
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Vladimir: 132  >>

19.08.2023 0:23:10 polit. given the context с учетом контекста
19.08.2023 0:23:10 polit. given the context с учетом обстоятельств
19.08.2023 0:23:10 polit. given the context в зависимости от обстоятельств
26.07.2023 18:10:15 polit. covering применимый к чему-л. (Clear and well-understood formal and informal resolution processes are in place, covering all relevant stakeholders.)
26.07.2023 18:05:58 polit. cover быть применимым к (Clear and well-understood formal and informal resolution processes are in place, covering all relevant stakeholders.)
9.06.2022 0:27:26 polit. at a tipping point у крайней черты
8.06.2022 23:27:08 polit. at a tipping point на грани
16.03.2022 9:09:55 anim.husb. livestock животноводство
8.02.2022 13:49:06 idiom. beyond one's shores с максимальной отдачей
8.02.2022 13:49:06 idiom. beyond one's shores всемерно
8.02.2022 13:47:06 idiom. beyond one's shores по максимуму
8.02.2022 13:47:06 idiom. beyond one's shores прилагая максимум усилий
8.02.2022 13:47:06 idiom. beyond one's shores верой и правдой
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores всячески (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores как можно больше (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores беззаветно (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores мужественно (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores самоотверженно (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores подвижнически (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores безоглядно (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores отдавая все свои силы (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 13:44:49 idiom. beyond one's shores не жалея сил (Live life to the fullest. Don't settle for mediocrity in life. Push boundaries and make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid of the unknown and explore life.)
8.02.2022 11:30:28 gen. reconnect привязать (что-либо к чему-либо)
8.02.2022 11:29:07 gen. reconnect вновь обратиться (к чему-либо)
8.02.2022 11:29:07 gen. reconnect возвратиться (к чему-либо)
8.02.2022 11:19:11 gen. reconnect воссоединиться (reconnect to nature – воссоединиться с природой)
29.01.2022 23:21:18 context. old man старец
29.01.2022 23:21:18 context. old man предок
29.01.2022 23:21:18 context. old man патриарх
29.01.2022 23:21:18 context. old man пращур
29.01.2022 23:21:18 context. old man старейшина
29.01.2022 23:21:18 context. old man долгожитель
29.01.2022 23:21:18 context. old man аксакал
9.12.2021 19:18:58 UN Food Loss and Waste потери и порча пищевой продукции (Этот перевод используется ФАО с 2018 года.)
6.12.2021 20:23:55 gen. resonate вторить
6.12.2021 20:23:28 gen. resonate отзываться
6.12.2021 20:23:28 gen. resonate отозваться
7.11.2021 15:57:04 polit. pathways меры (Let's look at the pathways towards improving nutrition and promoting more sustainable food practices for schoolchildren and adolescents )
7.11.2021 15:57:04 polit. pathways стратегии (Let's look at the pathways towards improving nutrition and promoting more sustainable food practices for schoolchildren and adolescents )
7.11.2021 15:57:04 polit. pathways направления деятельности / работы (Let's look at the pathways towards improving nutrition and promoting more sustainable food practices for schoolchildren and adolescents )
7.11.2021 15:54:37 polit. promote расширять масштабы применения (Let's look at the pathways towards improving nutrition and promoting more sustainable food practices for schoolchildren and adolescents)
7.11.2021 15:54:37 polit. promote содействовать более широкому применению (Let's look at the pathways towards improving nutrition and promoting more sustainable food practices for schoolchildren and adolescents)
31.10.2021 22:11:38 polit. hamper ограничивать (The COVID-19 pandemic, while hampering national capacities to collect data, has emphasized the pressing need for data and statistics ...)
28.10.2021 1:10:31 gen. strategic продуманный (strategic placement of trees in cities can help to cool the air between two and eight degrees Celsius)
17.10.2021 19:53:02 gen. give one's all отдавать все свои силы
17.10.2021 19:53:02 gen. give one's all не жалеть своих сил
17.10.2021 19:53:02 gen. give one's all прилагать все усилия
17.10.2021 19:53:02 gen. give one's all стараться изо всех сил
14.10.2021 1:48:42 gen. way of living уклад жизни (These mountain communities differ from one another in terms of their way of living and family life.)
14.10.2021 1:48:42 gen. way of living жизненный уклад
12.10.2021 14:02:59 polit. off-track отставать (напр., от графика: Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic we were off-track to end world hunger and malnutrition by 2030.)
