

link 29.06.2006 13:00 
Subject: challenge
Подскажите, плиз, к чему в данном контексте относится challenge?

In most situations the best conditions for taking a representative sample of the reservoir fluid are during the exploration phase before the formation pressure has started to drop. Some specialised fluid studies may be identified later and the required samples taken successfully during the production phase. There will be differences in the challenge depending on whether the reservoir fluid is an oil, a near-critical fluid, a gas condensate or or a dry gas.


link 29.06.2006 13:05 
Все чаще звучит перевод "челленджа" как какого-то "вызова", что контекстуально неоправданно.

В данном случае: differences in the challenge - разница в постановке задачи


link 29.06.2006 13:07 
ага, спасибо :)


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