезать крылья (yahoo.com)
10.02.2023 8:41:52 inf. down the toilet ниже плинтуса
2.02.2023 15:16:33 disappr. cancer of corruption язва коррупции (yahoo.com)
2.02.2023 12:00:35 gen. Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit налоговый кредит на получение водорода с применением экологически чистых технологий
1.02.2023 15:56:35 merch.nav. ZEEDS Инициатива по использованию экологически чистой энергии на море (Zero Emission Energy Distribution at Sea initiative)
1.02.2023 15:50:55 O&G HVCs этилен, пропилен, бензол, толуол, смешанные ксилолы (High value chemicals, including ethylene, propylene, benzene, toluene, and mixed xylenes)
1.02.2023 15:47:23 prof.jarg. nervous fuel опасное топливо (The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has called for sharp reductions in emissions from the ships which shift around 80% of trade around the world, with CO2 emissions to be cut, on average, by at least 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050 compared to 2008 and total annual greenhouse gas emissions reduced by at least half by 2050. The transition won't be cheap. Reducing the industry's greenhouse gas emmissions by 50% by 2050 will require an annual average investment of $40-60 billion over the next two decades, or around $1 trillion,m one study conducted by the University of Maritime Advisory Services (UMAS) and the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) found. Some developers are looking toward hydrogen as an alternative, with companies such as the luxury travel brand Explora Journeys and Kawasaki Heavy Industries manufacturing hydrogen-powered ships. Hydrogen, however, is complicated to transport and store while ammonia, which is derived from hydrogen and nitrogen, is increasingly seen as a viable alternative fuel for the world shipping industry. "There is a very big difference between the two fuels," says Director of Research & Development and Engineering at the Finnish company Wärtsilä Juha Kytölä. "Ammonia is extremely easy way to carry energy. Unloading and offloading hydrogen is much more challenging because ammonia is a lazy fuel, but hydrogen is a nervous fuel. It has the tendency to ignite for whatever reason." )
1.02.2023 15:45:13 prof.jarg. lazy fuel неопасное топливо (The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has called for sharp reductions in emissions from the ships which shift around 80% of trade around the world, with CO2 emissions to be cut, on average, by at least 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050 compared to 2008 and total annual greenhouse gas emissions reduced by at least half by 2050. The transition won't be cheap. Reducing the industry's greenhouse gas emmissions by 50% by 2050 will require an annual average investment of $40-60 billion over the next two decades, or around $1 trillion,m one study conducted by the University of Maritime Advisory Services (UMAS) and the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) found. Some developers are looking toward hydrogen as an alternative, with companies such as the luxury travel brand Explora Journeys and Kawasaki Heavy Industries manufacturing hydrogen-powered ships. Hydrogen, however, is complicated to transport and store while ammonia, which is derived from hydrogen and nitrogen, is increasingly seen as a viable alternative fuel for the world shipping industry. "There is a very big difference between the two fuels," says Director of Research & Development and Engineering at the Finnish company Wärtsilä Juha Kytölä. "Ammonia is extremely easy way to carry energy. Unloading and offloading hydrogen is much more challenging because ammonia is a lazy fuel, but hydrogen is a nervous fuel. It has the tendency to ignite for whatever reason." )
27.01.2023 10:09:17 gen. pain in the wallet прореха в кармане (yahoo.com)
27.01.2023 10:09:17 gen. pain in the wallet дыра в бюджете (yahoo.com)
24.01.2023 12:36:39 navig. ice-free deep-sea harbor незамерзающая глубоководная гавань (Global steel manufacturing is responsible for quarter of global industrial sector carbon dioxide emissions, according to the World Steel Association. “Inkoo was selected as our location due to its high-quality infrastructure and access to clean power. In addition, the ice-free deep-sea harbor enables efficient, low-carbon logistics all year round and close access to the European market,” said CEO of Blastr Hans Fredrik Wittusen. )
