

link 15.06.2006 11:52 
Subject: right out from under…
Всегда ли “right out from under…” – прямо из-под (нас, нашего носа)?

1) Consuming the Earth right out from under us. – Растрачивать Землю прямо из-под… нашего носа. Верно ли?

2) The recent attempt by the Bush administration to turn at least six U.S. sea ports over to the control of the United Arab Emirates is only the latest example of how America's leaders are selling our country right out from under us. [...] Face it, folks: our leaders are selling our country right out from under us. – Ребята, заглянем правде в глаза: наши руководители занимаются распродажей страны прямо у нас из-под…

3) "You walk by any Starbucks and you see people with a laptop, it's so tempting for the crooks. They walk in, right on top of the person, and the person has all their attention on the laptop. They snatch it right out from underneath their fingertips. (Laptop thieves descend upon wireless cafes Grab-and-run robbers find pricey computers easy to resell). – Чувствуется ли здесь разница между ‘underneath their…’ и ”under their…”?

4) They waited until the last minute, business got so busy that they forgot altogether, or an error occurred with the registrar company and before these businesses knew it, someone had come along and snatched up their domain name, right out from under them. [...] A week later, his domain name "officially" expired and someone purchased it right out from under him! All that work, gone! [...] He had gone out and purchased the name she had chosen for her company... right out from under her!

5) This place has stars and suns and every other celestial body you can imagine hanging from strings. Oh yeah, there's also a moon that's a harp played by a very muscular arm growing right out from the crescent. It's also Botei's favourite place to give it to Elvis.


link 15.06.2006 13:47 
Уважаемые, неужто не имеется каких-либо соображений по этому поводу?


link 15.06.2006 13:51 
Есть одно - не перепутайте вот с таким выражением:

out from under
Now that I'm out from under I can relax — Сейчас, когда я от этого избавился, я могу вздохнуть спокойно She felt like she would never be out from under — У нее было такое чувство, будто она никогда с этим не разделается

А про right out from under us/him/her/... у вас наверно все правильно


link 15.06.2006 13:55 
Как всегда - Скай... Спасибо.


link 15.06.2006 13:56 
Вы чи словарь разговорных выражений пишете, чи шо? :о)


link 15.06.2006 14:02 
(Чи) Вы... :-))
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