
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Bogdan1979: 9

4.08.2018 14:29:26 law reject a case отказать в возбуждении дела для рассмотрения его по существу
3.08.2018 14:13:49 law give tax breaks предоставлять налоговые льготы (The plan includes increasing taxes on imported sugar and giving tax breaks to anyone who wants to invest in local sugar refinement.)
3.08.2018 14:13:49 law give tax breaks освобождать от уплаты налоговых платежей
4.04.2013 21:28:31 industr. electrical shortage дефицит электроэнергии (Hajiya Bilkisu Mohammed heads the Association of Women Farmers in northern Nigeria. She says part of the reason local farmers cannot sell sugar for refining is that factories in this part of Nigeria face continual electrical shortages. д)
4.04.2013 20:50:39 law fail to pay money in taxes не платить налоги
4.04.2013 20:50:39 law fail to pay money in taxes избегать уплаты налоговых обязательств
4.04.2013 20:50:39 law fail to pay money in taxes уклоняться от уплаты налогов (Thailand’s criminal courts found Potjaman Shinawatra guilty of failing to pay $16.3 million in taxes)
27.03.2013 16:38:15 law reject a case отказать в приёме искового заявления (A US court has rejected a case brought against God by an American politician. Ernie Chambers, the longest-serving senator in the state of Nebraska, tried to use the courts to stop God from harming people. The court judge threw Mr. Chambers' case out on a technicality. Nebraska state law requires all defendants in court cases to have an address. This is so state officials can deliver papers requesting the defendant attends court.То есть суд отказался рассматривать дело по существу из-за несоблюденея формы иска.)
27.03.2013 16:38:15 law reject a case отказать в рассмотрении дела по существу