

link 26.10.2006 12:30 
Subject: to mention the 'G' word
Narod? nikak ne mogu najti perevod: to mention the 'g' word. Ne podskazhete?

 Translucid Mushroom

link 26.10.2006 12:31 


link 26.10.2006 12:32 
it's usually something between two people. you have a conversation ie:
A: so lalalalalalla.
B: Yah, and lalaall, not to mention the "H" word (you can substitute the first letter of any word here.

it's a way of talking about something but not letting other people understadn what the heck you meant.

or it could mean something else.


link 26.10.2006 12:33 
слово на букву "g"


link 26.10.2006 13:04 
God, я полагаю

 Francis Fanon

link 26.10.2006 13:05 
Maybe "Gay"


link 26.10.2006 13:24 


link 26.10.2006 13:45 
Это слова религиозной тематики


link 26.10.2006 13:49 
nephew совершенно права.


link 26.10.2006 13:50 
then it's probably GOd and they dont want to say it b/c it's considered a sin
mentioning the G word for chrisians is really quite bad.
there was a girl at my university studying the history of religion and something-or-other who when confronted with writting it in a paper would always write G _ _.
Very pious girl.


link 26.10.2006 13:54 
по-русски тоже пишут Б-г, почему-то по большей части там, где большинство присутствующих евреи. по моим собственным наблюдениям.


link 26.10.2006 13:59 
in general it's a respect thing. This girl was Muslim but always did it b/c she sees that God is the same everywhere no matter what name they gave him not depending on "how much they later went and perverted his meaning and his prophets' meanings thus creating other religions," in her words. While she is not Christian she still has respect for the concept of God.
Allah was A ----, Yaweh was Y----, God was G-- and so on.


link 26.10.2006 14:05 


link 26.10.2006 14:06 


link 26.10.2006 14:10 
why does it surprise you that Jews do this?
Jews also use the term God and also consider it sinful to use the word/name in vain.


link 26.10.2006 14:11 
Well, it's not Christians, but Jews who do this.


link 26.10.2006 14:14 
Барух ата адонай
элохейну мелех хаолам
ашер кидишану бемицвотав
вецивану лехадлик нер шел ханука

Благословен Ты, Господь наш Бог Владыка вселенной, освятивший нас своими заповедями и позволивший нам зажигать свечи Хануки.

What about it? :)


link 26.10.2006 14:15 
What sin is, if a person mentions God?
Iit is a sin to say "Oh my G__ "all the time. But in religious context - why not?


link 26.10.2006 14:22 
you should ask a priest

but it is a sin to use God's name in vain (some take the meaning farther than others)

consult a priest


link 26.10.2006 14:34 
Библия запрещает использовать имя Бога просто так, хотя многие христиане на самом деле так и не занют какое его настоящее, в отличие от мусульман. Господь, Бог, Отец - это все принятые названия для того чтобы не упоминать имени.

На самом деле христианского Бога зовут Яхве, Иехова, Иегова (по моему в переводе с санскрита - один корень)


link 26.10.2006 14:58 
quite right, quite right indeed

 Translucid Mushroom

link 26.10.2006 15:39 
Всё прекрасно, но нужен контекст. (:


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