

link 22.11.2006 8:44 
Subject: help - please!
tak zhe kak moi lybimi no bedni yozhik, ya zabludilas v tymane. ni kto ne pomozhet mne ponyat' shto oni hotyat ot menya zdes?

Комиссионное вознаграждение по платежам (и доплатам, в том числе разовым) клиентов в бюджеты всех уровней, с общеустановленных Законодательством, периодических платежей по фиксированными ставкам и срокам уплаты не взимается, по всем остальным платежам, в том числе разовым, в бюджеты всех уровней взимается комиссия согласно общим условиям данных Тарифов.

spasiba orgromnoe za pomosch!

vot shto y menya est': eto kOshmar!
Commission for client payments (and additional payments, including non-recurrent) to budgets of type , с общеустановленных Законодательством, recurring fixed-rate payments and срокам уплаты shall not be deducted по всем остальным платежам, including non-recurrent, в бюджеты всех уровней взимается комиссия in accordance with general terms of these Tariffs


link 22.11.2006 9:07 
commission fee shall not be charged in respect of periodical payment to be made as per fixed rate and schedule as set by the Legislation ireespectively of the level of budget (including one-time payment)to which the payment shall be transfered; as for any other payment, including one-time payment, commission fee shall be charged based on the general conditions of respective Tariff


link 22.11.2006 9:41 
thanks for the help!
i edited it a little and here is what we have:
Commission fees shall be charged irrespective of periodical payments to be made as per fixed rate and the schedule as set by Legislation irrespectively of the level of the budget (including one-time payment)to which the payment shall be transferred; as for any other payment, including one-time payment, commission fees shall be charged based on the general conditions of the Tariffs.


link 22.11.2006 9:49 
poluchilos cho comissionie budut uplachivatsa nezavisimo perodicheski plateji ili net, smisl iskazilsa

nina vniknis


link 22.11.2006 10:13 
берите чтоинть попроще
не тянете вы это
не ваше это
не мучайте себя
не мучайте нас


link 22.11.2006 10:16 
no comment


link 22.11.2006 10:20 
i do have a comment.
come in here under your REAL nik and say that. be honest about who you are. no sense in hiding behind newly thought-up niks just to insult me. i am used to getting it from everyone around here. one more, or even an old one, won't hurt me.


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