

link 19.01.2007 11:10 
Subject: lock arm carrier assembly 10 - 4
Термин из описания проходческого комбайна компании Джоу

у меня неуклюжие варианты, например стпорный рычаг (фиксирующая штанга) планетарного механизма и т.д.

Помогите плиз


link 19.01.2007 11:15 
Я вам здесь не помогу,
а без широкого контекста - никто не поможет.


link 19.01.2007 11:31 
а контекста нет идет описание и все


link 19.01.2007 11:34 
а чертежей, фото, рисунков нет?


link 19.01.2007 12:26 
Может, это поможет?
Time lock with kicker arm carrier actuator
Document Type and Number: United States Patent 4269050
Link to this Page: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4269050.html
Abstract: The invention disclosed in the application is a time lock for bank vault doors and the like having a plurality of timer units of the settable dial type with a clockwork mechanism which includes a slip clutch in the gear train which permits the main winding stem to be rotated in an unwinding direction to move the dial in a descending time direction if it has been overdriven to a higher time setting than desired, and which includes a kicker arm mechanism to be abruptly kicked by spring force against a carrier assembly for the time lock unit to shift the carrier to release position when the dial reaches zero time


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