

link 4.10.2006 6:34 
Subject: complimented his face lit.
Помогите, пожалуйста, с переводом:

Bristles covered his rocklike chin, and the atrocious gaze he wore complimented his face perfectly.

Предложение встречается в следующем контексте:
Alone traveler advanced on horseback through a forest road a few miles from the village. Bristles covered his rocklike chin, and the atrocious gaze he wore complimented his face perfectly. His look, and the rivet gun at his waist, gave clear testimony to the nature of this man. He was one of the outlaws that roamed the Frontier.


link 4.10.2006 6:48 
...и гнусное выражение его лица самым естественным образом дополняло его внешность - имхо


link 4.10.2006 6:56 
To kinsman


 Snail 64

link 4.10.2006 7:01 
Из текста совершенно не следует, что выражение лица гнусное, скорее речь идет о свирепом взгляде, кроме того, есть подозрение, что compliment употреблено с опечаткой - в значении "дополнять" все-таки должно быть напечатано complement - это не к переводу, а что аскер знал, что есть два таких разных слова:)))


link 4.10.2006 7:06 
Я тоже хотел написать свирепое, но не был до конца уверен.
ugly to look at: ugly in taste or appearance


link 4.10.2006 7:10 
Sorry, но это слово пишется, как сomplimented

Нет опечатки. Если только сами издатели ничего не напутали.

Спасибо всем за помощь.


link 4.10.2006 7:14 
Я не думаю, что в тексте опечатка. Хорошо, можно поправить:
гнусное (или свирепое) выражение его лица идеально вписывалось в его образ, имхо


link 4.10.2006 8:17 
Еще один вопрос.
Как можно перевести - this honey's a nut job all right ?


link 4.10.2006 8:21 


link 4.10.2006 8:23 
Before he pulled back on the reins, the man found himself doubting his own eyes. Fifteen feet or so ahead, a young lady stepped out from behind some trees and onto the road. That was enticing enough. But her curvaceous figure burned into the man's retinas.
The girl was stark naked.
What's this ... a Frontier whore? Pro or not, I can't figure why she'd be out running around like that. . . Maybe she's wacko?
Although his mind had plodded along that far, the crass thug's reason melted away in an instant, and his brain became occupied solely by deeds that might be done with the girl. Still, he waited a moment, scanning the surroundings with a caution he'd learned through his numerous bloody encounters.
No one around? If so, this honey's a nut job all right. I can have her every which way, and kill her when I'm done. Way out here I won't have to worry about anyone finding her till she's nothing but bones.


link 4.10.2006 8:38 
Этого достаточно?


link 4.10.2006 8:40 
Если это так, то эта красотка действительно чокнутая, имхо


link 4.10.2006 8:45 


link 4.10.2006 9:36 
В качестве продолжения темы /немного эротики/

He gave chase for perhaps all of five minutes, the breath rasping loudly from his nostrils.
Plunging through the same luxuriant foliage that had swallowed the naked form, the man suddenly jolted to a halt.
The girl was lying in the meadow right in front of him. His gaze was riveted to her breasts, turning up to remarkable rosy knobs, and her damply glistening thighs. The girl moaned and twisted her lower half. There was precious little chance he'd realize her intent was to show more of her ass than was really necessary. Her pale skin was strangely bloodless, and yet her lips alone were weirdly crimson, but the thug did not notice.

Был очень маленький шанс, что он поймет, что ее намерение состояло в том, чтобы показать больше ягодиц, чем это было необходимо... ????


link 4.10.2006 10:02 
Девушка постанывала от вожделения, эротично вращая нижней половиной своего тела. Так, что у него вряд ли мог\ ли закрасться какие-либо сомнения (это не оставляло ему практически никаких сомнений) в том, что она переигрывает в демонстрации своих прелестей (форм). - имхо


link 4.10.2006 10:04 


link 4.10.2006 12:01 
Плиз! Еще одна фраза на посошок.

She was laughing with the face of a devil.
As he tried to jump off, one frail arm held his body down, and the fingers of the other sank into his right hand as he made a grab for his rivet gun.
When the lips that curled back to reveal fangs closed on him, the man finally screamed. And long though it lasted, the deep woods drank it all.


link 4.10.2006 12:25 
И хотя вопль (дикого вепря) был протяжным, лес поглотил его полностью (без эха), имхо


link 4.10.2006 12:30 
Еще раз - СПАСИБО.


link 4.10.2006 13:08 
Между ... и .... перерывчик небольшой.

Оne of the Vigilance Committee members who'd gone missing after he went to check the water level was found dead this morning under the bridge, and the confirmation that the body had been completely free of wounds caused quite a uproar.
That much might have been excusable, but when the mayor learned of this and headed straight for the barn, there was no sign of either D or the corpse of the monster there, just the woman sleeping as soundly as ever, but with a mark like a "t" on her forehead. Lina still wasn't sure if it had been drawn in blood or something else.


link 4.10.2006 13:45 
Это еще можно было бы хоть как-то объяснить...
Для этого еще можно было бы найти хоть какое это объяснение...
Лина все еще не могла с определенной долей уверенности сказать, была ли эта отметка выведена кровью или чем-либо еще. - имхо


link 4.10.2006 14:18 


link 6.10.2006 12:38 
Please help!!!!

In this era, mental defects and other problems traditionally caused by inbreeding no longer existed. For some reason, the Nobility had chosen to share the fruit of their genetic engineering expertise with the human race. Hereditary diseases were a thing of the past. Even the names of the diseases were no longer remembered by humanity.
No doubt it was the shadow from ten years earlier that made Lina's spirit sink like lead.
Cuore had never recovered from his dementia, and that fact alone was enough to terrify the villagers.


link 6.10.2006 12:58 
Please help!!!!

In this era, mental defects and other problems traditionally caused by inbreeding no longer existed. For some reason, the Nobility had chosen to share the fruit of their genetic engineering expertise with the human race. Hereditary diseases were a thing of the past. Even the names of the diseases were no longer remembered by humanity.
No doubt it was the shadow from ten years earlier that made Lina's spirit sink like lead.
Cuore had never recovered from his dementia, and that fact alone was enough to terrify the villagers.
Без сомнения эта трагедия десятилетней давности наложила отпечаток на душу Лины ????


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