

link 12.01.2019 14:32 
Subject: text of the end of service certificate gen.
помогите плиз перевести "text of the end of service certificate"

6. At the end of 2018, another former official who left the Secretariat in September 2016 introduced a new case before the ILOAT against the decision to reject his internal complaint for alleged moral harassment (mainly related to his disagreement with **the text of the end of service certificate ..

правильно ли я поняла -

"...это касалось его несогласия с формулировкой в конце служебной характеристики "



link 12.01.2019 16:26 
Strictly speaking, it should read 'end-of-service certificate' (with hyphens) where 'end-of-service' is a compound adjective (составное прилагательное). So it's a certificate which confirms that (s.o.'s or sth's) service has come to an end.

As your example seems to relate to a person, 'service' here probably = 'employment'. A person's end-of-service certificate may contain additional details, such as what the person has done in their work, or what their responsibilities were.

The words in a compound adjective should normally be hyphenated to avoid ambiguity – but in practice, English-speakers often (incorrectly) omit the hyphens. In fact, most do!

Similar examples:
* an end-of-year tax certificate
* end-of-life healthcare


link 12.01.2019 17:25 
johnstephenson, thank you very much!


link 13.01.2019 2:14 
end of service - прекращении службы/(увольнение)
the text of the end of service certificate - формулировка мотивов/причин прекращения службы (увольнения)...


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