

link 17.11.2004 10:35 
Subject: Примерно то же самое
Вот такой контекст. Плиз, помогите!

"Примерно то же самое можно сказать и о ... "


link 17.11.2004 10:55 
Almost the same can be said about...
The ... can be characterized in the same words (terms)
We may position the ... about the same way as...
И еще вариантов 21-22, или больше...


link 17.11.2004 10:56 
the same roughly can be said about...


link 17.11.2004 10:57 


link 17.11.2004 11:12 
The same can be said about... The same applies to...


link 17.11.2004 13:10 
(This) (equally) goes for... (as well)


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