
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Iricha: 12

30.01.2023 20:58:10 gen. mind you don't fall смотри не упади
3.08.2018 22:15:31 abbr. SCM управление цепочками поставок (Supply Chain Management)
2.05.2016 23:17:19 polit. George Bush Senior Джордж Буш старший
6.10.2013 20:00:51 hist. Fugitive Slave Act Закон о беглых рабах (1850 года)
25.04.2011 22:33:08 gen. action figure игрушка-трансформер
6.12.2010 21:04:09 cinema docu-fiction документальная фантастика (киножанр)
6.12.2010 21:03:29 cinema docufiction документальная фантастика (киножанр – Not to be confused with Docudrama.|| Docufiction (or docu-fiction) is the cinematographic combination of documentary and fiction, this term often meaning narrative film. It is a film genre which attempts to capture reality such as it is (as direct cinema or cinéma vérité) and which simultaneously introduces unreal elements or fictional situations in narrative in order to strengthen the representation of reality using some kind of artistic expression.)
3.12.2010 21:59:09 med. denial of pregnancy неприятие беременности
28.03.2006 22:11:19 cinema Rain man Человек дождя (фильм)
21.02.2006 18:51:03 gen. home schooling домашнее обучение
1.02.2005 21:39:52 lit. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Белоснежка и семь гномов (сказка)
1.12.1999 23:00:00 logist. Supply Chain Management управление цепочками поставок (SCM, УЦП)