12.10.2021 14:02:59 polit. off-track выбиться из графика
12.10.2021 14:02:59 polit. off-track отставание
5.10.2021 2:34:04 gen. get hooked on свихнуться (на ком/чем-либо)
5.10.2021 2:34:04 gen. get hooked on "заболеть" (чем/кем-либо)
5.10.2021 2:32:43 gen. get hooked on запасть на (кого/что-либо)
5.10.2021 2:32:43 gen. get hooked on загореться (чем-либо)
5.10.2021 1:37:35 gen. enviable престижный (The enviable title of "master trainer" was earned by those farmers who completed the training)
21.04.2021 13:26:01 gen. brighten up расцветить (Artists brighten up life beneath our feet)
21.04.2021 13:26:01 gen. brighten up расцвечивать (Artists brighten up life beneath our feet)
18.03.2021 18:23:49 polit. champion предложить (= propose: The Government of Zambia, with the support of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)'s Commission ..., has proposed for the observance of an International Day of Plant Health (IDPH) to provide continuity ...: Championed by the Government of Zambia, the proposal of an International Day is expected to be validated by the UN General Assembly this autumn.)
18.03.2021 18:23:49 polit. champion выдвинуть предложение (= propose: The Government of Zambia, with the support of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)'s Commission ..., has proposed for the observance of an International Day of Plant Health (IDPH) to provide continuity ...: Championed by the Government of Zambia, the proposal of an International Day is expected to be validated by the UN General Assembly this autumn.)
30.01.2021 22:42:44 inf. matter дорогого стоить (Your views and recommendations matter.)
19.01.2021 13:54:07 law piece of immovable property объект недвижимого имущества
22.11.2020 13:50:55 int.rel. multi-governmental межправительственный (multi-governmental partnerships)
13.03.2020 15:31:44 fin. in the lead-up to в канун (In the lead-up to World Malaria Day 2020, WHO joins the RBM Partnership to End Malaria)
13.03.2020 15:31:44 fin. in the lead-up to накануне (In the lead-up to World Malaria Day 2020, WHO joins the RBM Partnership to End Malaria)
26.01.2020 0:09:09 fin. household assets домашнее имущество
26.01.2020 0:09:09 fin. household assets имущество домохозяйств
26.01.2020 0:09:09 fin. household assets предметы домашней обстановки и обихода
8.04.2019 23:47:38 UN tool справочник
8.04.2019 23:47:38 UN tool руководство
4.08.2018 15:34:43 law type of incorporation cпособ образования
4.08.2018 14:25:27 ed. outstanding achievements in studies особые успехи в учёбе
3.08.2018 22:55:32 health. information and referral service информационно-справочная служба
3.08.2018 14:05:39 gen. ST2 ординатор 2-го года специализации
3.08.2018 13:58:03 O&G SOW сварка со свободной посадкой (slip on weld)
23.05.2016 14:35:57 account. book учитывать (the payments were booked as repayment of the principal – платежи были учтены в счет погашения основной суммы долга)
25.12.2015 14:00:32 law Fundamentals of Notaryship Legislation of the Russian Federation основы законодательства о нотариате
16.12.2015 11:02:02 law as provided by article в силу статьи (пункта; paragraph)
29.05.2015 21:01:25 patents. IR международная регистрация (International Registration (товарного знака))
1.02.2015 2:11:02 gen. foreign travel allowance средства на командировочные расходы за рубежом
22.01.2015 20:39:42 law portfolio пакет (e.g. формирование пакета документов, необходимого для государственной регистрации права собственности на недвижимость)
20.01.2015 13:15:23 law but not limited to среди прочего
15.10.2014 2:10:30 law forfeiture of a share обращение акции в собственность компании
15.10.2014 2:09:23 law forfeiture of a share аннулирование права собственности на акцию
8.09.2014 0:14:09 gen. in the nature of приравниваемый к
8.09.2014 0:14:09 gen. in the nature of сходный с
8.09.2014 0:14:09 gen. in the nature of такого же характера
8.09.2014 0:14:09 gen. in the nature of из рода
8.09.2014 0:08:32 gen. neighbouring and related rights смежные и родственные права
7.09.2014 23:32:52 gen. protective case защитный чехол (планшета, смартфона)
5.09.2014 15:23:00 gen. transcript of registry выписка из реестра (Выписка из судового реестра)
2.09.2014 21:58:46 gen. I.Eng инженер-технолог (Incorporated Engineer wikipedia.org)
22.04.2014 17:01:20 gen. publicly-funded бюджетный (e.g. publicly funded institutions)
2.04.2014 3:58:32 nautic. Certificate of Competency рабочий диплом (CoC)
12.03.2014 17:30:45 law vital record актовая запись (запись акта гражданского состояния (о рождении, браке, ...))
29.08.2013 17:18:56 med. station практическое испытание (напр., в программе повышения квалификации врачей по оказанию экстреннной медицинской помощи при травме (ASTL – Advanced Trauma Life Support Provider Course)))
13.01.2013 1:21:48 med. paramedical activity первичная доврачебная фельдшерская медико-санитарная помощь (prospects.ac.uk, primma.ru)
26.12.2012 1:36:23 law, ADR first purchase option право первоочередного выкупа

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