

link 6.12.2006 16:39 
Subject: pronouncement stories
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Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
What appears to be a historical narrative can sometimes be explained as the product of the inventive faculty of a community or individual. Scholars applying the method of tradition criticism often assert that in the case of the so-called pronouncement stories the original element is simply the saying ascribed (correctly or incorrectly) to Jesus: these sayings were remembered because they were important for the early church.

Заранее спасибо


link 6.12.2006 16:48 
"Pronouncement story (stories)" is a term used in form criticism to describe a unit in the gospels. Some examples include "parable," "miracle story", and "story about Jesus."


link 6.12.2006 18:59 
Может подойдет "пересказы библейских историй"?


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