24.01.2023 11:02:14 India SIGHT Программа "Стратегические действия по переходу на использование водорода, полученного с применением экологически чистых технологий" (Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition: India has approved its National Green Hydrogen Mission with a goal to develop capacity of at least 5 million metric tons (MMT) a year with an associated energy capacity addition of about 125 GW by 2030, the Indian government said. The incentive plan is worth some 197.4 billion rupees ($2.42 billion) though the government expects investments totaling 8 trillion rupees in the green hydrogen sector by 2030. The incentive program aims to make green hydrogen affordable and bring down its production cost from current levels of 300-400 rupees a kilo, industry sources told Reuters. Some 174.9 billion rupees is earmarked for the ‘Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition' (SIGHT) program, 14.7 billion rupees for pilot projects, and 4 billion rupees for research and development, the government said. )
24.01.2023 8:17:47 traumat. penetrative wound проникающее ранение (yahoo.com)
24.01.2023 8:03:25 avia. flight laboratory летающая лаборатория
22.01.2023 18:08:58 inf. on a count of на счёт
22.01.2023 17:19:06 mil., grnd.forc. rapid response brigade бригада быстрого реагирования
22.01.2023 17:10:22 mil., grnd.forc. GLOCs наземные линии снабжения (ground lines of communications)
20.01.2023 6:03:19 gen. fruit of efforts плоды стараний (yahoo.com)
19.01.2023 10:13:24 inf. drag anchor ярмо
19.01.2023 10:10:57 weav. checkerboard stripes клетки, расположенные в шахматном порядке, и образованные линиями ((рисунок на ткани) yahoo.com)
19.01.2023 10:02:28 gen. debt bubble долговой пузырь ("There's a lot of debt in China, it's over 320pc of national income. A lot of that debt is uncommercial. Borrowers are finding it very, very difficult to keep current with their interest payments and paying off their loans," Magnus says. The unwinding of this debt bubble is triggering serious problems in the property market. Analysts at UBS estimate that China's real estate slump will cost the nation's banking system as much as $212bn (£170bn) in losses on loans, bonds and other assets. yahoo.com)
19.01.2023 9:58:10 idiom. pedestrian черепашьими темпами ("I think people have to get used to the idea that in the next five to 10 years China's growth rate will be quite pedestrian," says George Magnus, an economist at the China Centre at Oxford University. yahoo.com)
19.01.2023 9:55:48 idiom. the clouds are gathering тучи сгущаются
19.01.2023 9:26:45 inf. the hard nut to crack задачка не из легких
19.01.2023 9:22:52 avia. subregional cамолет для местных перелетов (на 50-80 пассажирских мест))
19.01.2023 8:43:12 org.name. ATI Институт авиакосмических технологий (Aerospace Technology Institute)
19.01.2023 6:24:07 inf. do not skip ahead не перебивай
18.01.2023 7:00:34 idiom. move full steam ahead нестись вперёд на всех парусах
17.01.2023 15:00:55 ammo anti-personnel hand grenade противопехотная ручная граната (yahoo.com)
17.01.2023 8:19:53 irish.lang. stuke дурик
13.01.2023 14:24:11 mil. call-up notice повестка о мобилизации (yahoo.com)
13.01.2023 6:50:16 inf. gilly-gooly дурачок
12.01.2023 14:53:58 inf. double-edged палка о двух концах (yahoo.com)
12.01.2023 11:38:45 inf. repay homeland отдать долг Родине (yahoo.com)
7.01.2023 16:57:50 for.pol. Shanghai Cooperation Organization Heads of State Summit Саммит глав государств Шанхайской организации сотрудничества
7.01.2023 16:51:51 for.pol. Government of National Accord Правительство национального согласия (Признанное ООН правительство в Ливии, действующее после свержения Муаммара Каддафи yahoo.com)
15.12.2022 13:45:10 mil. sudden combat readiness check внезапная проверка боеготовности
14.12.2022 14:06:53 non-destruct.test. sound visualization system SVS система визуализации звука
18.10.2022 21:22:37 context. fellow speaker предыдущий выступающий
18.10.2022 20:48:38 inf. lend the hand to smb. in trouble протянуть руку помощи
18.10.2022 20:29:10 gen. culture hall культурный центр (My first house in Harlem was standing in front of the Culture Hall- интервью американской журналистки Маши Гессен Юрию Дудю от 20.09.2022 youtu.be)
18.10.2022 20:18:26 inf. quiet place тихий уголок
18.10.2022 16:29:41 gen. simple truth прописная истина
17.10.2022 10:53:16 gen. man's seed мужское семя (reverso.net)
16.10.2022 2:50:43 inf. context. let's get the champers on ice подведем итоги
15.10.2022 20:44:59 rel., christ. sin in God's eyes грех в глазах Господа
15.10.2022 20:44:21 rel., christ. wastage of seed онанизм (fmovies.co)
13.10.2022 7:46:01 Egypt SCZone Экономическая зона Суэцкого канала (Suez Canal Economic Zone)
9.10.2022 16:50:09 Australia Arsehole Broadcasting Communism Говорящая жопа коммунистов (Ругательная расшифровка сокращённого названия телекомпании ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): сериал Rake, 4 эпизод , 3 серия)
7.10.2022 10:44:06 inf. other piece of the puzzle иная сторона проблемы
6.10.2022 13:17:54 USA FCHEA Ассоциация производителей энергии с использованием топливных ячеек и водорода (Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association)
6.10.2022 13:15:02 USA DOE Министерство энергетики (Department of Energy)
6.10.2022 13:11:10 USA IRA закон о снижении инфляции (U.S. Inflation Reduction Act)

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