

link 10.05.2006 19:27 
Subject: Уже вечер. На дворе весна. А я сижу за компьютерном столом закрывшись в своей комнате. Обычно наш дом полон детей и шума. Но сейчас как ни странно так тихо что я могла полностью окунутся в свои мысли.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.

Заранее спасибо


link 10.05.2006 20:18 
It is already evening. It is spring. I am sitting at the computer desk after locking myself shut in my room. Normally our house is full of children’s activity and noise. But at very the moment I am writing this, it is unnaturally so quiet that I could fully/completely surrender to/withdraw to/give way to my thoughts.

 Ken Golovin

link 11.05.2006 1:26 
The evening has come. Spring is out there. Yet I am sitting at the PC desk in my room with all doors shut. Usually our house is overwhelmed by kids and noise. Oddly enough, right now it is so quiet that I could completely surrender to my thoughts.


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