

link 21.09.2006 13:23 
Subject: No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin
Не могу понять как переводится эта фраза в сказочке о трех поросенках.

He had hardly moved in when the wolf came walking by and seeing the new house knocked on the door. "Little pig, little pig" he said "Open up the door and let me in." Now the little pig's mother had warned him about strangers so he said "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I'll not let you in." "Now I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down." Cried the wolf.

 Translucid Mushroom

link 21.09.2006 13:30 
ни за какие коврижки



link 21.09.2006 16:01 


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