

link 22.09.2006 9:10 
Subject: Плиз Хелп! force majuere юр.
Перевела все!!! кроме этого пункта (почему то не могу зацепиться)
это force majuere

В соответствии с п.п. 16.2 и 16.3 Контракта, если не оговорено иное, препятствием может являться утрата лицензий, виз или разрешений, необходимых для исполнения Контракта, выданных официальными учреждениями страны, стороне претендующей на освобождение от ответственности.


link 22.09.2006 10:20 
Pursuant to paras. 16.2, 16.3 of the Agreement, unless provided otherwise, the loss of licences, visas, or permits needed for performance under the Agreement, and issued by the country's official authorities to the party claiming relief from liability, can constitute an obstacle.


link 22.09.2006 10:25 
In accordance with p.16.2 and 16.3 of the Contract, unless specifically indicated otherwise, the obstacle shall be the loss of the licenses, visas or permissions, necessary for the Contract fulfillment, which were issued by the state authorities for the Party claiming for release from responsibility.


link 22.09.2006 10:44 
Pursuant to points 16.2 and 16.3 of the Contract, unless otherwise stipulated herein, the loss of licenses, visas or authorizations issued by official state organs and necessary for the fulfillment of the Contract to the party filing/claiming (?) for release from its contractual obligations, can constitute disqualification(?).



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