

link 6.11.2006 21:51 
Subject: Franchise, Source of Business market.
Речь идет о потребителях сигарет определенной марки. Все понятно, кроме самих подзаголовков.

2. Who are our audience?

• Demographics: Predominantly male (80%) smokers 18¬35 years
old, with special or higher education and residing mainly urban or suburban environment. They have average income and occupy a full range of civil occupations (more skewed towards ‘qualified worker’, ‘clerk’, ‘professional’, ‘student’occupation groups)
Psychographics: optimistic, strong¬minded, self confident Russian people
Personal features: thorough, self¬confident, unsophisticated, realistic, practical, housewifely, appreciate strong relationship and permanent friends, appreciate their labour, because they always create the real things, they don’t like to change their habits and are always busy
Main interests and hobbies: football, fishery, hunting, socializing with friends and relatives in the countryside, social drinking
Patriotism: they are proud for their country no matter what, they believe in their historical roots
Younger Mid¬Price smokers value company a lot and do not feel the need to stand out
Older smokers ‘know their worth’and value security, stability, achieving goals, sense of responsibility

Primary target ¬ Up¬traders from Value Segment (Apollo Soyuz, Yava, Balkan Star, Maxim, Troyka, Don Tabak);
Secondary target ¬ Mid¬price brand smokers: Yava Gold, LD, Bond Street, Next, Soyuz Apollo Special; Occasional users of sub¬premium brands: L&M, Pall Mall, Vek 21


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