

link 28.11.2006 7:55 
Subject: зри в корень
кто-нибудь знает англ версию?? if any...

 Alexis a.k.a. Althea

link 28.11.2006 8:09 
Get to the root [of smth]


link 28.11.2006 8:11 
the first thing that comes to mind:
get to the bottom:
get to the bottom of something to find out the cause of a problem or situation:

get the the root cause of a problem


link 28.11.2006 8:13 


link 28.11.2006 8:13 
to get at/to the root/heart/crux/bottom of smth/of the matter/the problem

to get (right)down to the nub of the matter (the problem etc)

Если повелительное наклонение, то: look beneath the surface

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