

link 8.11.2006 22:50 
Subject: capital reimbursable in fine fin.
Люди добрые,

подскажите, пож-та:

1. что значит "capital resimbursable in fine" в следующем контексте. Очевидно, что речь идет о возврате заемного капитала, но что такое "in fine"?

Bearing in mind that the maximum reimbursement capacity of FrenchCo would be capped to the rent net of expenses incurred by Target SARL, i.e., 1.000.000 € (see above), the maximum capital that could be borne from a bank, under a loan with a capital reimbursable in fine and a fixed annual interest would depend on the interest rate that could be negotiated with the bank.

2. Wealth tax is deductible from it's own basis - Налог на личное состояние подлежит вычету из собственной налогооблагаемой базы?

3. underlying property - базовая собственность?

4. The global reimbursement capacity of LuxCo would in this case be capped to the dividends that might be distributed by its French subsidiary and that would roughly correspond to the net after tax income generated by Target SARL.
"global reimbursement capacity" - общая возможность погашения кредита?



link 9.11.2006 10:03 
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