

link 25.08.2006 9:38 
Subject: Who's likely to make what competitive moves next?
Помогите, пожалуйста перевести: Who's likely to make what competitive moves next?

Thompson and Strickland define the following questions that need to be answered to carry out industry and competitive analysis:
1. What are the industry's dominant economic features?
2. What competitive forces are at work in the industry and how strong are they?
3. What are the drivers of change in the industry and what impact will they have?
4. Which companies are in the strongest/weakest competitive position?
5. Who's likely to make what competitive moves next?
6. What key factors will determine competitive success or failure?
7. How attractive is the industry in terms of its prospects for above-average profitability?


link 25.08.2006 9:47 
Кто и и в каком направлении первым предпримет шаги по укреплению конкурентоспособности/конкурентноспособной позиции?


link 25.08.2006 10:17 
Кто может принять очередные меры (предпринять очередные действия/шаги) в области конкурентной борьбы, и какие?


link 25.08.2006 10:32 
kinsman, perpetrator, спасибо


link 25.08.2006 10:57 
От кого ожидать очередных шагов, нацеленных на завоевание рынка?


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