

link 14.09.2006 9:04 
Subject: религия, без контекста...
The Day of Atonment


link 14.09.2006 9:10 

Лингво: atonement 1) расплата, искупление ( греха, вины )


link 14.09.2006 9:12 


link 14.09.2006 9:15 
Спасибо ;)


link 14.09.2006 9:36 
Судный день?


link 14.09.2006 9:37 
"Терминатор 2"? :)


link 14.09.2006 10:11 
Если без контекста, то м\б и Yom Kippur. А поищите в форуме, обсуждалось...


link 14.09.2006 10:15 
что выдает тов. Гугль))


link 14.09.2006 10:26 

Christ is our Substitute

Deep down we all know that we need help. The Day of Atonement was meant to point us to Jesus. The Day of Atonement helps us understand what Christ came to do. Eugene Peterson brings to life the words of Hebrews 9 in his contemporary paraphrase called The Message,

Christ didn’t enter the earthly version of the Holy Place; he entered the Place Itself, and offered himself to God as the sacrifice for our sins. He doesn’t do this every year as the high priests did under the old plan with blood that was not their own; if that had been the case, he would have to sacrifice himself repeatedly throughout the course of history. But instead he sacrificed himself once and for all, summing up all the other sacrifices in this sacrifice of himself, the final solution of sin. (9:24-26)

The author of Hebrews tells us several things about Christ.

First, His sacrifice was presented not in an earthly tent or temple, it was made in Heaven.
Second, He did not use the blood of bulls and goats, but His own blood
Third, His sacrifice cleanses us inside and out
Fourth, His sacrifice was once and for all
The picture of the two goats helps us understand what Christ did on the cross. On the one hand Christ paid the price for our sin to God (like the goat that was sacrificed). He satisfied the demands of holy justice that wrong might be paid for. Second, he removed our sin (like the scapegoat). Christ was our substitute. Our sins were placed on His head and transferred to His account and that account was settled at the cross. Sin has been removed from our account. It is no longer on the record books of Heaven. In theological terms these two aspects of Christ's work is called propitiation and expiation.

Maybe you could think of it this way. Suppose you had a great debt that you owed that you could not pay. The creditors were foreclosing and you were helpless to stop the process. Now suppose someone came and paid your debt? But suppose they not only paid your debt but also eliminated every trace of that debt from your financial record. It was removed from your credit rating, it was removed from bank records. And suppose this someone promised you that when you ran into trouble again, He would make sure you would not be foreclosed on. That is what Christ has done for us.

One more thing you need to see. When Jesus died on the cross a very noteworthy thing happened, In Matthew 27:51 we read, "At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." What curtain was this? It was the curtain between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or the Holy of Holies. In other words the way into God's presence was opened. Not only was sin removed, but we now have access into the presence of God. We don't have to wait for the priest to go to God for us. We can go ourselves. We don't have to wait for Yom Kippur, we can go at any time. We are not restricted to one day a year. We can come into His presence regularly.

The writer to the Hebrews makes this grand declaration,

So, friends, we can now—without hesitation—walk right up to God, into "the Holy Place." Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of his sacrifice, acting as our priest before God. (Hebrew 10:19,20 THE MESSAGE)


link 14.09.2006 10:46 
Кульминация годичного круга богослужений – «День искупления», или «Судный день» (Йом-киппур, отмечался в десятый день седьмого месяца), когда святилище, священники и народ очищались от греха. В этот день первосвященник единственный раз в году входил в Святое Святых, в пустыню выпускали «козла отпущения», который должен был унести с собою все грехи людей, и подтверждался союз-завет, заключенный с Богом .

В Новом Завете у апостола Павла в Послании к Римлянам употребляется слово katallage, «примирение» (Рим 5:11). Все новозаветные авторы единодушно связывали это «примирение» со смертью Христа, которая воспринималась и как свидетельство греховности людей, и как выражение божественной любви и всепрощения. Эта идея ясно выражена в словах самого Христа, говорящего, что «Сын Человеческий» пришел, «чтобы... отдать душу Свою для искупления многих» (Мк 10:45), и что он проливает свою кровь «за многих» (Мк 14:24). Понимание примирения с Богом у апостола Павла основано на идее самоотождествления Христа с верующими, которые будут оправданы Богом ради всесовершенной праведности Христа.


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